SOAP::WSDL WS-I Basic Profile Compliance - How SOAP::WSDL complies to WS-I Basic Profile 1.0
This document gives an overview about how SOAP::WSDL confirms to the rules of the WS-I Basic Profile 1.0 found at
Errata are not yet worked in.
You may find rules mis-categorized, especially in the "not applicable" section.
Such mis-categorizations are documentation bugs, please feel free to report them.
Rules are categorized into the following sections:
This section contains rules SOAP::WSDL follows. Conformance to these rules may be assured by a test.
This section contains rules SOAP::WSDL does not follow yet. These may be considered as bugs.
WS-I Basic Profile contains rules for web services as a whole. SOAP::WSDL only plays the part of one layer in a Web Service CONSUMER, thus does not implement some parts the WS-I Basic Profile references.
This section contains rules not applicable for SOAP::WSDL, because they refer parts to web service SOAP::WSDL does not implement.
A MESSAGE MUST NOT contain soap:encodingStyle attributes on any of the elements
whose namespace name is "".
SOAP::WSDL::Serializer::SOAP11 does not add soap:encodingStyle attributes on any element.
A MESSAGE MUST NOT contain soap:encodingStyle attributes on any element that is
a child of soap:Body.
SOAP::WSDL::Serializer::SOAP11 does not add soap:encodingStyle attributes on any element.
A MESSAGE MUST NOT contain a Document Type Declaration.
SOAP::WSDL::Serializer::SOAP11 does not DTDs.
A MESSAGE MUST NOT contain Processing Instructions.
SOAP::WSDL::Serializer::SOAP11 does not Processing Instructions
A RECEIVER MUST accept messages that contain an XML Declaration.
SOAP::WSDL::Expat::MessageParser allows the use of XML Declarations.
A MESSAGE MUST NOT have any element children of soap:Envelope following
the soap:Body element.
SOAP::WSDL::Serializer::SOAP11 does emit children of soap:Envelope following the soap:Body element. Other serializers may behave differentls.
A MESSAGE MUST be serialized as either UTF-8 or UTF-16.
SOAP::WSDL::Serializer::SOAP11 serializes messages as UTF-8.
The media type of a MESSAGE's envelope MUST indicate the correct character
encoding, using the charset parameter.
SOAP::WSDL::Transport::HTTP sets the Content-type header to "text/xml; charset=utf8". SOAP::Transport::Lite does, too. Other transport backends may behave different.
The children of the soap:Body element in a MESSAGE MUST be namespace
SOAP::WSDL::Serializer::SOAP11 emits namespace-qualified child elements of the soap:Body element.
A RECEIVER MUST NOT mandate the use of the xsi:type attribute in messages
except as required in order to indicate a derived type (see XML Schema
Part 1: Structures, Section 2.6.1).
SOAP::WSDL::Expat::MessageParser does not require the use of xsi:type attributes, but uses typemaps instead.
Other deserializers may not comply to this rule.
When a Fault is generated by a RECEIVER, further processing SHOULD NOT be
performed on the SOAP message aside from that which is necessary to rollback,
or compensate for, any effects of processing the message prior to the
generation of the Fault.
A fault is generated when an error occurs processing the message. SOAP::WSDL::Deserializer::SOAP11 does not perform any additional processing after an error occured.
Where the normal outcome of processing a SOAP message would have resulted
in the transmission of a SOAP response, but rather a SOAP Fault is generated
instead, a RECEIVER MUST transmit a SOAP Fault message in place of the
A fault is generated when an error occurs processing the message.
A RECEIVER that generates a SOAP Fault SHOULD notify the end user that a
SOAP Fault has been generated when practical, by whatever means is deemed
appropriate to the circumstance.
Via return value.
A MESSAGE SHOULD be sent using HTTP/1.1.
SOAP::WSDL::Transport::HTTP uses HTTP/1.1
A MESSAGE MUST be sent using either HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/1.0.
SOAP::WSDL::Transport::HTTP uses HTTP/1.1
A RECEIVER MUST interpret SOAP messages containing only a soap:Fault element
as a Fault.
