Changes for version 0.91 - 2010-12-10
- add testsuite (yeah, should be optional - send patches).
- started to maintain two demo builds: bigperl and smallperl, on
- implemented --staticlib option.
- special unicore/ compression (but much more could be done, especially for the uncompressed case).
- implemented a strip cache, speeding up ppi stripping enourmously.
- implemented --include/--exclude options.
- try to port the tar call to freebsd (reported and analyzed by Thomas Linden).
- (hopefully) better meaning of verbose levels.
- avoid deadlocking in --eval (unlikely, but possible).
- implement $STATICPERLRC.
- do all option AND bundle file processing with Getopt::Long, to make maintenance easier.
perl, libc, 100 modules, all in one 500kb file
perl, libc, 100 modules, all in one 500kb file