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use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.10';
use Encode;
our %TLSConn;
sub rule_hook { 'publish.feed' }
sub register {
my($self, $context) = @_;
'publish.init' => \&initialize,
'publish.feed' => \&notify,
sub init {
my $self = shift;
$self->conf->{mailto} or Plagger->context->error("mailto is required");
$self->conf->{mailfrom} ||= 'plagger@localhost';
sub initialize {
my($self,$context) = @_;
# authenticate POP before SMTP
if (my $conf = $self->conf->{pop3}) {
require Net::POP3;
my $pop = Net::POP3->new($conf->{host});
if ($pop->apop($conf->{username}, $conf->{password})) {
$context->log(info => 'APOP login succeed');
} elsif ($pop->login($conf->{username}, $conf->{password})) {
$context->log(info => 'POP3 login succeed');
} else {
$context->log(error => 'POP3 login error');
sub notify {
my($self, $context, $args) = @_;
return if $args->{feed}->count == 0;
my $feed = $args->{feed};
my $subject = $feed->title || '(no-title)';
my @enclosure_cb;
if ($self->conf->{attach_enclosures}) {
for my $entry ($args->{feed}->entries) {
push @enclosure_cb, $self->prepare_enclosures($entry);
my $body = $self->templatize('gmail_notify.tt', { feed => $feed });
my $cfg = $self->conf;
$context->log(info => "Sending $subject to $cfg->{mailto}");
my $feed_title = $feed->title;
$feed_title =~ tr/,//d;
my $now = Plagger::Date->now(timezone => $context->conf->{timezone});
my $msg = MIME::Lite->new(
Date => $now->format('Mail'),
From => encode('MIME-Header', qq("$feed_title" <$cfg->{mailfrom}>)),
To => $cfg->{mailto},
Subject => encode('MIME-Header', $subject),
Type => 'multipart/related',
$msg->replace("X-Mailer" => "Plagger/$Plagger::VERSION");
Type => 'text/html; charset=utf-8',
Data => encode("utf-8", $body),
Encoding => 'quoted-printable',
for my $cb (@enclosure_cb) {
my $route = $cfg->{mailroute} || { via => 'smtp', host => 'localhost' };
$route->{via} ||= 'smtp';
eval {
if ($route->{via} eq 'smtp_tls') {
$self->{tls_args} = [
User => $route->{username},
Password => $route->{password},
Port => $route->{port} || 587,
$msg->send_by_smtp_tls(@{ $self->{tls_args} });
} elsif ($route->{via} eq 'sendmail') {
my %param = (FromSender => "<$cfg->{mailfrom}>");
$param{Sendmail} = $route->{command} if defined $route->{command};
$msg->send('sendmail', %param);
} else {
my @args = $route->{host} ? ($route->{host}) : ();
$msg->send($route->{via}, @args);
if ($@) {
$context->log(error => "Error while sending emails: $@");
sub prepare_enclosures {
my($self, $entry) = @_;
if (grep $_->is_inline, $entry->enclosures) {
# replace inline enclosures to cid: entities
my %url2enclosure = map { $_->url => $_ } $entry->enclosures;
my $output;
my $p = HTML::Parser->new(api_version => 3);
$p->handler( default => sub { $output .= $_[0] }, "text" );
$p->handler( start => sub {
my($tag, $attr, $attrseq, $text) = @_;
# TODO: use HTML::Tagset?
if (my $url = $attr->{src}) {
if (my $enclosure = $url2enclosure{$url}) {
$attr->{src} = "cid:" . $self->enclosure_id($enclosure);
$output .= $self->generate_tag($tag, $attr, $attrseq);
} else {
$output .= $text;
}, "tag, attr, attrseq, text");
return sub {
my $msg = shift;
for my $enclosure (grep $_->local_path, $entry->enclosures) {
my %param = (
Type => $enclosure->type,
Path => $enclosure->local_path,
Filename => $enclosure->filename,
if ($enclosure->is_inline) {
$param{Id} = '<' . $self->enclosure_id($enclosure) . '>';
$param{Disposition} = 'inline';
} else {
$param{Disposition} = 'attachment';
sub generate_tag {
my($self, $tag, $attr, $attrseq) = @_;
return "<$tag " .
join(' ', map { $_ eq '/' ? '/' : sprintf qq(%s="%s"), $_, encode_entities($attr->{$_}, q(<>"')) } @$attrseq) .
sub enclosure_id {
my($self, $enclosure) = @_;
return Digest::MD5::md5_hex($enclosure->url->as_string) . '@Plagger';
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->{tls_args};
my $conn_key = join "|", @{ $self->{tls_args} };
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { };
$TLSConn{$conn_key} && $TLSConn{$conn_key}->quit;
# known error from Gmail SMTP
if ($@ && $@ !~ /An error occurred disconnecting from the mail server/) {
warn $@;
# hack MIME::Lite to support TLS Authentication
*MIME::Lite::send_by_smtp_tls = sub {
my($self, @args) = @_;
### We need the "From:" and "To:" headers to pass to the SMTP mailer:
my $hdr = $self->fields();
my($from) = MIME::Lite::extract_addrs( $self->get('From') );
my $to = $self->get('To');
### Sanity check:
defined($to) or Carp::croak "send_by_smtp_tls: missing 'To:' address\n";
### Get the destinations as a simple array of addresses:
my @to_all = MIME::Lite::extract_addrs($to);
if ($MIME::Lite::AUTO_CC) {
foreach my $field (qw(Cc Bcc)) {
my $value = $self->get($field);
push @to_all, MIME::Lite::extract_addrs($value) if defined($value);
### Create SMTP TLS client:
require Net::SMTP::TLS;
my $conn_key = join "|", @args;
my $smtp;
unless ($smtp = $TLSConn{$conn_key}) {
$smtp = $TLSConn{$conn_key} = MIME::Lite::SMTP::TLS->new(@args)
or Carp::croak("Failed to connect to mail server: $!\n");
### MIME::Lite can print() to anything with a print() method:
@MIME::Lite::SMTP::TLS::ISA = qw( Net::SMTP::TLS );
sub MIME::Lite::SMTP::TLS::print { shift->datasend(@_) }
=head1 NAME
Plagger::Plugin::Publish::Gmail - Notify updates to your email account
- module: Publish::Gmail
mailto: example@gmail.com
mailfrom: you@example.net
This plugin creates HTML emails and sends them to your Gmail mailbox.
=head1 CONFIG
=over 4
=item mailto
Your email address to send updatess to. Required.
=item mailfrom
Email address to send email from. Defaults to I<plagger@localhost>.
=item mailroute
Hash to specify how to send emails. Defaults to:
via: smtp
host: localhost
the value of I<via> would be either I<smtp>, I<smtp_tls> or I<sendmail>.
via: sendmail
command: /usr/sbin/sendmail
=item attach_enclosures
Flag to attach enclosures as Email attachments. Defaults to 0.
=head1 AUTHOR
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Plagger>, L<MIME::Lite>