SOAP::WSDL::Deserializer::SOAP11 does this.
A HTTP request MESSAGE MUST use the HTTP POST method.
Both SOAP::WSDL::Transport::HTTP and SOAP::Transport::HTTP use POST.
A MESSAGE MUST NOT use the HTTP Extension Framework (RFC2774).
SOAP::WSDL::Transport::HTTP does not use the HTTP Extension framework, however SOAP::Transport::HTTP use M-POST if POST was not successful.
To be sure you comply to this rule, use SOAP::WSDL::Transport::HTTP as transport backend.
The value of the SOAPAction HTTP header field in a HTTP request
MESSAGE MUST be a quoted string.
SOAP::WSDL::Client always quotes the SOAPAction header.
A RECEIVER MAY respond with a Fault if the value of the SOAPAction
HTTP header field is not quoted.
SOAP::WSDL does not apply any processing on the SOAPAction header field.
A CONSUMER MAY automatically redirect a request when it encounters a
"307 Temporary Redirect" HTTP status code in a response.
LWP::UserAgent (used by SOAP::WSDL::Transport::HTTP and SOAP::Transport::HTTP) accepts up to 7 levels of redirect by default.
A MESSAGE containing serialized arrays MUST NOT include the
soapenc:arrayType attribute.
SOAP::WSDL does not natively support soapenc::arrayType.
The target namespace for WSDL definitions and the target namespace for
schema definitions in a DESCRIPTION MAY be the same.
SOAP::WSDL does not impose any constraints on the target namespace for WSDL definitions or schema definitions.
The order of the elements in the soap:body of a MESSAGE MUST be the same
as that of the wsdl:parts in the wsdl:message that describes it.
SOAP::WSDL obeys the part order.
A document-literal binding MUST be represented on the wire as a
MESSAGE with a soap:Body whose child element is an instance of the
global element declaration referenced by the corresponding wsdl:message
If defined accordinglyin tehe DESCRIPTION, SOAP::WSDL issues document-literal binding operation MESSAGES conforming to this rule.
A CONSUMER MUST NOT interpret the presence of the wsdl:required attribute
on a soapbind extension element with a value of "false" to mean the extension
element is optional in the messages generated from the WSDL description.
SOAP::WSDL does not imterpret the wsdl:required attribute at all.
An INSTANCE MAY require the use of HTTPS.
SOAP::WSDL supports https.
An INSTANCE MAY require the use of HTTPS with mutual authentication.
SOAP::WSDL supports all kinds of authentication known to LWP::UserAgent
A MESSAGE MAY contain a fault detail entry in a SOAP fault that is not
described by a wsdl:fault element in the corresponding WSDL description.
SOAP::WSDL does not emit such faults. Such faults can be processed by adding custom maps to the type maps for SOAP::WSDL::Expat::MessageParser.
A HTTP request MESSAGE MUST contain a SOAPAction HTTP header field with a
quoted value equal to the value of the soapAction attribute of
soapbind:operation, if present in the corresponding WSDL description.
SOAP::WSDL uses the soapAction attribute from soapbind:operation as SOAPAction header in generated code.
Alternative WSDL parsers / code generator have to assure they pass the correct soap_action to SOAP::WSDL::Client.
The interpreting SOAP::WSDL client does not conform to this rule, but "guesses" the SOAPAction header from the operation name and the top node's namespace.
A HTTP request MESSAGE MUST contain a SOAPAction HTTP header field with a
quoted empty string value, if in the corresponding WSDL description, the
soapAction of soapbind:operation is either not present, or present with an
empty string as its value.
SOAP::WSDL::Client always assures the SOAPaction header is quoted, thus automatically inserts the empty string if no SOAPAction header is defined.
A RECEIVER MUST accept messages that include the Unicode Byte Order Mark
May automatically work with XML::Parser::Expat, but is not testet yet.
TODO write test. If not confirmed, add encoding support.
A RECEIVER MUST accept fault messages that have any number of elements,
including zero, appearing as children of the detail element. Such children
can be qualified or unqualified.
Partially confirmed: This only works when the fault detail elements are added to the deserializer's typemap.
