AnyEvent::WebDriver - control browsers using the W3C WebDriver protocol


# start geckodriver or any other w3c-compatible webdriver via the shell
$ geckdriver -b myfirefox/firefox --log trace --port 4444

# then use it
use AnyEvent::WebDriver;

# create a new webdriver object
my $wd = new AnyEvent::WebDriver;

# create a new session with default capabilities.
$wd->new_session ({});

$wd->navigate_to ("");
my $searchbox = $wd->find_element ("css selector" => 'input[type="text"]');

$wd->element_send_keys ($searchbox => "free software");
$wd->element_click ($wd->find_element ("css selector" => 'input[type="submit"]'));

sleep 10;


This module aims to implement the W3C WebDriver specification which is the standardised equivalent to the Selenium WebDriver API., which in turn aims at remotely controlling web browsers such as Firefox or Chromium.

At the time of this writing, it was only available as a draft document, so changes will be expected. Also, only geckodriver did implement it, or at least, most of it.

To make most of this module, or, in fact, to make any reasonable use of this module, you would need to refer tot he W3C WebDriver document, which can be found here:


new AnyEvent::WebDriver key => value...

Create a new WebDriver object. Example for a remote WebDriver connection (the only type supported at the moment):

my $wd = new AnyEvent::WebDriver host => "localhost", port => 4444;

Supported keys are:

endpoint => $string

For remote connections, the endpoint to connect to (defaults to http://localhost:4444).

proxy => $proxyspec

The proxy to use (same as the proxy argument used by AnyEvent::HTTP). The default is undef, which disables proxies. To use the system-provided proxy (e.g. http_proxy environment variable), specify a value of default.

autodelete => $boolean

If true (the default), then automatically execute delete_session when the WebDriver object is destroyed with an active session. IF set to a false value, then the session will continue to exist.

timeout => $seconds

The HTTP timeout, in (fractional) seconds (default: 300, but this will likely drastically reduce). This timeout is reset on any activity, so it is not an overall request timeout. Also, individual requests might extend this timeout if they are known to take longer.


This section documents the simplified API, which is really just a very thin wrapper around the WebDriver protocol commands. They all block (using AnyEvent condvars) the caller until the result is available, so must not be called from an event loop callback - see "EVENT BASED API" for an alternative.

The method names are pretty much taken directly from the W3C WebDriver specification, e.g. the request documented in the "Get All Cookies" section is implemented via the get_all_cookies method.

The order is the same as in the WebDriver draft at the time of this writing, and only minimal massaging is done to request parameters and results.


$wd->new_session ({ key => value... })

Try to connect to the WebDriver and initialize a new session with a "new session" command, passing the given key-value pairs as value (e.g. capabilities).

No session-dependent methods must be called before this function returns successfully, and only one session can be created per WebDriver object.

On success, $wd->{sid} is set to the session ID, and $wd->{capabilities} is set to the returned capabilities.

my $wd = new AnyEvent::Selenium endpoint => "http://localhost:4545";

$wd->new_session ({
   capabilities => {
      pageLoadStrategy => "normal",

Deletes the session - the WebDriver object must not be used after this call.

$timeouts = $wd->get_timeouts

Get the current timeouts, e.g.:

my $timeouts = $wd->get_timeouts;
=> { implicit => 0, pageLoad => 300000, script => 30000 }
$wd->set_timeouts ($timeouts)

Sets one or more timeouts, e.g.:

$wd->set_timeouts ({ script => 60000 });
$wd->navigate_to ($url)

Navigates to the specified URL.

$url = $wd->get_current_url

Queries the current page URL as set by navigate_to.


The equivalent of pressing "back" in the browser.


The equivalent of pressing "forward" in the browser.


The equivalent of pressing "refresh" in the browser.

$title = $wd->get_title

Returns the current document title.


$handle = $wd->get_window_handle

Returns the current window handle.


Closes the current browsing context.

$wd->switch_to_window ($handle)

Changes the current browsing context to the given window.

$handles = $wd->get_window_handles

Return the current window handles as an array-ref of handle IDs.

$handles = $wd->switch_to_frame ($frame)

Switch to the given frame identified by $frame, which must be either undef to go back to the top-level browsing context, an integer to select the nth subframe, or an element object (as e.g. returned by the element_object method.

