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DBD::ODBC::TO_DO - Things to do in DBD::ODBC
As of $LastChangedDate: 2010-10-08 17:00:31 +0100 (Fri, 08 Oct 2010)$
$Revision: 10667 $
Add array parameter binding (per new DBI Spec)
Add row caching/multiple row fetches to speed selects
Better/more tests on multiple statement handles which ensure the
correct number of rows
Better/more tests on all queries which ensure the correct number of
rows and data
Better tests on SQLExecDirect/do
Keep checking Oracle's ODBC drivers for Windows to fix the Date
binding problem
Add support for $sth->more_results based on DBD::ODBC-specific attribute
There is a Columns private ODBC method which is not documented.
Add support for sending lobs in chunks instead of all in one go. Although
DBD::ODBC uses SQLParamData and SQLPutData internally they are not exposed
so anyone binding a lob has to have all of it available before it can
be bound.
Try to produce a Module::Install build.
Why does level 15 tracing of any DBD::ODBC script show alot of these:
!!DBD::ODBC unsupported attribute passed (PrintError)
!!DBD::ODBC unsupported attribute passed (Username)
!!DBD::ODBC unsupported attribute passed (dbi_connect_closure)
!!DBD::ODBC unsupported attribute passed (LongReadLen)
Add a perlcritic test - see DBD::Pg
Anywhere we are storing a value in an SV that we didn't create
(and thus might have magic) should probably set magic.
Perhaps add a switch to pick iODBC or unixODBC driver managers
Work out how to use Unicode in freeTDS as it does not have SQLW functions
see examples/freetds_unicode.pl latest CVS trunk apparently has SQLW functions
Add a test for ChopBlanks and unicode data