App::Dispatcher - generate command-line dispatcher classes


0.11. Development Release.


use App::Dispatcher qw/run_app_dispatcher/;
run_app_dispatcher( $class, $opt );


App::Dispatcher is the implementation for the app-dispatcher(1) command. This interface is generally not used directly by application authors. Most likely you want to read App::Dispatcher::Tutorial and the documentation for app-dispatcher(1).

This module exports a a single subroutine with that takes two mandatory arguments:

run_app_dispatcher( $class, @opts )

The name space under which the command classes will be searched for.


Command line arguments matching the following options:


Add a global '--help' option.


Include a '-h' option with '--help'.


Turns on debugging statements useful for seeing the actual options your command classes are receiving.


Arrayref to add to @INC.


Arrayref of directories to search for command classes.


Print out extra details during execution.


Don't write out any files to disk.


Force the overwriting of existing writeable files.

A successful run of app_dispatcher() results in the creation of 'lib/$class/', which is based on the Command Classes found under 'lib/$class'.

The command classes may have the following methods defined:


Optional. An boolean to set the Getopt::Long option 'require_order' when true, or set option 'permute' (the default) when false (or not defined).


Optional. An integer to force the order in which commands are displayed.


Optional. The string used for error messgaes. Will be auto-generated from the opt_spec and arg_spec methods if not implemented.


Optional. Global command options. Only recognized in the top-level class. This list of array references returned by this method will be passed to the describe_options method of Getopt::Long::Descriptive.


Optional, but at least one of opt_spec or arg_spec should in most cases be present. Must return list of option definitions which will be passed to the describe_options method of Getopt::Long::Descriptive.


Optional, but at least one of opt_spec or arg_spec should in most cases be implemented. A list of argument definitions which will be passed to the describe_options method of Getopt::Long::Descriptive.


Optional, but it only makes sense to be left unimplemented if the command requires subcommands. This is the method where the real work is performed.


Optional. A brief description of the command. Will be pulled from the POD documentation if not implemented.

App::Dispatcher is also its own Command Class. That is, it implements the opt_spec(), arg_spec() and run() methods.


app-dispatcher(1), App::Dispatcher::Tutorial(3p)


Mark Lawrence <>


Copyright (C) 2011 Mark Lawrence <>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.