Changes for version 0.1.0_27 - 2014-09-10

  • Initial Release.


distributed project management tool
bif hub management tool
synchronization server for bif hubs
run bif commands in your user repository
add a new project to an update
update a task topic
project current meta data


OptArgs dispatch module for bif.
build-time constants for App-bif
A base class for App::bif::* commands
delete a topic or topic update
remove an issue from the repository
remove an project from the repository
remove an task from the repository
remove an update from the repository
create a new bif repository
create a new local hub repository
create new bif repository
list entities present in repository
list hosts present in repository
list hubs registered with current repository
list identities present in repository
list valid issue status/status values
list projects' issues
list plans present in repository
list valid project status/status values
list projects with task/issue count & progress
list providers present in repository
list valid task status/status values
list projects' tasks
list projects' tasks and issues
review the repository or topic history
review the history of a hub
review the history of a identity
review the history of a issue
review a project history
review the history of the current repository
review a task history
create a new host in the repository
create a new hub in the repository
create a new identity in the repository
add a new issue to a project
create a new plan in the repository
create a new project
create a new provider in the repository
add a new task to a project
import project lists from a remote repository
import an identity from a repository
import projects from a remote hub
push an issue to another project
export a project to a remote hub
display a topic's current status
display a entity's current status
display a hub's current status
display a identity's current status
display an issue's current status
display a plan's current status
display a project's current status
display a task's current status
show an update's deltas as YAML
run an SQL command against the database
exchange updates with hubs
update or comment a topic
update or comment an identity
update an issue
update or comment an plan
update a project
update a task
upgrade a repository
Bifax synchronisation server
client for communication with a bif hub
helper methods for a read-only bif database
read-write helper methods for a bif database
mini object-oriented module


in lib/Bif/
in lib/Bif/
in lib/Bif/
in lib/Bif/
in lib/App/bif/
in lib/App/bif/
in lib/Bif/Role/
in lib/Bif/Role/Sync/
in lib/Bif/Role/Sync/
in lib/Bif/Role/Sync/
in lib/Bif/