DBD::ODBC::FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions for DBD::ODBC


perldoc DBD::ODBC::FAQ


($Revision: 11725 $)


How do I read more than N characters from a Memo | BLOB | LONG field?

See LongReadLen in the DBI docs.


$dbh->{LongReadLen} = 20000;
$sth = $dbh->prepare("select long_col from big_table");

What is DBD::ODBC?

Why can't I connect?

Do I need an ODBC driver?

What is the ODBC driver manager?

These, general questions lead to needing definitions.

ODBC Driver

The ODBC Driver is the driver that the ODBC manager uses to connect and interact with the RDBMS. You DEFINITELY need this to connect to any database. For Win32, they are plentiful and installed with many applications. For Linux/Unix, you can find a fairly comprehensive list at

ODBC Driver Manager

The ODBC driver manager is the interface between an ODBC application (DBD::ODBC in this case) and the ODBC driver. The driver manager principally provides the ODBC API so ODBC applications may link with a single shared object (or dll) and be able to talk to a range of ODBC drivers. At run time the application provides a connection string which defines the ODBC data source it wants to connect to and this in turn defines the ODBC driver which will handle this data source. The driver manager loads the requested ODBC driver and passes all ODBC API calls on to the driver. In this way, an ODBC application can be built and distributed without knowing which ODBC driver it will be using.

However, this is a rather simplistic description of what the driver manager does. The ODBC driver manager also:

* Controls a repository of installed ODBC drivers (on UNIX this is the file odbcinst.ini).

* Controls a repository of defined ODBC data sources (on UNIX these are the files odbc.ini and .odbc.ini).

* Provides the ODBC driver APIs (SQLGetPrivateProfileString and SQLWritePrivateProfileString) to read and write ODBC data source attributes.

* Handles ConfigDSN which the driver exports to configure data sources.

* Provides APIs to install and uninstall drivers (SQLInstallDriver).

* Maps ODBC versions e.g. so an ODBC 2.0 application can work with an ODBC 3.0 driver and vice versa.

* Maps ODBC states between different versions of ODBC.

* Provides a cursor library for drivers which only support forward-only cursors.

* Provides SQLDataSources and SQLDrivers so an application can find out what ODBC drivers are installed and what ODBC data sources are defined.

* Provides an ODBC administrator which driver writers can use to install ODBC drivers and users can use to define ODBC data sources.

The ODBC Driver Manager is the piece of software which interacts with the drivers for the application. It "hides" some of the differences between the drivers (i.e. if a function call is not supported by a driver, it 'hides' that and informs the application that the call is not supported. DBD::ODBC needs this to talk to drivers.

Under Win32, you usually get the ODBC Driver Manager as part of the OS. Under Unix/Linux you may have to find and build the driver manager yourself. The two main driver managers for Unix are unixODBC ( and iODBC (

It is strongly advised you get an ODBC Driver Manager before trying to build DBD::ODBC unless you intend linking DBD::ODBC directly with your driver.

For a reasonable description of ODBC on Unix/Linux see


DBD::ODBC uses the driver manager to talk to the ODBC driver(s) on your system. You need both a driver manager and driver installed and tested before working with DBD::ODBC. You need to have a DSN (see below) configured and TESTED before being able to test DBD::ODBC.

DSN (Data Source Name)

The DSN is a way of referring to a particular driver and database by any name you wish. The DSN is usually a key to a list of attributes the ODBC driver needs to connect to the database (e.g. ip address and port) but there is always a key which names the driver so the driver manager knows which driver to use with which data source. Do no confuse DSNs with ODBC connection strings or DBI's "$data_source" (the first argument to "connect" in DBI.

The $data_source argument to DBI is composed of 'dbi:DRIVER:something_else' where DRIVER is the name of the DBD driver you want to use (ODBC of course for DBD::ODBC). The "something_else" for DBD::ODBC can be a DSN name or it can be a normal ODBC connection string.

An ODBC connection string consists of attribute/value pairs separated with semicolons (;). You can replace "something_else" above with a normal ODBC connection string but as a special case for DBD::ODBC you can just use the DSN name without the usual ODBC connection string prefix of "DSN=dsn_name".



ODBC connection string using fred DSN


Same as above (a special case).

dbi:ODBC:Driver={blah blah driver};Host=;Port=1000;

This is known as a DSN-less connection string for obvious reasons.

Where do I get an ODBC driver manager for Unix/Linux?

DBD::ODBC used to come bundled with a driver manager but this became inconvenient when the driver manager was updated.

The two main ODBC Driver Managers for Unix are unixODBC (http://www.unixodbc/org) and iODBC (

If you are running a packaged Linux like RedHat, Ubuntu, Fedora, Suse etc etc you'll usually find it packaged with unixODBC and using the package manager to install it is fairly straight forward. However, make sure that if the driver manager is split into multiple packages you install the development package as well as that contains the C header files required by DBD::ODBC.

If you cannot find an ODBC Driver Manager package for your OS you can download the source tar files for either of the driver managers above and build it yourself.

How do I access a MS SQL Server database from Linux/UNIX?

You have loads of choices (in no particular order):

* using DBI::ProxyServer or DBD::Gofer. You'll need the former if you use transactions.

