Changes for version 0.08

  • Bump to 0.08.
  • Fix minor bug in pod "$dbh - DBIx::Log4perl->connect(..." should be "=" not "-".
  • Fix bug in pod with DBIx_l4p_class.
  • In execute_array handle case where it does not insert/update anything so we report the number of affected rows as 0.
  • In execute_array we add an ArrayTupleStatus if one was no provided so the later code which looks for ArrayTupleStatus being set is redundant.
  • Further fixes to execute_array due to misreading the DBI specification. execute_array returns undef for error or the number of tuples executed. DBIx::Log4perl was incorrectly assuming the execute_array return was the number of affected rows. NOTE most DBDs don't return the correct values anyway - see note in
  • Added support for new array context supporting execute_array to be added in DBI 1.53.
  • Fix bug in Makefile.PL causing DBI_PASS to be ignored during testing.
  • Default test table to "drop_me_dbixl4p"
  • Disable PrintError in simple.t when test table is being dropped in case it does not exist.
  • Log ArrayTupleStatus in execute_array calls.
  • Fix issue 23500. File::Spec::tmpdir might not return a directory on Windows. Test before attempting to use it.


Perl extension for DBI to selectively log SQL, parameters, result-sets, transactions etc to a Log::Log4perl handle.


in lib/DBIx/Log4perl/
in lib/DBIx/Log4perl/
in lib/DBIx/Log4perl/