TODO add processing of arbitrary content of faults to SOAP::WSDL::Expat::MessageParser
A RECEIVER MUST accept fault messages that have any number of qualified or
unqualified attributes, including zero, appearing on the detail element.
The namespace of qualified attributes can be anything other than
TODO add processing of arbitrary attributes to SOAP::WSDL::SOAP::Typelib::Fault11
A RECEIVER MUST accept fault messages that carry an xml:lang attribute on
the faultstring element.
TODO add processing of the xml:lang attribute to SOAP::WSDL::SOAP::Typelib::Fault11
A MESSAGE described in an rpc-literal binding MUST NOT contain soap:encodingStyle
attribute on any elements are grandchildren of soap:Body.
SOAP::WSDL::Serializer::SOAP11 does not add soap:encodingStyle attributes on any element.
However, rpc-literal bindings are not supported, yet.
TODO support rpc-literal bindings.
A RECEIVER MUST generate a fault if they encounter a message whose document
element has a local name of "Envelope" but a namespace name that is not
SOAP::WSDL::Expat::MessageParser does not check the namespace of the SOAP envelope.
TODO implement checking namespace of the SOAP envelope and emit fault if not "".
In a DESCRIPTION the value of the location attribute of a wsdl:import element
SHOULD be treated as a hint.
SOAP::WSDL's schema parser does not handle import elements yet.
TODO implement support for wsdl:import in SOAP::WSDL::Expat::WSDLParser.
A DESCRIPTION MAY include the Unicode Byte Order Mark (BOM).
TODO Test.
A DESCRIPTION MUST use either UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoding.
TODO Test whether UTF-16 works.
The wsdl:documentation element MAY occur as a child of the wsdl:import
element in a DESCRIPTION.
SOAP::WSDL's schema parser does not handle import elements yet.
TODO implement support for wsdl:import in SOAP::WSDL::Expat::WSDLParser.
The wsdl:documentation element MAY occur as a first child of the
wsdl:definitions element in a DESCRIPTION.
TODO Test.
If during the processing of an element in the WSDL namespace in a
description, a consumer encounters a WSDL extension element amongst
its element children, that has a wsdl:required attribute with a boolean
value of "true" that the consumer does not understand or cannot process,
the CONSUMER MUST fail processing of that element in the WSDL namespace.
TODO Implement support for wsdl:required
A CONSUMER MUST ignore a SOAP response carried in a response from a
one-way operation.
SOAP::WSDL does not ignore the SOAP response from a one way operation yet.
TODO Define operation type signature, and ignore result from one way operations.
A CONSUMER MUST understand and process all WSDL 1.1 SOAP Binding extension
elements, irrespective of the presence or absence of the wsdl:required
attribute on an extension element; and irrespective of the value of the
wsdl:required attribute, when present.
SOAP::WSDL does not implement all WSDL 1.1 SOAP Binding extension yet.
TODO check and implement.
A DESCRIPTION MAY use any construct from XML Schema 1.0.
SOAP::WSDL's WSDL parser doen not allow all contructs from XML Schema 1.0 to be used.
TODO become "minimal conformant".
A MESSAGE MAY contain conformance claims, as specified in the conformance claim schema.
SOAP::WSDL::Serializer::SOAP11 does not add conformance claims. Other serializers may act different.
A MESSAGE's conformance claims MUST be carried as SOAP header blocks.
SOAP::WSDL::Serializer::SOAP11 does not add conformance claims. Other serializers may act different.
A MESSAGE MAY contain conformance claims for more than one profile.
SOAP::WSDL::Serializer::SOAP11 does not add conformance claims. Other serializers may act different.
A SENDER MUST NOT use the soap:mustUnderstand attribute when sending a SOAP
header block containing a conformance claim.
SOAP::WSDL::Serializer::SOAP11 does not add conformance claims. Other serializers may act different.
REGDATA of type uddi:tModel claiming conformance with a Profile MUST be
categorized using the ws-i-org:conformsTo:2002_12 taxonomy.
SOAP::WSDL does not publish web services yet.