$handles = $wd->switch_to_parent_frame

Switch to the parent frame.

$rect = $wd->get_window_rect

Return the current window rect, e.g.:

$rect = $wd->get_window_rect
=> { height => 1040, width => 540, x => 0, y => 0 }
$wd->set_window_rect ($rect)

Sets the window rect.


Changes the window size by either maximising, minimising or making it fullscreen. In my experience, this will timeout if no window manager is running.


$element_id = $wd->find_element ($location_strategy, $selector)

Finds the first element specified by the given selector and returns its web element ID (the strong, not the object from the protocol). Raises an error when no element was found.

$element = $wd->find_element ("css selector" => "body a");
$element = $wd->find_element ("link text" => "Click Here For Porn");
$element = $wd->find_element ("partial link text" => "orn");
$element = $wd->find_element ("tag name" => "input");
$element = $wd->find_element ("xpath" => '//input[@type="text"]');
=> e.g. "decddca8-5986-4e1d-8c93-efe952505a5f"
$element_ids = $wd->find_elements ($location_strategy, $selector)

As above, but returns an arrayref of all found element IDs.

$element_id = $wd->find_element_from_element ($element_id, $location_strategy, $selector)

Like find_element, but looks only inside the specified $element.

$element_ids = $wd->find_elements_from_element ($element_id, $location_strategy, $selector)

Like find_elements, but looks only inside the specified $element.

my $head = $wd->find_element ("tag name" => "head");
my $links = $wd->find_elements_from_element ($head, "tag name", "link");
$element_id = $wd->get_active_element

Returns the active element.


$bool = $wd->is_element_selected

Returns whether the given input or option element is selected or not.

$string = $wd->get_element_attribute ($element_id, $name)

Returns the value of the given attribute.

$string = $wd->get_element_property ($element_id, $name)

Returns the value of the given property.

$string = $wd->get_element_css_value ($element_id, $name)

Returns the value of the given CSS value.

$string = $wd->get_element_text ($element_id)

Returns the (rendered) text content of the given element.

$string = $wd->get_element_tag_name ($element_id)

Returns the tag of the given element.

$rect = $wd->get_element_rect ($element_id)

Returns the element rect(angle) of the given element.

$bool = $wd->is_element_enabled

Returns whether the element is enabled or not.


$wd->element_click ($element_id)

Clicks the given element.

$wd->element_clear ($element_id)

Clear the contents of the given element.

$wd->element_send_keys ($element_id, $text)

Sends the given text as key events to the given element.


$source = $wd->get_page_source

Returns the (HTML/XML) page source of the current document.

$results = $wd->execute_script ($javascript, $args)

Synchronously execute the given script with given arguments and return its results ($args can be undef if no arguments are wanted/needed).

$ten = $wd->execute_script ("return arguments[0]+arguments[1]", [3, 7]);
$results = $wd->execute_async_script ($javascript, $args)

Similar to execute_script, but doesn't wait for script to return, but instead waits for the script to call its last argument, which is added to $args automatically.

$twenty = $wd->execute_async_script ("arguments[0](20)", undef);


$cookies = $wd->get_all_cookies

Returns all cookies, as an arrayref of hashrefs.

# google surely sets a lot of cookies without my consent
$wd->navigate_to ("");
use Data::Dump;
ddx $wd->get_all_cookies;

Returns a single cookie as a hashref.

Adds the given cookie hashref.

Delete the named cookie.


Delete all cookies.


$wd->perform_actions ($actions)

Perform the given actions (an arrayref of action specifications simulating user activity). For further details, read the spec.

An example to get you started:

$wd->navigate_to ("");
$wd->set_timeouts ({ implicit => 10000 });
my $input = $wd->find_element ("css selector", 'input[type="text"]');
$wd->perform_actions ([
      id => "myfatfinger",
      type => "pointer",
      pointerType => "touch",
      actions => [
         { type => "pointerMove", duration => 100, origin => $wd->element_object ($input), x => 40, y => 5 },
         { type => "pointerDown", button => 1 },
         { type => "pause", duration => 40 },
         { type => "pointerUp", button => 1 },
      id => "mykeyboard",
      type => "key",
      actions => [
         { type => "pause" },
         { type => "pause" },
         { type => "pause" },
         { type => "pause" },
         { type => "keyDown", value => "a" },
         { type => "pause", duration => 100 },
         { type => "keyUp", value => "a" },
         { type => "pause", duration => 100 },
         { type => "keyDown", value => "b" },
         { type => "pause", duration => 100 },
         { type => "keyUp", value => "b" },
         { type => "pause", duration => 2000 },
         { type => "keyDown", value => "\x{E007}" }, # enter
         { type => "pause", duration => 100 },
         { type => "keyUp", value => "\x{E007}" }, # enter
         { type => "pause", duration => 5000 },

Release all keys and pointer buttons currently depressed.



