Bif Documentation: Table of Contents
Introduction & General Information
bif - the bif manual
bif-doc-intro - a hands-on quickstart introduction
bif-doc-faq - frequently asked questions
bif-doc-changelog - what has changed in each release
bif-doc-toc - bif documentation: table of contents (this document)
bif-init - initialise a bif repository
Topic Creation
bif-new-project - initialise a bif repository
bif-new-task - initialise a bif repository
bif-new-issue - initialise a bif repository
Current Information Retrieval
bif-list-projects - initialise a bif repository
bif-list-project-status - initialise a bif repository
bif-list-topics - initialise a bif repository
bif-show - display a topics current status
bif-show-hub - show a repository current status
Historical Information Retrieval
bif-log - review the repository or topic history
bif-log-hub - review a repository history
Topic Modification
bif-reply - reply to a comment
bif-drop - delete a topic or topic update
bif-update - comment on or update a topic
Distribution, Collaboration & Synchronisation
bif-register - register with a hub
bif-push - push a topic to another project
bif-push-project - export a project to a hub
bif-pull-project - import a project from a hub
bif-sync - initialise a bif repository
Repository & Hub Management
bif-upgrade - upgrade a repository
bif-sql - run an SQL command against the database
bifhub - bif hub management
bifsync - bif synchronization server
Developer Documentation
bif-doc-design - how and why bif does what it does
bif-doc-roadmap - where development is focused
Perl Modules
App::bif - initialise a bif repository
App::bif::Context - Context class for bif commands
Bif::DB - initialise a bif repository
Bif::DBW - initialise a bif repository
Bif::Role::Sync - initialise a bif repository
Bif::Client - initialise a bif repository
Bif::Server - initialise a bif repository
Database Tables & Their Triggers
The documentation pages for database tables have titles like bif-doc-table-TABLE-NAME.
bif-doc-table-projects - project current meta data
Database Functions
The documentation pages for database functions have titles like bif-doc-func-TABLE-NAME.
bif-doc-func-new-project - add a new project to an update