Changes for version 7.07 - 2013-12-17

  • the documentation for custom tls verify schemes was wrong. make it agree with the code (reported by Maxime Soulé).
  • added cbor read and write types to AnyEvent::Handle (using CBOR::XS).
  • work around an API change in openssl that could cause wrong tls connection aborts, likely on windows only (analyzed by sten).
  • calling AnyEvent->now_update with AnyEvent::Impl::Perl caused an endless loop (reported by Dietrich Rebmann).
  • add tlsv1_1 and tlsv1_2 protocols to AnyEvent::TLS (patch by Maxime Soulé).
  • document AnyEvent::Impl::IOAsync::set_loop and $AnyEvent::Impl::IOAsync::LOOP. Though only documented now, this functionality has _always_ been available.
  • force a toplevel domain name in t/81_hosts.t (analyzed by David Jack Wange Olrik).
  • document that AnyEvent::Log uses AnyEvent::IO.
  • warn about AnyEvent::Filesys::Notify performance.
  • praise the joys of AnyEvent::Fork::*.
  • time for an =encoding directive.
  • do no longer use JSON to create a default json coder, use JSON::XS or JSON::PP directly.


frequently asked questions
an introductory tutorial to AnyEvent


simpler/faster/newer/cooler AnyEvent API
the DBI of event loop programming
fully asynchronous DNS resolution
debugging utilities for AnyEvent
non-blocking I/O on streaming handles via AnyEvent
the DBI of asynchronous I/O implementations
AnyEvent::IO backend based on IO::AIO
pure perl backend for AnyEvent::IO
AnyEvent adaptor for Cocoa::EventLoop
AnyEvent adaptor for EV
AnyEvent adaptor for Event
AnyEvent adaptor for Event::Lib
AnyEvent adaptor for FLTK (Fast Light Toolkit version two)
AnyEvent adaptor for Glib
AnyEvent adaptor for IO::Async
AnyEvent adaptor for Irssi
AnyEvent adaptor for POE
AnyEvent adaptor for AnyEvent's pure perl AnyEvent::Loop
AnyEvent adaptor for Qt
AnyEvent adaptor for Tk
simple logging "framework"
AnyEvent's Pure-Perl event loop
useful IPv4 and IPv6 stuff. also unix domain sockets. and stuff.
force strict mode on for the whole process
SSLv2/SSLv3/TLSv1 contexts for use in AnyEvent::Handle
various utility functions.


in lib/
in lib/AnyEvent/
in lib/AnyEvent/
in lib/AnyEvent/
in lib/
in lib/
in lib/
in lib/AnyEvent/
in lib/AnyEvent/
in lib/AnyEvent/
in lib/AnyEvent/
in lib/AnyEvent/IO/
in lib/AnyEvent/IO/
in lib/AnyEvent/Impl/
in lib/AnyEvent/Impl/
in lib/AnyEvent/
in lib/AnyEvent/
in lib/AnyEvent/
in lib/AnyEvent/