Changes for version 4.0 - 2008-05-24

  • added (experimental) AnyEvent::DNS module.
  • added (experimental) AnyEvent::Socket module.
  • added (experiemntal) support for TLS/SSL in AnyEvent::Handle.
  • make condvar->end call ->send as documented.
  • make condvar constructor support the documented cb => argument.
  • overload condvars so you can use them instead of code references.
  • support more of the POSIX forms instead of a pure dotted quad for verbatim ip addresses.
  • AnyEvent::Socket::inet_aton will use AnyEvent::DNS now and not fork anymore.
  • try very hard not to freeze on broken windows perls.
  • make on_eof optional in AnyEvent::Handle.
  • support service names in tcp_connect and tcp_server.
  • work around netbsd/openbsd bug causing unix sockets not to become writable untill empty.
  • only make a dummy read for error detection when getpeername returns ENOTCONN.
  • defend AnyEvent::Util::inet_aton against Coro::LWP brutal override.
  • new AnyEvent::Guard::cancel.


fully asynchronous DNS resolution
non-blocking I/O on file handles via AnyEvent
AnyEvent adaptor for EV
AnyEvent adaptor for Event
AnyEvent adaptor for Event::Lib
AnyEvent adaptor for Glib
AnyEvent adaptor for POE
Pure-Perl event loop and AnyEvent adaptor for itself
AnyEvent adaptor for Qt
AnyEvent adaptor for Tk
useful IPv4 and IPv6 stuff.
various utility functions.


in lib/
in lib/
in lib/
in lib/
in lib/AnyEvent/Impl/
in lib/AnyEvent/Impl/