SQL::DB - Perl interface to SQL Databases


0.19. Development release.


  use SQL::DB;
  use SQL::DB::Schema;

  table 'authors' => (
      { col => 'id' },
      { col => 'name' },
      { col => 'birth' },
      { col => 'death' },
      { col => 'photo',
          btype => 'SQL_BLOB',
          btype_Pg => '{ pg_type => DBD::Pg::PG_BYTEA }' },


  my $db = SQL::DB->new(
      dsn => "dbi:SQLite:sqldbtest$$.db",
      dbuser => 'user',
      dbpass => 'pass' 

      CREATE TABLE authors (
          name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
          birth INTEGER NOT NULL,
          death INTEGER NOT NULL,
          photo BYTEA

  $db->txn( sub{            # Commit all or nothing please
          insert_into => authors(qw/ id birth death name /),
          sql_values(1, 1828, 1910, 'Leo Tolstoy'),

#    $db->insert( 'books',
#        title  => "A Tramp Abroard",
#        author => $author1->id,
#        id     => $db->nextval( 'books' ),
#    );

#    $db->do(
#        insert_into => authors('col1', 'col2'),
#        values(1, 3, sql_func('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP')),
#    );
#    $db->do(
#        insert_into => $authors('col1', 'col2'),
#        select      => [ $t->col1, $t->col2 ],
#        from        => $t,
#        where       => ...
#    );

#    $db->do(
#        delete_from => $t,
#        where       => $t->blue->is_null .AND. $t->green->between(3,5)
#    );
#    $db->do(
#        update  => $t,
#        set     => $t->green(1), $t->blue(2),
#        where   => $t->green == 2;
#    );
#    $db->fetch(
#        select      => [ $t->green, $t->blue ],
#        from        => $t,
#        left_join   => $j,
#        on          => $t->id == $j->parent,
#        where       => $t->id > 32,
#    );

#    $db->insert( 'authors', %values );

  }, sub {
      die "Error : $_";

  my ($this_year) = (localtime)[5]+1900;
  warn $this_year;

  my $authors = srow(qw/authors/);
  my $cursor = $db->cursor(
      select    => [
          ($authors->death - $authors->birth)->as('age'),
#            sql_count( $books->id )->as( 'bookcount' ),
#           case => $authors->death,
#           when => undef, then => $authors->death - $authors->birth,
#           when => undef, then =>
#           else => -1,
#           'end', as => 'age',

      from      => $authors,
#        left_join => $books,
#        on        => $books->author == $authors->id,
#        where     => $authors->year->is_not_null .AND.
#                      $books->title->like( '%Tramp%' ),
      order_by  => $authors->birth->asc,
        limit     => 10,

  my $row = $db->fetch1(
      select    => [
          ($authors->death - $authors->birth)->as('age'),
      from      => $authors,
      where     => $authors->id == 1,
  printf( "%s lived %d years\n", $row->name, $row->age );

  foreach my $row  ( $cursor->all ) {
#        printf( "%s %d\n",  $row->name, $row->bookcount );
      printf( "%s lived %d years\n",  $row->name, $row->age );
      # Mark Twain 1
  while ( my $row = $cursor->next ) {
#        printf( "%s %d\n",  $row->name, $row->bookcount );
      printf( "%s lived %d years\n",  $row->name, $row->age );
      # Mark Twain 1

# Woops - we got the author wrong, fix it using SQL
#  my ( $authors, $books ) = arows( qw/ authors books / );
#  $db->do(
#      update => $authors->set_name( 'Mark Twain' ),
#      where  => $authors->id == $author1->id,
#  );

# Now give me some data
#  my $cursor = $db->fetch(
#      select    => [
#          $authors->name,
#          sql_count( $books->id )->as( 'bookcount' ),
#      ],
#      from      => $authors,
#      left_join => $books,
#      on        => $books->author == $authors->id,
#      where     => $authors->age->is_not_null .AND.
#                    $books->title->like( '%Tramp%' ),
#      order_by  => $authors->age->desc,
#      limit     => 10,
#  );

#  while ( my $row = $cursor->next ) {
#      printf( "%s %d\n",  $row->name, $row->bookcount );
#      # Mark Twain 1
#  }

