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Plack::Middleware::Static - serve static files with Plack


builder {
enable "Plack::Middleware::Static",
path => qr{^/(images|js|css)/}, root => './htdocs/';


Enable this middleware to allow your Plack-based application to serve static files.

If the given request matches with the pattern defined in path, this middleware will try to locate the file in root. If the file exists it will be served but otherwise 404 response will be returned. See pass_through option below to change this behavior.

If the requested document is not within the root (i.e. directory traversal) or the file is there but not readable, a 403 Forbidden response will be returned.

The content type returned will be determined from the file extension based on Plack::MIME.


path, root
enable "Plack::Middleware::Static",
path => qr{^/static/}, root => 'htdocs/';

path specifies the URL pattern (regular expression) or a callback to match with requests to serve static files for. root specifies the root directory to serve those static files from. The default value of root is the current directory.

This examples configuration serves /static/foo.jpg from htdocs/static/foo.jpg. Note that the matched /static/ portion is still appears in the local mapped path. If you don't like it, use a callback instead to munge $_:

enable "Plack::Middleware::Static",
path => sub { s!^/static/!! }, root => 'static-files/';

This configuration would serve /static/foo.png from static-files/foo.png (not static-files/static/foo.png). The callback specified in path option matches against $_ and then updates the value since it does s///, and returns the number of matches, so it will pass through when /static/ doesn't match.

If you want to map multiple static directories from different root, simply add "this", middleware multiple times with different configuration options.


By turning on this option, this middleware will pass the request back to the application for further processing, if the incoming request path matches with the path but the requested file is not found on the file system.


Tokuhiro Matsuno, Tatsuhiko Miyagawa


Plack::Middleware Plack::Builder