aemp - AnyEvent:MP utility


aemp command args...

# protocol commands
aemp snd <port> <arg...>     # send a message
aemp mon <port>              # wait till port is killed
aemp rpc <port> <arg...>     # send message, append reply

# run a node
aemp run initialise_args...  # run a node

# node configuration: protocol endpoints
aemp setnodeid <nodeid>      # configure the real node id
aemp delnodeid               # reset node id to default (= inherit)

# node configuration: secret
aemp gensecret               # generate a random shared secret
aemp setsecret <secret>      # set the shared secret
aemp delsecret               # remove the secret (= inherit)

# node configuration: TLS
aemp gencert                 # generate a random certificate
aemp setcert <file>          # set a certificate (key.pem + certificate.pem)
aemp delcert                 # remove certificate (= inherit)

# node configuration: seed addresses for bootstrapping
aemp setseeds <host:port>... # set seeds
aemp delseeds                # clear all seeds (= inherit)
aemp addseed <host:port>     # add a seed
aemp delseed <host:port>     # remove seed

# node configuration: bind addresses
aemp setbinds <host:port>... # set binds
aemp delbinds                # clear all binds (= inherit)
aemp addbind <host:port>     # add a bind address
aemp delbind <host:port>     # remove a bind address

# node configuration: services
aemp setservices initfunc... # set service functions
aemp delservices             # clear all services (= inherit)
aemp addservice <initfunc>   # add an instance of a service
aemp delservice <initfunc>   # delete one instance of a service

# profile-specific configuration
aemp profile <name> <command>... # apply command to profile only
aemp delprofile <name>       # eradicate the named profile
aemp showprofile <name>      # display given profile
aemp showconfig <name>       # display effective config

# debugging
aemp trace <nodeid>          # trace the network topology


With aemp you can configure various aspects of AnyEvent::MP and its protocol.

You can also start a "default node", a node that only depends on the static configuration.