#    my $c = $db->cursor(
#        select => [
#            $t1->col,
#        ],
#        from => $t1,
#        where => $t1->id != 4,
#    );

#    $db->insert(
#        into => 'authors',
#        values =>
##        row( 'authors',
#            title => 'this title',
#            id => 'lksjdf dsj',
##        ),
#    );

#    update authors set col=1,col2=2 where blah.

#    $db->update( $t1,
#    $db->do(
#        update => $t1,
#        set => {
#            title => 'this title',
#            id => 'lksjdf dsj',
#        },
#        where => $t1->lksdfl sdflkj dslfkj lskdjf dl
#    );

#    $db->delete(
#        from => $table,
#        where => $table->column == $value,
#    );

#    $db->do(
#        delete_from => $t1,
#        where => $t1->junk == lksjdlksjd,
#    )

#    $db->update( $t1, {
#            title => 'this title',
#            id => 'lksjdf dsj',
#        }, where => $t1->lksdfl sdflkj dslfkj lskdjf dl
#    );

#    $db->do(
#        update => [
#            $t1->set_title(lksjdf),
##            $t1->set_id(39),
#        ],
#        where => $t1->lksdfl sdflkj dslfkj lskdjf dl
#    );

#    $db->do(
#        insert_into => $t1,
#        values => $t1lksjdlksjd
#    )


SQL::DB is a Perl interface to SQL databases. It provides functionality similar to Object Relational Mappers (ORM) such as DBIx::Class, but comes with a little more power and flexibility due to the use of a slightly a lower-level API. It aims to be a tool for programmers who want databases to work harder than Perl scripts.

SQL::DB is capable of generating just about any kind of query, including aggregate expressions, joins, nested selects, unions, database-side operator invocations, and transactions. It also has some cross database support, keeping the amount of database-specific code you have to write to a minimum.

The typical application flow is as follows:

  • A database schema is defined.

  • An SQL::DB object is constructed, connect()s to the database and optionally deploy()s the tables.

  • Using "abstract rows" obtained via the Schema arow() method you can do() queries and fetch() data.

  • Using objects obtained via the Schema row() or database fetch() methods you can insert(), update() or delete() data.

  • Finally, you can disconnect() from the database.

The effort needed to use SQL::DB is primarily related to learning the schema definitions and the query syntax.

Schema Definition

An SQL::DB schema is an object (SQL::DB::Schema) describing the database tables, columns, indexes and other pieces of information that determine how application data is stored. The schema is the basis for the row and abstract row objects used to make queries, and is also used to deploy the structure to a database. The schema is accessed via the Schema() class function.

Tables are defined in a schema using define(). The following (over-complete) example describes the complete set of possible keywords and data structures accepted. Note that some fields can be 'multivariate'. Ie they can have different values depending on the DBI database driver (DBD). This is useful if you want a single codebase to run against different databases types.

    table => 'mytable',
    columns => [
            name => 'id',
            type => 'integer',            # same for all DBDs
            primary => 1,                 # can be here or below
            references => 'foreign(col)', # can be here or below
            auto_increment => 1,          # invis. to DBD != 'mysql'
            name => 'ablob',
            type => {                    # multivariate
                Pg    => 'bytea',
                mysql => 'blob' 
            unique  => 1,                # can be here or below
            null    => 1,
            default => 'defaultval',     # can be \&coderef
    primary => 'id,ablob',               # here or above
    unique => [
        { columns => 'id' },             # here or above
        { columns => 'id,ablob' },       # note multiple columns
    foreign => [                         # here or above
        {                                # note multiple columns
            key        => 'id,ablob',
            references => 'foreign(col),foreign(ablob)',
    indexes => [
            columns => 'id,ablob',
            using   => {                 # multivariate
                Pg => 'btree',
    tablespace => {                      # invis. to DBD != 'Pg'
        Pg => 'mytablespace',
    type => {                            # invis. to DBD != 'mysql'
        mysql => 'InnoDB' 
    engine => {                          # invis. to DBD != 'mysql'
        mysql => 'MyISAM',
    indexes => [
            columns => 'id,ablob',
            using   => {                 # multivariate
                Pg => 'btree',
    sequences => [
        { name => 'name' },
        { name => 'name2', inc => 2 },

An SQL::DB application can define multiple database schemas. The Schema() class method takes an optional name argument, to automatically create (if needed) and return a different schema. This is useful if you need to move data from one schema to another, or perhaps wish to support two versions of a schema simultaneously.

