Revision history for carton
v0.9_9 Wed Feb 6 11:02:46 PST 2013
Fixed bundle command where it updated modules, not the versions specified in carton.lock.
bundle now builds mirror files like install --deployment, and downloads tarballs for the
specified versions. (vti)
v0.9_8 Tue Feb 5 12:17:54 PST 2013
Do not use carton.lock to build extra dependencies. Everything has to be
pulled out of cpanfile, even with the deployment mode. This makes the deployment
much more reliable, and could possibly work with differing os/perl versions
across development and deployments.
v0.9_7 Sat May 12 06:15:44 EEST 2012
Experimental multiple mirror support (nihen)
Fixed cpanm dependency to avoid cascading bug
v0.9_6 Thu May 10 21:05:35 CEST 2012
use cpanfile + Module::Install for dogfooding
`carton` without args now does `carton install` (inspired by bundler)
Update bundle command to use install.json (masaki)
code cleanups and doc overhauls
removed `uninstall` command for now
Fixed CPAN::Meta::Requirements dependency
v0.9_5 Thu Apr 12 19:39:19 JST 2012
Added experimental cpanfile support
Fixed POD (yanick)
v0.9.4 Sat Mar 31 13:49:41 CEST 2012
use Capture::Tiny to capture output (wchristian)
Improve synopsis for exec (dagolden)
Implemented bundle command (masaki)
Fix Getopt::Long dependency (pfig)
v0.9.3 Wed Oct 19 14:30:50 JST 2011
Fixed META.yml by patching Module::Install and repackaging
v0.9.2 Tue Oct 18 12:53:57 JST 2011
Fixed packaging *again* by declaring version as a simple string
v0.9.1 Mon Oct 17 19:05:12 JST 2011
Fixed packaging
Fixed UTF8 encoding warnings for JSON
v0.9.0 Fri Oct 14 01:27:02 JST 2011
Initial non-dev release. Still considered beta before it hits 1.0.0!
v0.1_0 Sun Jun 26 11:03:50 PDT 2011
original version