Changes for version 0.0.49_2 - 2020-02-03
- Enhancements:
- Use %File::ShareDir::DIST_SHARE feature instead of home-grown silliness for tests.
- Dependencies:
- File::ShareDir 1.116
Changes for version 0.0.49_1 - 2020-02-01
- Enhancements:
- Use Text::Table::Tiny for xdump() output if it is installed
- Support VALUES (1,2),(3,4) syntax in WITH statements
- Packaging:
- Automatically generate README file using githook-perltidy
- Migrate from Module::Install to ExtUtils::MakeMaker
Changes for version 0.0.45_2 - 2016-07-29
- Bug Fixes:
- Remove debugging print statement
Changes for version 0.0.45_1 - 2016-07-28
- Enhancements:
- Indent JOIN and ON statements by two spaces.
- Log SQL statements when the prepare() step fails
- Bug Fixes:
- Remove support for empty { col => [] } constructs
- Dependencies:
- Don't use "//" for perl 5.6 support
Changes for version 0.0.41_1 - 2015-12-28
- Enhancements:
- Major refactoring
A lightweight SQL helper for DBI
Deployment support for DBIx::ThinSQL
Clean database support for DBIx::ThinSQL
in lib/DBIx/
in lib/DBIx/
in lib/DBIx/
in lib/DBIx/
in lib/DBIx/
in lib/DBIx/
in lib/DBIx/
in lib/DBIx/
in lib/DBIx/
in lib/DBIx/
in lib/DBIx/