Schema( 'iso3166' )->define_table(...);
SQL::DB->new( schema => Schema( 'iso3166' ) );

Row Objects

Row objects can be instantiated using the Schema->row() method. They have set_col() setters and col() getters, and can be inserted using the insert() method:

my $row = Schema->row( 'mytable',
    id       => 1,
    othercol => 'value',

$db->insert( $row );

Row objects are also returned by a successful fetch() or fetch1() query. However the objects returned from these methods are not limited to the columns of a single table like row(), but instead have columns based on whatever tables and or expressions were specified in the query.

For example, if SQL generated for the query was:

    1 AS 'col4'

then the retrieved objects can do the following:


If the query contained enough primary key information then those same row objects can be modified and fed back to other database functions:

$db->delete( $row1 );

$row2->set_col( $newval );
$db->update( $row2 );

Abstract Rows and Expressions

SQL::DB queries use abstract representations of table rows - objects that can be thought of as matching any row in a table. Abstract rows are obtained using the Schema->arow() method. The objects returned have methods that match the columns of a table, plus some extra SQL syntax/sugar methods.

my ( $cds, $tracks ) = $db->arow(qw/ cds tracks /);

The real power of SQL::DB lies in the way that SQL expressions can be constructed using these abstract columns. The abstract column methods do not really act on the abstract row, but intead return an expression object (SQL::DB::Expr). Using Perl's overload feature these objects can be combined and nested in Perl in a way that maps very closely to they way the SQL would be written by hand.

Perl Expression                     SQL Result
----------------------------------  ---------------------------
$cds                                cds

$cds->title                         cds.title


$tracks->id->func('count')          count(

$tracks->set_length(                SET tracks.length =
    $tracks->length + 10 )              tracks.length + 10

( $cds->id == 1 ) .OR.     = 1 OR
  $cds->title->like( '%Magic%' ) )      cds.title LIKE '%Magic%'

( $cds->id->is_not_null .AND. IS NOT NULL AND
  ! $tracks->id->in( 1, 2, 5 ) )        NOT IN (1,2,5)

Here is a summary of the default available expression operators and methods. New expression subroutines can be generated in your own code - see SQL::DB::Expr for details.

Perl            SQL             Applies to
---------       -------         ------------
.AND.           AND             All Expressions
.OR.            OR              All Expressions
!               NOT             All Expressions
.CONCAT.        || or CONCAT    All Expressions
==              =               All Expressions
!=              !=              All Expressions

like            LIKE            Column only
in              IN              Column only
not_in          NOT IN          Column only
is_null         IS NULL         Column only
is_not_null     IS NOT NULL     Column only
asc             ASC             Column only
desc            DESC            Column only
count           COUNT           Column only
min             MIN             Column only
max             MAX             Column only
func('x',...)   X(col,...)      Column only

Query Syntax

Here is a better example with multiple functions and multiple tables. For each CD, show me the number of tracks, the length of the longest track, and the total length of the CD in one query:

track = $db->arow('tracks');
@objs = $db->fetch(
    select   => [
    group_by  => [

foreach my $obj (@objs) {
    print 'Title: '            . $obj->title      ."\n";
    print 'Number of Tracks: ' . $obj->count_id   ."\n";
    print 'Longest Track: '    . $obj->max_length ."\n";
    print 'CD Length: '        . $obj->sum_length ."\n\n";

Transactions & Savepoints

To be documented.


Emulated on systems that don't support native sequences. Based roughly on the PostgreSQL api.

To be documented.



The new() constructor accepts the optional 'debug', 'sdebug' and 'schema' arguments.


debug <-> Bool

General debugging state (true/false). Debug messages are 'warn'ed.

sdebug <-> Bool

SQL statement debugging (true/false). SQL statements are 'warn'ed.

dbh -> DBI::db

The DBI handle connecting the database.

dbd -> Str

The DBD driver name ('SQLite', 'mysql', 'Pg' etc) for the type of database we are connected to. Is 'undef' when not connected. This attribute is actually provided by SQL::DBD::Schema.



