Changes for version 1.1 - 2011-02-24

  • use a better -M syntax.
  • the one-arg form of add/binadd was broken.
  • --add and --binadd now use the file as alias if the alias is missing.
  • embeddable bundle files were broken because "args" was used before defined.
  • mkapp now actually passes arguments to the boot script.
  • more cpan-testers workarounds :/.
  • implement an ignore-env option for mkbundle.
  • use, not just require, modules when tracing their dependencies.
  • support an optional xs_init argument to staticperl_init, which can be 0 (and is then ignored).
  • reduce PERL_ARENA_SIZE to something more reasonable for perl 5.12.
  • use perl 5.12.3 by default.
  • enable debug symbols by default (but not the dreaded -DDEBUGGING).


perl, libc, 100 modules, all in one 500kb file
perl, libc, 100 modules, all in one 500kb file
