use strict;
use base qw( Plagger::Rule );
sub init {
my $self = shift;
if (my $config = $self->{mtime}) {
my $path = $config->{path};
# If autoupdate is set, automatically touch the file
my $now = time;
my $mtime = (stat($path))[9];
if ($config->{autoupdate}) {
if ($mtime) {
utime $now, $now, $path or Plagger->context->error("$path: $!");
} else {
open my $fh, ">", $path or Plagger->context->error("$path: $!");
} else {
$mtime or Plagger->context->error("$path: $!")
$self->{timestamp} = $mtime || 0;
} else {
$self->{duration} ||= 120;
$self->{timestamp} = time - ($self->{duration}) * 60;
$self->{compare_dt} = Plagger::Date->from_epoch(epoch => $self->{timestamp});
sub id {
my $self = shift;
return "fresh:$self->{duration}min";
sub as_title {
my $self = shift;
my $duration = $self->{duration}
? "within " . $self->duration_friendly
: "since " . $self->{compare_dt}->strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M');
return "updated " . $duration;
sub duration_friendly {
my $self = shift;
eval { require Time::Duration };
return $@ ? "$self->{duration} minutes"
: Time::Duration::duration(60 * $self->{duration});
sub dispatch {
my($self, $args) = @_;
my $date;
if ($args->{entry}) {
$date = $args->{entry}->date;
} elsif ($args->{feed}) {
$date = $args->{feed}->updated;
} else {
Plagger->context->error("No entry nor feed object in this plugin phase");
# no date field ... should be Fresh, ugh.
$date ? $date >= $self->{compare_dt} : 1;
=head1 NAME
Plagger::Rule::Fresh - Rule to find 'fresh' entries or feeds
# entries updated within 120 minutes
- module: SmartFeed
id: fresh-entries
module: Fresh
duration: 120
# remove entries older than mtime of /tmp/foo.tmp
- module: Filter::Rule
module: Fresh
path: /tmp/foo.tmp
autoupdate: 1
This rule finds fresh entries or feeds, which means updated date is
within C<duration> minutes. It defaults to 2 hours, but you'd better
configure the value with your cronjob interval.
=head1 CONFIG
=over 4
=item C<duration>
duration: 5
This rule matches with entries posted within 5 minutes. When you
invoke C<plagger> script in cronjob, you'd better specify the
same C<duration> variable with the job interval.
It defaults to I<120>, which means 2 hours.
=item C<mtime>
path: /path/to/mtime.file
autoupdate: 1
This rule matches with entries newer than mtime of
C</path/to/mtime.file>. If C<autoupdate> option is set (default is
off), this plugin automatically creates and updates the file in plugin
registration phase.
=head1 AUTHOR
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa
Thanks to youpy, who originally wrote Plagger::Plugin::Filter::Fresh
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Plagger>, L<Time::Duration>