Changes for version 0.18
- Minor speedups in bind_param, bind_param_inout and execute methods. Thanks to Devel::NYTProf.
- Minor speedups in _unseen_sth. Thanks to Devel::NYTProf.
- Fix rt 53755 (fetchrow_array ignoring calling context). Thanks to Bill Rios for spotting this and identifying the problem.
- Log attributes passed to the connect call.
- When outputting the result of a selectall_* it didn't show the connection number.
- Add support for clone. NOTE: This changes introduces incompatilities from previous versions as all attribute names have changed to become lower case.
Perl extension for DBI to selectively log DBI methods, SQL, parameters, result-sets, transactions etc to a Log::Log4perl handle.
in lib/DBIx/Log4perl/
in lib/DBIx/Log4perl/
in lib/DBIx/Log4perl/