* using a commercial ODBC Driver or bridge like the ones from Easysoft or Openlink.

* using FreeTDS an open source TDS library which includes an ODBC Driver.

* using DBD::Sybase and Sybase libraries.

How do I access a MS-Access database from Linux?

There are basically two choices:

* a commercial ODBC Bridge like the ones from Easysoft or OpenLink.

* using mdbtools although as of writing it has not been updated since June 2004, only provides read access and seems to be a little buggy.

Almost all of my tests for DBD::ODBC fail. They complain about not being able to connect or the DSN is not found.

Please, please test your configuration of ODBC and driver before trying to test DBD::ODBC. Most of the time, this stems from the fact that the DSN (or ODBC) is not configured properly. unixODBC comes with a small program isql and iODBC comes with odbctest and you should use these to test your ODBC configuration is working properly first.

I'm attempting to bind a Long Var char (or other specific type) and the binding is not working.

The code I'm using is below:

	$sth->bind_param(1, $str, $DBI::SQL_LONGVARCHAR);

The problem is that DBI::SQL_LONGVARCHAR is not the same as $DBI::SQL_LONGVARCHAR and that $DBI::SQL_LONGVARCHAR is an error!

It should be:

$sth->bind_param(1, $str, DBI::SQL_LONGVARCHAR);

Does DBD::ODBC support Multiple Active Statements?

Multiple Active Statements (MAS) are concurrent statements created from the same database handle which both have pending actions on them (e.g. they both have executed a select statement but not retrieved all the available rows yet).

DBD::ODBC does support MAS but whether you can actually use MAS is down to the ODBC Driver.

By default MS SQL Server did not used to support multiple active statements if any of them were select statements. You could get around this (with caution) by changing to a dynamic cursor. There is a "hack" in DBD::ODBC which can be used to enable MAS but you have to fully understand the implications of doing so(see "DBD/ODBC/odbc_SQL_ROWSET_SIZE" and "DBD/ODBC/odbc_cursortype").

In MS SQL Server 2005, there is a new thing called MARS (Multiple Active Result Sets) which allows multiple active select statements but it has some nasty implications if you are also doing transactions. To enable MARS from DBD::ODBC add "MARS_Connection=Yes" to the connection string as in:


For other drivers it depends. I believe various Oracle ODBC drivers do support multiple active statements as myodbc does.

Think carefully before using multiple active statements. It is probably not portable and there is nearly always a better way of doing it.

If anyone wants to report success with a particular driver and multiple active statements I will collect them here.

Why do I get "Datetime field overflow" when attempting to insert a date into Oracle?

If you are using the Oracle or Microsoft ODBC drivers then you may get the following error when inserting dates into an Oracle database:

[Oracle][ODBC]Datetime field overflow. (SQL-22008)

If you do then check v$nls_parameters and v$parameter to see if you are using a date format containing the RR format. e.g.,

select * from v$nls_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_DATE_FORMAT'
select * from v$parameter where name = 'nls_date_format'

If you see a date format like 'DD-MON-RR' (e.g., contains an RR) then all I can suggest is you change the date format for your session as I have never been able to bind a date using this format. You can do this with:

alter session set nls_date_format='YYYY/MM/DD'

and use any format you like but keep away from 'RR'.

You can find some test code in the file examples/ which demonstrates this problem. This was originally a rt.cpan issue which can be found at

As an aside, if anyone is reading this and can shed some light on the problem I'd love to hear from you. The technical details are:

create table rtcpan28821 (a date)
insert into rtcpan28821 values('23-MAR-62') fails

Looking at the ODBC trace, SQLDescribeParam returns:

data type: 93, SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP
size: 19
decimal digits: 0
nullable: 1

and DBD::ODBC calls SQLBindParameter with:

ValueType: SQL_C_CHAR
ColumnSize: 9
DecimalDigits: 0
Data: 23-MAR-62
BufferLength: 9

Why do my SQL Server temporary objects disappear?

If you are creating temporary objects (e.g., temporary tables) in SQL Server you find they have disappeared when you attempt to use them. Temporary objects only have a lifetime of the session they are created in but in addition, they cannot be created using prepare/execute. e.g., the following fails:

$s = $h->prepare('select * into #tmp from mytable');
$s = $h->selectall_arrayref('select * from #tmp');

with "Invalid object name '#tmp'". Your should read which basically says Prepared statements cannot be used to create temporary objects on SQL Server 2000 or later.... The proper way to avoid this is to use the do method but if you cannot do that then you need to add the "odbc_exec_direct" attribute to your prepare as follows:

my $s = $h->prepare('select * into #tmp from mytable',
                    { odbc_exec_direct => 1});

See "odbc_exec_direct".

Why cannot I connect to my data source on Windows 64?

If you are running a 32bit Perl on a 64bit Windows machine you will need to be aware there are two ODBC administrators and you need to create your DSNs with the right one. The ODBC Administrator you get to from Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Data Sources is the 64bit one and data sources created here will not be visible or useable from 32bit applications. The ODBC administrator you need to use for 32bit applications can be found at X:\windows\syswow64\odbcad32.exe.


Parts of this document were written by Tim Bunce, Jeff Urlwin and Martin J. Evans.


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.7 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.