REGDATA of type uddi:tModel claiming conformance with a Profile MUST use
the ws-i-org:conformsTo:2002_12 categorization value corresponding to
the conformance claim URI for that Profile.
SOAP::WSDL does not publish web services yet.
A REGISTRY MUST support the WS-I Conformance category system by adding
the ws-i-org:conformsTo:2002_12 tModel definition to its registry content.
SOAP::WSDL does not publish web services yet.
REGDATA other than uddi:tModel elements representing conformant Web service
types MUST NOT be categorized using the ws-i-org:conformsTo:2002_12
taxonomy and a categorization of "".
SOAP::WSDL does not publish web services yet.
REGDATA of type uddi:tModel MUST be constructed so that the conformance
claim it makes is consistent with the conformance claim made by the
wsdl:binding to which it refers.
SOAP::WSDL does not publish web services yet.
When a MESSAGE contains a soap:Fault element, that element MUST NOT have element
children other than faultcode, faultstring, faultactor and detail.
SOAP::WSDL does not send fault messages. However, SOAP::WSDL::SOAP::Typelib::Fault11 complies to this rule.
When a MESSAGE contains a soap:Fault element its element children MUST be
SOAP::WSDL does not send fault messages. However, SOAP::WSDL::SOAP::Typelib::Fault11 complies to this rule.
When a MESSAGE contains a faultcode element the content of that element
SHOULD be one of the fault codes defined in SOAP 1.1 or a namespace qualified
fault code.
SOAP::WSDL does not send fault messages. However, the fault issued by SOAP::WSDL::Deserializer comply to this rule.
When a MESSAGE contains a faultcode element the content of that element SHOULD
NOT use of the SOAP 1.1 "dot" notation to refine the meaning of the Fault.
SOAP::WSDL does not send fault messages. However, the fault issued by SOAP::WSDL::Deserializer comply to this rule.
A MESSAGE containing a soap:mustUnderstand attribute MUST only use the lexical
forms "0" and "1".
SOAP::WSDL does not add soap:mustUnderstand attributes.
A RECEIVER MUST handle messages in such a way that it appears that all
checking of mandatory header blocks is performed before any actual
SOAP::WSDL does not check mandatory header blocks yet.
A RECEIVER MUST generate a "soap:MustUnderstand" fault when a message
contains a mandatory header block (i.e., one that has a soap:mustUnderstand
attribute with the value "1") targeted at the receiver (via soap:actor)
that the receiver does not understand.
SOAP::WSDL does not check mandatory header blocks yet.
An INSTANCE MAY accept connections on TCP port 80 (HTTP)
SOAP::WSDL does not act as server yet.
An INSTANCE MUST use a 2xx HTTP status code for responses that
indicate a successful outcome of a request.
SOAP::WSDL does not act as server yet.
An INSTANCE SHOULD use a "200 OK" HTTP status code for responses
that contain a SOAP message that is not a SOAP fault.
SOAP::WSDL does not act as server yet.
An INSTANCE SHOULD use either a "200 OK" or "202 Accepted" HTTP
status code for a response that does do not contain a SOAP message
but indicates successful HTTP outcome of a request.
SOAP::WSDL does not act as server yet.
An INSTANCE MUST use HTTP status code "307 Temporary Redirect"
when redirecting a request to a different endpoint.
SOAP::WSDL does not act as server yet.
An INSTANCE MUST use a 4xx HTTP status code for responses that indicate
a problem with the format of the request.
SOAP::WSDL does not act as server yet.
An INSTANCE SHOULD use a "400 Bad Request "HTTP status code, if the
request message is a malformed HTTP request, or not well-formed XML.
SOAP::WSDL does not act as server yet.
An INSTANCE SHOULD use a "405 Method not Allowed" HTTP status code if the
request method was not "POST".
SOAP::WSDL does not act as server yet.
An INSTANCE SHOULD use a "415 Unsupported Media Type" HTTP status code if
the Content-Type HTTP request header did not have a value consistent with
the value specified for the corresponding binding of the input message.
SOAP::WSDL does not act as server yet.
An INSTANCE MAY use the HTTP state mechanism ("Cookies").
SOAP::WSDL does not act as server yet.
