Plack::Builder - OO and DSL to enable Plack Middlewares


# in .psgi
use Plack::Builder;

my $app = sub { ... };

builder {
    enable "Plack::Middleware::Foo";
    enable "Plack::Middleware::Bar", opt => "val";
    enable "Plack::Middleware::Baz";
    enable sub {
        my $app = shift;
        sub {
            my $env = shift;

# use URLMap

builder {
    mount "/foo" => builder {
        enable "Plack::Middleware::Foo";

    mount "/bar" => $app2;
    mount "" => builder { $app3 };


Plack::Builder gives you a quick domain specific language (DSL) to wrap your application with Plack::Middleware subclasses. The middleware you're trying to use should use Plack::Middleware as a base class to use this DSL, inspired by Rack::Builder.

Whenever you call add on any middleware, the middleware app is pushed to the stack inside the builder, and then reversed when it actually creates a wrapped application handler, so:

builder {
    enable "Plack::Middleware::Foo";
    enable "Plack::Middleware::Bar", opt => "val";

is syntactically equal to:

$app = Plack::Middleware::Bar->wrap($app, opt => "val");
$app = Plack::Middleware::Foo->wrap($app);

In other words, you're supposed to add middleware from outer to inner.

Additionally, you can call enable with a coderef, which would take $app and returns a another psgi-app which consumes $env in runtime. So:

my $mw = sub {
    my $app = shift;
    sub { my $env = shift; $app->($env) };

builder {
    enable $mw;

is syntactically equal to:

$app = $mw->($app);

URLMap support

Plack::Builder has a native support for Plack::App::URLMap with mount method.

use Plack::Builder;
my $app = builder {
    mount "/foo" => $app1;
    mount "/bar" => builder {
        enable "Plack::Middleware::Foo";

See Plack::App::URLMap's map method to see what they mean. With builder you can't use map as a DSL, for the obvious reason :)

Note: Once you use mount in your builder code, you have to use mount for all the paths, including the root path (/). You can't have the default app in the last line of builder like:

builder {
    mount "/foo" => sub { ... };
    sub {
        my $env = shift; # THIS DOESN'T WORK

You'll get warnings saying that your mount configuration will be ignored. Instead you should use mount "/" => ... in the last line to set the default fallback app.


You can use enable_if to conditionally enable middleware based on the runtime environment. See Plack::Middleware::Conditional for details.


Plack::Middleware Plack::App::URLMap Plack::Middleware::Conditional