SQL::DB::Expr - Build SQL expressions with Perl
0.971.0. Development release.
use SQL::DB::Expr;
my $col1 = SQL::DB::Expr->new(
_txt => 'col1',
_type => 'integer',
my $col2 = SQL::DB::Expr->new(
_txt => 'col2',
my $expr = ($col1->is_not_null .AND.
SQL::DB::Expr provides an object class that supports mapping Perl syntax to SQL text, values and types suitable for passing to DBI methods. This class is the basis for SQL::DB and is not generally used directly.
_txt => $_txt,
_type => $column_type,
_multi => $_multi,
- _txt => Scalar
The SQL representation of the expression suitable for passing to DBI methods such as do(), selectall_arrayref(), prepare(), etc.
- _type => Scalar
The column type definition. SQL::DB converts this at query run time to a type suitable for passing to a DBI bind_param() method call.
- _multi => Bool
Whether the expression requires surrounding brackets.
A subroutine called during an object's instantiation phase.
- _clone
Makes a deep copy of the object.
- _as_string
Returns a string representation of the expression, providing surrounding brackets for '_multi' expressions.
- _as_pretty($dbh) -> Str
Returns the expression as an SQL string with values interpolated.
- _sql_values_types($dbh) -> ($sql, \@values, \@types)
Returns an SQL string with placeholder values, an array of values and an array of DBI bind types.
- _expr_not
Maps '!' to 'NOT'.
- _expr_eq
Maps '==' and 'eq' to "=".
- _expr_ne
Maps '!=' and 'ne' to "!=".
- _expr_bitand
Maps '&' to "&";
- _expr_bitor
Maps '|' to "|";
- _expr_lt
Maps '<' to "<";
- _expr_gt
Maps '>' to ">";
- _expr_lte
Maps '<=' to "<=";
- _expr_gte
Maps '>=' to ">=";
- _expr_add
Maps '+' to "+";
- _expr_sub
Maps '-' to "-";
- _expr_mult
Maps '*' to "*";
- _expr_divide
Maps '/' to "/";
- is_null
Maps to "IS NULL".
- is_not_null
Maps to "IS NOT NULL".
- in(@values)
Maps to "IN (@VALUES)"
- not_in( @values )
Maps to "NOT IN ( @VALUES )".
- between( $a, $b )
Maps to "BETWEEN $a AND $b".
- not_between( $a, $b )
Maps to "NOT BETWEEN $a AND $b".
- as( $as )
Maps to "AS $as".
- like( $like )
Maps to "LIKE $like".
- asc
Maps to "ASC".
- desc
Maps to "DESC".
The following functions are exported on demand.
- _quote( $value [,$bind_type] ) -> SQL::DB::Quote
Returns an object which is recognized by SQL::DB as something which should be quoted before being prepared.
- _bval( $value [,$bind_type] ) -> SQL::DB::BindValue
Returns an object which is recognized by SQL::DB as something which should be bound (via a placeholder) before being prepared.
- _expr_binary( $op, $e1, $e2, $swap )
A method for building binary operator expressions.
- _expr_join( $separator, @expressions )
Does the same as Perl's 'join' built-in. but for SQL::DB::Expr objects. See BUGS below for why this is needed.
These subroutines let you write SQL logical expressions in Perl using string concatenation:
( $e1 .AND. $e2 ) .OR. ( $e3 .AND. $e4 )
Note that due to operator precedence, expressions either side of .AND. or .OR. should be bracketed if they are not already single expression objects.
Things are implemented this way due to Perl not allowing the overloading of the 'and' and 'or' built-ins.
Using SQL::DB::Expr objects with the Perl "join" command does not work as expected, apparently because join does not trigger either the '.' or '.=' overload methods. The work around is to use the _expr_join subroutine.
Mark Lawrence <>
Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Mark Lawrence <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.