An INSTANCE using Cookies SHOULD conform to RFC2965.
SOAP::WSDL does not act as server yet.
An INSTANCE SHOULD NOT require consumer support for Cookies in order to
function correctly
SOAP::WSDL does not act as server yet.
The value of the cookie MUST be considered to be opaque by the CONSUMER.
SOAP::WSDL does not act as server yet.
A DESCRIPTION using the WSDL namespace (prefixed "wsdl" in this Profile)
MUST be valid according to the XML Schema found at
See 2029.
A DESCRIPTION using the WSDL SOAP binding namespace (prefixed "soapbind"
in this Profile) MUST be valid according to the XML Schema found at
Although the Profile requires WSDL descriptions to be Schema valid, it does not require consumers to validate WSDL documents.
It is the responsibility of a WSDL document's author to assure that it is Schema valid.
A DESCRIPTION MUST only use the WSDL "import" statement to import another
WSDL description.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
To import XML Schema Definitions, a DESCRIPTION MUST use the XML Schema
"import" statement.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A DESCRIPTION MUST use the XML Schema "import" statement only within the
xsd:schema element of the types section.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A DESCRIPTION MUST NOT use the XML Schema "import" statement to import a
Schema from any document whose root element is not "schema" from the
namespace "".
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
An XML Schema directly or indirectly imported by a DESCRIPTION MAY include
the Unicode Byte Order Mark (BOM).
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
An XML Schema directly or indirectly imported by a DESCRIPTION MUST
use either UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoding.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
An XML Schema directly or indirectly imported by a DESCRIPTION MUST use
version 1.0 of the eXtensible Markup Language W3C Recommendation.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A DESCRIPTION MUST specify a non-empty location attribute on the wsdl:import
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
When they appear in a DESCRIPTION, wsdl:import elements MUST precede all
other elements from the WSDL namespace except wsdl:documentation.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
When they appear in a DESCRIPTION, wsdl:types elements MUST precede all
other elements from the WSDL namespace except wsdl:documentation and
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A DESCRIPTION MUST use version 1.0 of the eXtensible Markup Language W3C
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
The targetNamespace attribute on the wsdl:definitions element of a
description that is being imported MUST have same the value as the
namespace attribute on the wsdl:import element in the importing
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
The wsdl:documentation element MAY occur as a child of the wsdl:part
element in a DESCRIPTION.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A DESCRIPTION containing WSDL extensions MUST NOT use them to
contradict other requirements of the Profile.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A DESCRIPTION SHOULD NOT include extension elements with a wsdl:required
attribute value of "true" on any WSDL construct (wsdl:binding,
wsdl:portType, wsdl:message, wsdl:types or wsdl:import) that claims
conformance to the Profile.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A DESCRIPTION MUST NOT use QName references to elements in namespaces that
have been neither imported, nor defined in the referring WSDL document.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A QName reference to a Schema component in a DESCRIPTION MUST use the
namespace defined in the targetNamespace attribute on the xsd:schema
element, or to a namespace defined in the namespace attribute on an
xsd:import element within the xsd:schema element.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
All xsd:schema elements contained in a wsdl:types element of a
DESCRIPTION MUST have a targetNamespace attribute with a valid and non-null
value, UNLESS the xsd:schema element has xsd:import and/or
xsd:annotation as its only child element(s).
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
In a DESCRIPTION, array declarations MUST NOT extend or restrict the
soapenc:Array type.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
In a DESCRIPTION, array declarations MUST NOT use wsdl:arrayType attribute
in the type declaration.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
In a DESCRIPTION, array declaration wrapper elements SHOULD NOT be named
using the convention ArrayOfXXX.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A document-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST, in each of its
soapbind:body element(s), have at most one part listed in the parts
attribute, if the parts attribute is specified.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
If a document-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION does not specify the parts
attribute on a soapbind:body element, the corresponding abstract
wsdl:message MUST define zero or one wsdl:parts.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION MAY contain soapbind:body element(s) that
specify that zero parts form the soap:Body.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
An rpc-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST refer, in its soapbind:body
element(s), only to wsdl:part element(s) that have been defined using the
type attribute.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A MESSAGE described with an rpc-literal binding MUST NOT have the xsi:nil
attribute with a value of "1" or "true" on the part accessors.
