use strict;
use File::Copy::Recursive qw[rcopy];
use URI;
our $VERSION = '0.02';
sub register {
my($self, $context) = @_;
'publish.feed' => \&add_feed,
sub add_feed {
my($self, $context, $args) = @_;
my $feed = $args->{feed};
if ($feed->id ne 'smartfeed:all') {
$context->error("Publish::Planet requires SmartFeed::All to run.");
my $theme = $self->conf->{theme} || $self->conf->{skin} || 'default'; # 'skin' as backward compatible
my $file = File::Spec->catfile($theme, 'template', '');
my $stash = $self->build_stash;
my $vars = {
feed => $feed,
entries => [ grep is_http($_->link), $feed->entries ],
members => [ $context->subscription->feeds ],
$self->templatize($file, $vars),
File::Spec->catfile($self->conf->{dir}, 'index.html'),
sub is_http {
my $uri = URI->new(shift);
my $scheme = $uri->scheme or return;
$scheme eq 'http' or $scheme eq 'https';
sub build_stash {
my $self = shift;
my $stash = $self->conf->{template} || {};
# backward compatible for non Bundle::Planet users
$stash->{url}->{base} ||= '';
$stash->{url}->{atom} ||= "$stash->{url}->{base}/smartfeed_all.atom";
$stash->{url}->{rss} ||= "$stash->{url}->{base}/smartfeed_all.rss";
# make style_url as absolute URIs
if (my $stylesheet = $stash->{style_url} and $stash->{url}->{base}) {
$stylesheet = [ $stylesheet ] unless ref $stylesheet;
$stash->{style_url} = [ map URI->new_abs($_, $stash->{url}->{base})->as_string, @$stylesheet ];
sub _write_index {
my ($self, $context, $index, $file) = @_;
$context->log(info => "Save Planet HTML to $file");
open my $out, ">:utf8", $file or $context->error("$file: $!");
print $out $index;
close $out;
sub _apply_theme {
my ($self, $context, $theme_name, $output_dir) = @_;
$context->log(debug => "Assets Directory: " . $self->assets_dir);
my $static = File::Spec->catfile($self->assets_dir, $theme_name, 'static');
if (-e $static) {
rcopy($static, $output_dir) or $context->log(error => "rcopy: $!");
=head1 NAME
Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Planet - Planet XHTML publisher
- module: Publish::Planet
expression: $args->{feed}->id eq 'smartfeed:all'
dir: /path/to/htdocs
theme: sixapart-std
This plugin generates XHTML out of aggregated feeds suitable to put on
the web as "Blog aggregator" like Python Planet does.
=head1 CONFIG
=over 4
=item dir
Directory to save output XHTML and CSS files in. Required.
=item theme
Name of "theme" to use as an XHTML template. Available options are
I<default> and I<sixapart-std>. Optional and defaults to 'default'.
=item template
Stash variables to pass to template. Example:
=over 8
=item style_url
URL of stylesheet to use in templates. You can pass multiple URLs by passing an array. Optional.
=item url
URL to be used as a Planet base. This URL is used as a base URL for
RSS/Atom feeds and stylesheet if they're relative.. Optional.
You can see a couple of Publish::Planet powered sites.
=head1 AUTHOR
Casey West
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa
=head1 SEE ALSO