MySpam - Database operations for the MySpam application


use MySpam;
my $m = MySpam->new;

$m->quarantine($recipient, $text);
$m->release($address, $id);
$m->add_to_whitelist($address, $sender);
$m->remove_from_whitelist($address, $sender);

# and other methods as below ...


MySpam is the database interface for the myspam application. The API enables the programmer to quarantine mails, retrieve them, set user whitelists, subscribe emails, etc.

The SQL used is fairly standard, known to work on at least SQLite and MySQL databases.



Create a new MySpam object. Takes an optional $file parameter to specify a config file location. If $file is not given the default /etc/myspam/myspam.conf is used. This method connects to the database as defined in the config file. Returns undef upon failure.


Return the underlying database connection (an SQL::DB object)


Write to the syslog with level 'info'.


Write to the syslog with level 'error'.


Create the needed tables in the database.


Save the file $file containing an email to the database. Returns true if successful, undefined otherwise. Expects the filename to be <epoch>_.* where <epoch> is the number of seconds since 1 January 1970. (The same format that sa-exim uses).

quarantine($epoch, $text)

Save the email contained in $text to the database with an epoch of $epoch. Returns true if successful, undefined otherwise.


Returns the list of recipient objects that have the email address $address. See DATABASE SCHEMA below for the methods of the recipient objects.

raw($email, $id)

Return a tuple of ($recipient, $raw_text) for mail identified by ($id,$email). See DATABASE SCHEMA below for the methods of the $recipient object.

release($email, $id)

Forwards the mail identified by ($email,$id) to address $email. Returns the matching Recipient object.

remove($email, $id)

Removes the mail identified by $email,$id from the database. Returns true if the mail was deleted or did not exist, false otherwise.

sendmail($to, $text)

Internal method. Calls /usr/sbin/sendmail to deliver $text to $to.

add_to_whitelist($recipient, $sender)

Adds email address $sender to the whitelist for $recipient (where $recipient is an email address). Be aware that the arguments here are in the reverse order to what you would expect.

remove_from_whitelist($recipient, $sender)

Removes email address $sender from the whitelist of $recipient (where $recipient is an email address). Be aware that the arguments here are in the reverse order to what you would expect.


Returns the list of Whitelist objects for address $recipient. See DATABASE SCHEMA below for the methods of the returned objects.


Returns all Whitelist objects. See DATABASE SCHEMA below for the methods of the returned objects.


Creates a Berkeley DBM file with a list of <sender> <recipient> pairs separated by a '|' as the key values. If $file is not given then the the 'whitelist' configuration item is used. If neither exist/defined then this method croaks.

subscribe($email, $days)

Subscribes $email to the newsletter, to be received every $days days. Automatically unsubscribes from all other lists if subscribed elsewhere.


Return the Subscriber object (if it exists) for $email. See DATABASE SCHEMA below for the methods of the returned objects.


Updates the time sent value to the current time for subscriber $subscriber.


Returns the list of subscriber objects that are due for a newsletter as of the current time.


Unsubscribes $email from all subscription lists.


Deletes all quarantined objects that are older than $age. Returns a tuple of ($number_messages_deleted, $number_recipients_deleted). If the optional $age is not specified then the 'expire' configuration option is used instead.


CREATE TABLE messages (
    id              INTEGER        NOT NULL,
    epoch           INTEGER        NOT NULL,
    sa_score        FLOAT          NOT NULL,
    ip              VARCHAR(32)    NOT NULL,
    mx_host         VARCHAR(255)   NOT NULL,
    raw             MEDIUMBLOB     NOT NULL,

CREATE INDEX messages_epoch ON messages (epoch);

CREATE TABLE recipients (
    id              INTEGER        NOT NULL,
    epoch           INTEGER        NOT NULL,
    sender          VARCHAR(255)   NOT NULL,
    email           VARCHAR(255)   NOT NULL,
    h_from          VARCHAR(255)   NOT NULL,
    h_subject       VARCHAR(1024)  NOT NULL,
    sa_score        FLOAT          NOT NULL,
    released        INTEGER        NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    message         INTEGER        NOT NULL REFERENCES messages(id),
    PRIMARY KEY(id),
    UNIQUE (email, message)

CREATE INDEX recipients_email ON recipients (email);

CREATE INDEX recipients_message ON recipients (message);

CREATE TABLE whitelist (
    epoch           INTEGER        NOT NULL,
    sender          VARCHAR(255)   NOT NULL,
    recipient       VARCHAR(255)   NOT NULL,
    UNIQUE (sender, recipient)

CREATE INDEX whitelist_recipient ON whitelist (recipient);

CREATE INDEX whitelist_sender_recipient ON whitelist (sender,recipient);

CREATE TABLE subscribers (
    subscriber      VARCHAR(255)   NOT NULL,
    period          INTEGER        NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
    last_sent       INTEGER        NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    PRIMARY KEY(subscriber)

    name            VARCHAR(32)    NOT NULL UNIQUE,
    val             INTEGER        NOT NULL


/etc/myspam/myspam.conf - database connection information

/var/log/mail.* - syslog(8) reporting of success or failure


myspam, MySpam::Email, SQL::DB


Mark Lawrence <>


Copyright 2006-2009 Mark Lawrence <>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.