A wsdl:message in a DESCRIPTION MAY contain wsdl:parts that use the
elements attribute provided those wsdl:parts are not referred to by a
soapbind:body in an rpc-literal binding.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A document-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST refer, in each of its
soapbind:body element(s), only to wsdl:part element(s) that have been
defined using the element attribute.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
Note: SOAP::WSDL requires that a DESCRIPTION confirms to these rules.
A binding in a DESCRIPTION MAY contain soapbind:header element(s) that
refer to wsdl:parts in the same wsdl:message that are referred to by its
soapbind:body element(s).
A wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST refer, in each of its soapbind:header,
soapbind:headerfault and soapbind:fault elements, only to wsdl:part
element(s) that have been defined using the element attribute.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION SHOULD bind every wsdl:part of a
wsdl:message in the wsdl:portType to which it refers to one of
soapbind:body, soapbind:header, soapbind:fault or soapbind:headerfault.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A wsdl:message in a DESCRIPTION containing a wsdl:part that uses the
element attribute MUST refer, in that attribute, to a global element
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A DESCRIPTION MAY use the parameterOrder attribute of an
wsdl:operation element to indicate the return value and method
signatures as a hint to code generators.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A DESCRIPTION MUST NOT use Solicit-Response and Notification type
operations in a wsdl:portType definition.
A wsdl:portType in a DESCRIPTION MUST have operations with distinct
values for their name attributes.
Note: SOAP::WSDL requires that a DESCRIPTION confirms to these rules.
A wsdl:portType in a DESCRIPTION MUST be constructed so that the
parameterOrder attribute, if present, omits at most 1 wsdl:part
from the output message.
A wsdl:message in a DESCRIPTION MUST NOT specify both type and
element attributes on the same wsdl:part.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A wsdl:binding element in a DESCRIPTION MUST use WSDL SOAP
Binding as defined in WSDL 1.1 Section 3.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
The wsdl:binding element in a DESCRIPTION MUST be constructed so
that its soapbind:binding child element specifies the transport
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A wsdl:binding element in a DESCRIPTION MUST specify the HTTP
transport protocol with SOAP binding. Specifically, the transport
attribute of its soapbind:binding child MUST have the value
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST use either be a rpc-literal
binding or a document-literal binding.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
Note: SOAP::WSDL does not support rpc-literal bindings yet.
A wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST use the value of "literal"
for the use attribute in all soapbind:body, soapbind:fault,
soapbind:header and soapbind:headerfault elements.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION that contains one or more
soapbind:body, soapbind:fault, soapbind:header or soapbind:headerfault
elements that do not specify the use attribute MUST be interpreted as
though the value "literal" had been specified in each case.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A wsdl:portType in a DESCRIPTION MAY have zero or more wsdl:bindings
that refer to it, defined in the same or other WSDL documents.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
The operations in a wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST result in wire
signatures that are different from one another.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A DESCRIPTION SHOULD NOT have more than one wsdl:port with the same
value for the location attribute of the soapbind:address element.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
For one-way operations, an INSTANCE MUST NOT return a HTTP response that contains a SOAP envelope. Specifically, the HTTP response entity-body must be empty.
SOAP::WSDL does not act as a server, yet.
For one-way operations, a CONSUMER MUST NOT interpret a successful
HTTP response status code (i.e., 2xx) to mean the message is valid
or that the receiver would process it.
SOAP::WSDL regards a successful HTTP status code for a one-way operation as an acknowledgement of the RECEIVER having receive (not processed!) the message.
SOAP::WSDL makes no assumptions about the processing of SOAP messages, but higher level clients may do.
