Math::Symbolic::Custom::Collect - Collect up Math::Symbolic expressions
Version 0.21
use Math::Symbolic qw(:all);
use Math::Symbolic::Custom::Collect;
my $t1 = "0.125";
print "Output: ", parse_from_string($t1)->to_collected()->to_string(), "\n";
# Output: 1 / 8
my $t2 = "25/100";
print "Output: ", parse_from_string($t2)->to_collected()->to_string(), "\n";
# Output: 1 / 4
my $t3 = "((1/4)+(1/2))*3*x";
print "Output: ", parse_from_string($t3)->to_collected()->to_string(), "\n";
# Output: (9 * x) / 4
my $t4 = "1/(1-(1/x))";
print "Output: ", parse_from_string($t4)->to_collected()->to_string(), "\n";
# Output: x / (x - 1)
my $t5 = "sin(x^2+y)*sin(y+x^2)";
print "Output: ", parse_from_string($t5)->to_collected()->to_string(), "\n";
# Output: (sin((x ^ 2) + y)) ^ 2
my $t6 = "x + x^2 + 3*x^3 + 2*x - x^2";
print "Output: ", parse_from_string($t6)->to_collected()->to_string(), "\n";
# Output: (3 * x) + (3 * (x ^ 3))
my $t7 = "((1/(3*a))-(1/(3*b)))/((a/b)-(b/a))";
print "Output: ", parse_from_string($t7)->to_collected()->to_string(), "\n";
# Output: (b - a) / ((3 * (a ^ 2)) - (3 * (b ^ 2)))
my $t8 = "(x+y+z)/2";
my @terms = parse_from_string($t8)->to_terms();
print "Terms: (", join("), (", @terms), ")\n";
# Terms: (x / 2), (y / 2), (z / 2)
$Math::Symbolic::Custom::Collect::COMPLEX_VAR = 'j'; # default is 'i'
my $t9 = "j*(3-7*j)*(2-j)";
print "Output: ", parse_from_string($t9)->to_collected()->to_string(), "\n";
# Output: 17 - j
Provides "to_collected()" and "to_terms()" through the Math::Symbolic module extension class. "to_collected" performs the following operations on the inputted Math::Symbolic tree:-
Folds constants
Converts decimal numbers to rational numbers
Combines fractions
Expands brackets
Collects like terms
Cancels down
The result is often a more concise expression. However, because it does not (yet) factor the expression, the result is not always the simplest representation. Hence it is not offered as a simplify().
"to_terms()" uses "to_collected()" and returns the expression as a list of terms, that is a list of sub-expressions that can be summed to create an expression which is (numerically) equivalent to the original expression.
From version 0.2, there is some support for complex numbers. The symbol in $Math::Symbolic::Custom::Collect::COMPLEX_VAR (set to 'i' by default) is considered by the module to be the symbol for the imaginary unit and treated as such when collecting up the expression. It is a Math::Symbolic variable to permit easy conversion to Math::Complex numbers using the value() method, for example:
use strict;
use Math::Symbolic qw(:all);
use Math::Symbolic::Custom::Collect;
use Math::Complex;
my $t = "x+sqrt(-100)+y*i";
my $M_S = parse_from_string($t)->to_collected();
print "$M_S\n"; # ((10 * i) + x) + (i * y)
# we want some kind of actual number from this expression
my $M_C = $M_S->value(
'x' => 2,
'y' => 3,
'i' => i, # glue Math::Symbolic and Math::Complex
# $M_C is a Math::Complex number
print "$M_C\n"; # 2+13i
Matt Johnson, <mjohnson at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-math-symbolic-custom-collect at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
Steffen Mueller, author of Math::Symbolic
This software is copyright (c) 2024 by Matt Johnson.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.