Dismiss a simple dialog, if present.


Accept a simple dialog, if present.

$text = $wd->get_alert_text

Returns the text of any simple dialog.

$text = $wd->send_alert_text

Fills in the user prompt with the given text.



Create a screenshot, returning it as a PNG image in a data: URL.

$wd->take_element_screenshot ($element_id)

Accept a simple dialog, if present.


$object = AnyEvent::WebDriver->element_object ($element_id)
$object = $wd->element_object ($element_id)

Encoding element IDs in data structures is done by representing them as an object with a special key and the element ID as value. This helper method does this for you.


This module wouldn't be a good AnyEvent citizen if it didn't have a true event-based API.

In fact, the simplified API, as documented above, is emulated via the event-based API and an AUTOLOAD function that automatically provides blocking wrappers around the callback-based API.

Every method documented in the "SIMPLIFIED API" section has an equivalent event-based method that is formed by appending a underscore (_) to the method name, and appending a callback to the argument list (mnemonic: the underscore indicates the "the action is not yet finished" after the call returns).

For example, instead of a blocking calls to new_session, navigate_to and back, you can make a callback-based ones:

my $cv = AE::cv;

$wd->new_session ({}, sub {
   my ($status, $value) = @_,

   die "error $value->{error}" if $status ne "200";

   $wd->navigate_to_ ("", sub {

      $wd->back_ (sub {
         print "all done\n";



While the blocking methods croak on errors, the callback-based ones all pass two values to the callback, $status and $res, where $status is the HTTP status code (200 for successful requests, typically 4xx or 5xx for errors), and $res is the value of the value key in the JSON response object.

Other than that, the underscore variants and the blocking variants are identical.


All the simplified API methods are very thin wrappers around WebDriver commands of the same name. They are all implemented in terms of the low-level methods (req, get, post and delete), which exists in blocking and callback-based variants (req_, get_, post_ and delete_).

Examples are after the function descriptions.

$wd->req_ ($method, $uri, $body, $cb->($status, $value))
$value = $wd->req ($method, $uri, $body)

Appends the $uri to the endpoint/session/{sessionid}/ URL and makes a HTTP $method request (GET, POST etc.). POST requests can provide a UTF-8-encoded JSON text as HTTP request body, or the empty string to indicate no body is used.

For the callback version, the callback gets passed the HTTP status code (200 for every successful request), and the value of the value key in the JSON response object as second argument.

$wd->get_ ($uri, $cb->($status, $value))
$value = $wd->get ($uri)

Simply a call to req_ with $method set to GET and an empty body.

$wd->post_ ($uri, $data, $cb->($status, $value))
$value = $wd->post ($uri, $data)

Simply a call to req_ with $method set to POST - if $body is undef, then an empty object is send, otherwise, $data must be a valid request object, which gets encoded into JSON for you.

$wd->delete_ ($uri, $cb->($status, $value))
$value = $wd->delete ($uri)

Simply a call to req_ with $method set to DELETE and an empty body.

Example: implement get_all_cookies, which is a simple GET request without any parameters:

$cookies = $wd->get ("cookie");

Example: implement execute_script, which needs some parameters:

$results = $wd->post ("execute/sync" => { script => "$javascript", args => [] });

Example: call find_elements to find all IMG elements, stripping the returned element objects to only return the element ID strings:

my $elems = $wd->post (elements => { using => "css selector", value => "img" });

# yes, the W3C found an interesting way around the typelessness of JSON
$_ = $_->{"element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf"}
   for @$elems;


This module was unintentionally created (it started inside some quickly hacked-together script) simply because I couldn't get the existing Selenium::Remote::Driver module to work, ever, despite multiple attempts over the years and trying to report multiple bugs, which have been completely ignored. It's also not event-based, so, yeah...


Marc Lehmann <>