The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use strict;
use Log::Any '$log';
use Path::Tiny qw/path cwd tempdir/;
our $VERSION = '0.1.0_24';
sub run {
my $ctx = App::bif::Context->new(shift);
$ctx->{directory} = path( $ctx->{directory} || cwd )->absolute;
my $bifdir;
my $name;
if ( $ctx->{bare} ) {
$bifdir = $ctx->{directory};
$name = $ctx->{directory}->basename;
else {
$bifdir = $ctx->{directory}->child('.bif');
$name = '-';
return $ctx->err( 'DirExists', 'directory exists: ' . $bifdir )
if -e $bifdir;
my $tempdir = tempdir( DIR => $bifdir->parent, CLEANUP => !$ctx->{debug} );
$log->debug( 'init: tmpdir ' . $tempdir );
my $config = Config::Tiny->new;
$config->write( $tempdir->child('config') );
my $dbfile = $tempdir->child('db.sqlite3');
my $dbw = Bif::DBW->connect( 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=' . $dbfile,
undef, undef, undef, $ctx->{debug} );
$log->debug( 'init: SQLite version: ' . $dbw->{sqlite_version} );
my ( $old, $new );
sub {
( $old, $new ) = $dbw->deploy;
my $uid = $dbw->nextval('updates');
insert_into => 'updates',
values => {
author => $ctx->{user}->{name},
email => $ctx->{user}->{email},
message => 'init '
. $ctx->{directory}
. ( $ctx->{bare} ? ' --bare' : '' ),
id => $uid,
my $hid = $dbw->nextval('topics');
my $rid = $dbw->nextval('topics');
insert_into => 'func_new_hub',
values => {
id => $hid,
update_id => $uid,
local => 1,
name => $name,
insert_into => 'func_new_hub_repo',
values => {
id => $rid,
hub_id => $hid,
update_id => $uid,
location => $bifdir,
update => 'hubs',
set => { default_repo_id => $rid },
where => { id => $hid },
insert_into => 'func_merge_updates',
values => { merge => 1 },
symlink( '.', $tempdir->child('.bif') ) if $ctx->{bare};
rename( $tempdir, $bifdir )
|| return $ctx->err( 'Rename', "rename $tempdir $bifdir: $!" );
printf "Database initialised (v%s) in %s/\n", $new, $bifdir;
return $ctx->ok('Init');
=head1 NAME
bif-init - create new bif repository
=head1 VERSION
0.1.0_24 (2014-06-13)
bif init [DIRECTORY] [OPTIONS...]
The C<bif init> command initializes a new bif repository. The
repository is usually a directory named F<.bif> containing the
following files:
=item F<config>:
Configuration information in INI format
=item F<db.sqlite3>:
repository data in an SQLite database
By default F<.bif> is created underneath the current working directory.
bif init
You can initialize a repository under a different location by giving a
DIRECTORY as the first argument, which will be created if it doesn't
already exist.
bif init elsewhere
If you are creating a repository for use as a hub then the C<--bare>
option can be used to skip the creation of the F<.bif> directory.
bif init my-hub --bare
Attempting to initialize an existing repository is considered an error.
The parent location of the respository directory. Defaults to the
current working directory (F<.> or F<$PWD>).
=item --bare
Initialize the repository in F<DIRECTORY> directly instead of
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Mark Lawrence E<lt>nomad@null.netE<gt>
Copyright 2013-2014 Mark Lawrence <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.