starman - Starman launcher


starman --listen :5001 --listen /tmp/starman.sock
starman --workers 32 --port 8080
-l, --listen
--listen HOST:PORT --listen :PORT --listen UNIX_SOCKET

Specifies the TCP address, ports and UNIX domain sockets to bind to wait for requests. You can repeat as many times as you want and mix TCP and UNIX domain sockets.

Defaults to any IP address and port 5000.


Specifies the address to bind.

This option is for a compatiblity with plackup and you're recommended to use --listen instead.

--port 8080

Specifies the port to bind.

This option is for a compatiblity with plackup and you're recommended to use --listen instead.

-S, --socket
-S /tmp/starman.sock

Specifies the path to UNIX domain socket to bind.

This option is for a compatiblity with plackup and you're recommended to use --listen instead.


Specifies the number of worker pool. Defaults to 5.

Starman by default sets up other spare server configuration based on this workers value, making sure there are always only N worker processes running. So even if there're no idle workers, Starman won't spawn off spare processes since that's mostly what you want to do by fine tuning the memory usage etc. in the production environment.


Specifies the number of backlog (listen queue size) of listener sockets. Defaults to 1024.

On production systems, setting a very low value can allow failover on frontend proxy (like nginx) to happen more quickly, if you have multiple Starman clusters.

If you're doing simple benchmarks and getting connection errors, increasing this parameter can help avoid them. You should also consider increasing net.core.somaxconn. Note that this is not recommended for real production system if you have another cluster to failover (see above).


Number of the requests to process per one worker process. Defaults to 1000.


This option lets Starman preload the specified PSGI application in the master parent process before preforking children. This allows memory savings with copy-on-write memory management. When not set (default), forked children loads the application in the initialization hook.

Enabling this option can cause bad things happen when resources like sockets or database connections are opened at load time by the master process and shared by multiple children.

Since Starman 0.2000, this option defaults to false, and you should explicitly set this option to preload the application in the master process.

Alternatively, you can use -M command line option (plackup's common option) to preload the modules rather than the <application> itself.

starman -MCatalyst -MDBIx::Class myapp.psgi

will load the modules in the master process for memory savings with CoW, but the actual loading of myapp.psgi is done per children, allowing resource managements such as database connection safer.


Disable Keep-alive persistent connections. It is an useful workaround if you run Starman behind a broken frontend proxy that tries to pool connections more than a number of backend workers (i.e. Apache mpm_prefork + mod_proxy).


The number of seconds Starman will wait for a subsequent request before closing the connection if Keep-alive persistent connections are enabled. Setting this to a high value may cause performance problems in heavily loaded servers. The higher the timeout, the more backend workers will be kept occupied waiting on connections with idle clients.

Defaults to 1.


To listen on a low-numbered (<1024) port, it will be necessary to start the server as root. Use the --user option to specify a userid or username that the server process should switch to after binding to the port.

Defaults to the current userid.


Specify the group id or group name that the server should switch to after binding to the port. This option is usually used with --user.

Defaults to the current group id.


Specify the pid file path. Use it with -D|--daemonize option, described in plackup -h.

See plackup -h for more options.

starman command automatically sets the environment (-E) to the value of deployment.

