Changes for version 0.22
- Refactored internal element accessors by eating the new dog food mk_elem_accessors and mk_object_list_accessor.
- Added support of Atom 1.0 <category> parse and generation
- Added $thing->links and $thing->categories as a moniker method that returns an array reference in a scalar context
- Fixed a bug in $content->body() where it accidentally thinks the content is not a valid Unicode string even if it is, if you call eval {} in elsewhere in the code and $@ is left set. (Thanks to Chris Dent for the patch)
Atom feed and API implementation
A client for the Atom API
Atom entry
Atom feed
Author or contributor object
A server for the Atom API
Utility functions
in lib/XML/Atom/
in lib/XML/Atom/
in lib/XML/Atom/
in lib/XML/Atom/
in lib/XML/Atom/
in lib/XML/Atom/
in lib/XML/
in lib/XML/Atom/