cpanfile - A format for describing CPAN dependencies for Perl applications


requires 'Catalyst', '5.8000'; # 5.8000 or newer
requires 'Catalyst::View::JSON', '>= 0.30, < 0.40';

recommends 'JSON::XS', '2.0';
conflicts 'JSON', '< 1.0';

on 'test' => sub {
  requires 'Test::More', '>= 0.96, < 2.0';
  recommends 'Test::TCP', '1.12';

on 'develop' => sub {
  recommends 'Devel::NYTProf';

feature 'sqlite', 'SQLite support' => sub {
  recommends 'DBD::SQLite';


This doucment describes cpanfile format version 1.0.


cpanfile describes CPAN dependencies required to execute associated Perl code.

Place the cpanfile in the root of the directory containing the associated code. For instance, in a Catalyst application, place the cpanfile in the same directory as myapp.conf.

Tools supporting cpanfile format (e.g. cpanm and carton) will automatically detect the file and install dependencies for the code to run.

There are also tools to support converting cpanfile to CPAN toolchain compatible formats, such as Module::CPANfile, Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereqs::FromCPANfile, Module::Install::CPANfil, so that cpanfile can be used to describe dependencies for a CPAN distribution as well.


Tatsuhiko Miyagawa


The format (DSL syntax) is inspired by Module::Install and Module::Build::Functions.

cpanfile specification (this document) is based on Ruby's Gemfile specification.


CPAN::Meta::Spec Module::Install Carton