X11::GUITest::record - Perl implementation of the X11 record extension.




This Perl package uses the X11 record extension to capture events (from X-server) and  
requests (from X-client). Futher it is possible to capture mostly all client/server
communitation (partially implemented)

For a full description of the extension see the Record Extension Protocol Specification
of the X Consortium Standard (Version 11, Release 6.4)


- Recording mouse movements
- Recording key presses and key releases
- Getting information about created and closed windows
- Getting text from windows (if it is a Poly8 request)


use X11::GUITest::record qw /:ALL :CONST/;

# Query version of the record extension
my $VERSION_EXT = QueryVersion;

print "Record extension version: $VERSION_EXT\n";

# Sets the record context to capture key presses and mouse movements
SetRecordContext(KeyPress, MotionNotify);

# Begin record

print "Recording..............\n";
sleep (5);

# Stop record

while ($data = GetRecordInfo())
   print "Record: ". $data ->{TxtType} ." ";
   print "X:". $data ->{X} . " Y:". $data ->{Y} if  ($data ->{TxtType} eq "MotionNotify");
   print "Key:". $data ->{Key} if  ($data ->{TxtType} eq "KeyPress");
   print "\n";



Parameters enclosed within [] are optional.

SetRecordContext category, type, [category, type..]

Specifies what the context has to record. It is possible to use the constant functions as:

SetRecordContext(KeyPress, KeyRelease, MotionNotify);

It is only possible to use DeliverdEvents and CoreRequests. To use other please choose one of the low level functions like SetDeviceEvents.

Some implemented events/requests are:

- KeyPress 
- KeyRelease
- ButtonPress
- ButtonRelease
- MotionNotify
- X_CreateWindow
- X_PolyText8

To get one single record information from record queue.

This function will return 0 if the end of the queue is reached. Otherwise it will return a hash with the following values:

 - {"Category"}:     Category of the record (0 for event
                                             1 for request)
 - {"Type"}:         Type of the record in digits
 - {"TxtType"}:      Type of the record in text
[- {"X"}             X coordinte]
[- {"Y"}             Y coordinte]
[- {"Text"}          Text if it is a X_Polytext8]
[- {"Key"}           Key if it is a key press or key release event]
[- {"WinID"}         WindowID]
[- {"PWinID"}        Parent WindowID]

Similar to GetRecordInfo but returns an array of hashes with all record information.


Disables the record context.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 15:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Specification'. Assuming UTF-8