A document-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST NOT have the
namespace attribute specified on contained soapbind:body,
soapbind:header, soapbind:headerfault and soapbind:fault elements.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
An rpc-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST have the namespace attribute
specified, the value of which MUST be an absolute URI, on
contained soapbind:body elements.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
An rpc-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST NOT have the namespace
attribute specified on contained soapbind:header, soapbind:headerfault
and soapbind:fault elements.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST have the same set of
wsdl:operations as the wsdl:portType to which it refers
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION MAY contain no soapbind:headerfault
elements if there are no known header faults.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION SHOULD contain a soapbind:fault describing
each known fault.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION SHOULD contain a soapbind:headerfault
describing each known header fault.
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
A MESSAGE MAY contain the details of a header processing related fault in a
SOAP header block that is not described by a wsdl:headerfault element in the
corresponding WSDL description.
A wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST use the attribute named part with a
schema type of "NMTOKEN" on all contained soapbind:header and
soapbind:headerfault elements.
A wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST NOT use the attribute named parts on
contained soapbind:header and soapbind:headerfault elements.
A wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST have the name attribute specified on all
contained soapbind:fault elements.
In a DESCRIPTION, the value of the name attribute on a soapbind:fault element
MUST match the value of the name attribute on its parent wsdl:fault element.
A wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION MAY specify the use attribute on contained
soapbind:fault elements.
If in a wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION the use attribute on a contained
soapbind:fault element is present, its value MUST be "literal".
A wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION that omits the use attribute on a contained
soapbind:fault element MUST be interpreted as though use="literal" had been
If an INSTANCE receives a message that is inconsistent with its WSDL
description, it SHOULD generate a soap:Fault with a faultcode of "Client",
unless a "MustUnderstand" or "VersionMismatch" fault is generated.
If an INSTANCE receives a message that is inconsistent with its WSDL
description, it MUST check for "VersionMismatch", "MustUnderstand" and
"Client" fault conditions in that order.
A MESSAGE described with an rpc-literal binding that is a response message
MUST have a wrapper element whose name is the corresponding wsdl:operation
name suffixed with the string "Response".
A MESSAGE described with an rpc-literal binding MUST place the part accessor
elements for parameters and return value in no namespace.
A MESSAGE described with an rpc-literal binding MUST namespace qualify the
children of part accessor elements for the parameters and the return value
with the targetNamespace in which their types are defined.
A MESSAGE MUST include all soapbind:headers specified on a wsdl:input or
wsdl:output of a wsdl:operation of a wsdl:binding that describes it.
A MESSAGE MAY contain SOAP header blocks that are not described in the
wsdl:binding that describes it.
A MESSAGE containing SOAP header blocks that are not described in the
appropriate wsdl:binding MAY have the mustUnderstand attribute on such SOAP
header blocks set to '1'.
The order of soapbind:header elements in soapbind:binding sections of a
DESCRIPTION MUST be considered independent of the order of SOAP header blocks
in the message.
A MESSAGE MAY contain more than one instance of each SOAP header block for
each soapbind:header element in the appropriate child of soapbind:binding in
the corresponding description.
A DESCRIPTION MUST use XML Schema 1.0 Recommendation as the basis of user
defined datatypes and structures.
REGDATA of type uddi:bindingTemplate representing a conformant INSTANCE MUST
contain the uddi:accessPoint element.
REGDATA of type uddi:tModel representing a conformant Web service type MUST
use WSDL as the description language.
REGDATA of type uddi:tModel representing a conformant Web service type MUST be
categorized using the uddi:types taxonomy and a categorization of "wsdlSpec".
REGDATA of type uddi:tModel representing a conformant Web service type MUST
follow V1.08 of the UDDI Best Practice for Using WSDL in a UDDI Registry.
The wsdl:binding that is referenced by REGDATA of type uddi:tModel MUST itself
conform to the Profile.
If an INSTANCE requires the use of HTTPS, the location attribute of the
soapbind:address element in its wsdl:port description MUST be a URI whose
scheme is "https"; otherwise it MUST be a URI whose scheme is "http".
SOAP::WSDL has no means of generating WSDL definitions.
This file contains quotes from To these quotes, the legal notice from the document source applies.
Rest of this file: Copyright 2007 Martin Kutter.
This file is part of SOAP-WSDL. You may distribute/modify it under the same terms as perl itself
Martin Kutter <martin.kutter>