Documented here for completeness. This is used by the Moo object system at instantiation time.

connect($dsn, $user, $pass, $attrs)

Connect to a database. The parameters are passed directly to DBI->connect. This method also informs the internal table/column representations what type of database we are connected to, so they can set their database-specific features accordingly. Returns the dbh.


Creates the table $name and associated indexes and sequences in the database. Will warn and skip on any attempts to create tables that already exist.


Constructs a SQL::DB::Query object as defined by @query and runs that query against the connected database. Croaks if an error occurs. This is the method to use for any statement that doesn't retrieve values (eg INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE). Returns whatever value the underlying DBI->do call returns. This method uses "prepare_cached" to prepare the call to the database.

fetch(@query) -> SQL::DB::Cursor | @SQL::DB::Row

Constructs an SQL::DB::Query object as defined by @query and runs that query against the connected database. Croaks if an error occurs. This method should be used for SELECT-type statements that retrieve rows. This method uses "prepare_cached" to prepare the call to the database.

When called in array context returns a list of SQL::DB::Row based objects. The objects have accessors for each column in the query. Be aware that this can consume large amounts of memory if there are lots of rows retrieved.

When called in scalar context returns a query cursor (SQL::DB::Cursor) (with "next", "all" and "reset" methods) to retrieve dynamically constructed objects one at a time.

fetch1(@query) -> SQL::DB::Row

Similar to fetch() but always returns only the first object from the result set. All other rows (if any) can not be retrieved. You should only use this method if you know/expect one result. This method uses "prepare_cached" to prepare the call to the database.


Return an SQL::DB::Query object as defined by @query. This method is useful when creating nested SELECTs, UNIONs, or you can print the returned object if you just want to see what the SQL looks like.

query_as_string($sql, @bind_values)

An internal function for pretty printing SQL queries by inserting the bind values into the SQL itself. Returns a string.


The current date and time (as a string) that remains fixed within a transaction.

cursor( @query )

Runs a query and returns a SQL::DB::Cursor object. You can call next() and all() methods on this object to obtain data.

sth( @query )

Runs a query and returns a DBI::st statement handle. You can call fetchrow_array() and other DBI method on this handle.


Insert $row into the database, where $row is an SQL::DB::Row based object returned from row() or fetch() methods.


Update $row in the database, where $row is an SQL::DB::Row based object returned from row() or fetch() methods.


Delete $row from the database, where $row is an SQL::DB::Row based object returned from row() or fetch() methods.


Runs the code in &coderef as an SQL transaction. If &coderef does not raise any exceptions then the transaction is commited, otherwise it is rolled back.

This method can be called recursively, but any sub-transaction failure will always result in the outer-most transaction also being rolled back.

create_sequence( @sequence )

Creates a sequence in the database. Takes the same arguments as SQL::DB::Sequence. Sequences are emulated on systems that don't support them natively.

$db->create_sequence( name => 'myseq' );
nextval( $name, $count )

Advance the sequence to its next value and return that value. If $count is specified then a array of $count values are returned and the sequence incremented appropriately.

setval( $name, $value )

Reset the sequence counter value.

drop_sequence( $name )

Drops sequence $name from the database.


All SQL::DB releases have so far been DEVELOPMENT!

Version 0.19 was a complete rewrite based on Moo. Lots of things were simplified, modules deleted, dependencies removed, etc. The API has changed completely.

Version 0.13 changed the return type of the txn() method. Instead of a 2 value list indicating success/failure and error message, a single Return::Value object is returned intead.


DBIx::Connector, SQL::DB::Expr, SQL::DB::Cursor, SQL::DB::Schema


This distribution is still under development. Feedback, testing, bug reports and patches are all welcome.

Bug Reporting
Source Code
git clone git://


Mark Lawrence <>


Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Mark Lawrence <>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


All of the following functions are automatically exported.

expr( @statements )

Create a new expression based on @statements. This is a very dumb function. All plain string statements are uppercased with all occurences of '_' converted to spaces.


Using SQL::DB::Expr objects with the Perl "join" command does not work as expected, apparently because join does not trigger either the '.' or '.=' overload methods. The work around is to use the _expr_join subroutine.

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