Changes for version 7.09 - 2015-05-02

  • AnyEvent::Debug called an internal function (AnyEvent::Log::ft) that was renamed to AnyEvent::Log:format_time. uinder its old name (analyzed by Michael Stovenour).
  • update AnyEvent::DNS fallback resolver addresses: seems google effectively killed most other free dns resolvers, so remove them, but add cable and wireless (ecrc) since it was stable for 20 years or so, official or not, and there should be an alternative to google.
  • perl5porters broke windows error codes in 5.20, and mapped WSAEWOULDBLOCK on the (different) EWOULDBLOCK error code, and WSAEINPROGRESS into the incompatible ERINPROGRESS code, probably because they were so cool. They probably broke other error codes for no reason, too, but I didn't care for checking, it's too depressing. This version only works around the WSAEWOULDBLOCK issue, because I don't have a nice way to work around the WSAEINPROGRESS bug.


frequently asked questions
an introductory tutorial to AnyEvent


simpler/faster/newer/cooler AnyEvent API
the DBI of event loop programming
fully asynchronous DNS resolution
debugging utilities for AnyEvent
non-blocking I/O on streaming handles via AnyEvent
the DBI of asynchronous I/O implementations
AnyEvent::IO backend based on IO::AIO
pure perl backend for AnyEvent::IO
AnyEvent adaptor for Cocoa::EventLoop
AnyEvent adaptor for EV
AnyEvent adaptor for Event
AnyEvent adaptor for Event::Lib
AnyEvent adaptor for FLTK (Fast Light Toolkit version two)
AnyEvent adaptor for Glib
AnyEvent adaptor for IO::Async
AnyEvent adaptor for Irssi
AnyEvent adaptor for POE
AnyEvent adaptor for AnyEvent's pure perl AnyEvent::Loop
AnyEvent adaptor for Qt
AnyEvent adaptor for Tk
AnyEvent adaptor for UV
simple logging "framework"
AnyEvent's Pure-Perl event loop
useful IPv4 and IPv6 stuff. also unix domain sockets. and stuff.
force strict mode on for the whole process
SSLv2/SSLv3/TLSv1 contexts for use in AnyEvent::Handle
various utility functions.


in lib/
in lib/AnyEvent/
in lib/AnyEvent/
in lib/AnyEvent/
in lib/
in lib/
in lib/
in lib/AnyEvent/
in lib/AnyEvent/
in lib/AnyEvent/
in lib/AnyEvent/
in lib/AnyEvent/IO/
in lib/AnyEvent/IO/
in lib/AnyEvent/Impl/
in lib/AnyEvent/Impl/
in lib/AnyEvent/
in lib/AnyEvent/
in lib/AnyEvent/
in lib/AnyEvent/