Deliantra Command Listing
Accepts an invitation previously issued by another player using the invite command. This will transfer you to the location you were invited to.
Puts you into AFK (Away From Keyboard) mode. This can be used when you are away for some time but not long enough to log off. It will not save you from starvation and will merely list you as AFK in the user list.
Apply applies an object.
If no options are given, it applies an object you are standing on.
If an object name is given, it will apply/unapply that object (toggle)
Extra options to apply:
-a Always applies the object
-u Always unapplies the object.
These two options disable the toggling feature.
applymode (nochoice|never|always)
Applymode controls what happens when you are equipping something that would require something else to be unequipped.
The options are:
- nochoice
In this case, if there is no choice for the item(s) being removed in order to equip your new item. An example of this is a wand - there can only be one other item needed to be unequipped for the new item to be equipped. Note that in the case of two handed objects, like bows, it can result in two (or more) items being unequipped to equip your new item.
- never
In this case, it will never unequip something for you. It will instead tell you want you need to unequip - this can be a list of many objects.
- always
This will unequip whatever is needed to equip your new item.
An example of how the above works:
If your character currently has two rings, and tries to equip a third, the nochoice mode will print the two rings you currently have equipped. The always mode will unequip one of the rings in your inventory. The ring unequipped is fairly indeterminate - it depends on how the server has ordered your inventory (which is not the same as the order your window displays).
If your character is currently wearing a suit of armor, and you try to equip another suit, both nochoice and always will cause the new suit to get equipped.
See apply.
Shows how much you are wielding on certain bodyparts. For example as fireborn, you have 4 fingers to put rings on. If you have 3 rings on it will say: "on your finger 3 1", meaning you have 3 fingers full and one free.
bowmode (normal|threewide|spreadshot|bestarrow|.*)
Bowmode controls how you will fire arrows and bolts.
The options are:
- normal
As you would expect.
- threewide
Fires three arrows in parallel.
- spreadshot
Fires three arrows which spread out over distance.
- firedirection
Locks in the direction the missiles will fire, specify by compass position: firenorth, firene, fireeast, firese, firesouth, firesw, firewest, firenw.
- bestarrow
Selects and fires the probable best arrow from your inventory.
When you enter the brace command to brace your character, your character will no longer move. It can still attack adjoining spaces. Bracing can be useful to hold a location.
When you are braced, you lose your dex bonus and incur a 2 point ac penalty beyond that (if you have a negative dex bonus, you may in fact come out ahead. You also only get 20% of the normal experience for killing creatures, and incure a 4 point wc (to hit) penalty.
chat <message>
Sends a message to all players on the server that have listen level 10 or higher.
You use the cast command to set your range-weapon to the spell you want. Example:
cast burning hands
sets your range weapon to spell: burning hands.
If you don't know the spell, shows which spells you do know.
It is helpful to bind string like cast burning hands to keys.
See range for more information on range weapons.
drop (all|unpaid|cursed|unlocked|.*)
drop [number] name
name is the name of the item(s) to drop. It may match multiple items. The name is matched against the start of the objects in your inventory. The name matching is case insensitive.
There are a few special name values:
- all
matches any item.
- unpaid
matches unpaid items
- cursed
drops items known to be cursed or damned.
- unlocked
drops items not locked in your inventory
number is optional. This acts as the number of the object to drop. The objects number must be at least the number for it to be dropped. For example, if you do drop 10 scroll, only groupings of 10 or more scrolls will be dropped. A collection of 5 scrolls will not be dropped.
See also dropall and mouse button control within client for dropping objects.
Tosses a coin and reports the outcome to you and other players on the same map, much like the say command does.
Throws your orcknuckle set and reports the outcome to you and other players on the same map, much like the say command does. Your first three orcknuckle throws can report beholder, ghost, knight, princess, dragon, while the fourth can additionally roll up to orc.
dropall [type]
dropall drops all items in your inventory to the ground, excepting locked items. The type parameter will also control what is dropped:
- nothing specified
Drops all objects except food, money, keys, and containers.
- weapons
Drops weapons, bows, and arrows.
- armor (armour)
Drops armor, shield, and helmets.
- misc
Drops horns, books, girdles, amulets, rings, cloaks, boots, gloves, bracers, scrolls, wands, rods, and potions.
See also 'drop' and mouse button control for dropping objects.
Without arguments, this will give some information on the item below you, with arguments it will give information on a matching item in your inventory. For example:
examine rucksack
This will show you something like:
That is rucksack
Its weight limit is 647.1 kg.
It is made of: cloth.
It weighs 0.100 kg.
This enables the follow mode (cf+ only).
The player issuing the follow command is required to stand on a space right next to the player that is to be followed.
To start following a player, use:
follow <playername>
To stop following, use:
Without arguments.
get [item]
This will pick up an item from the floor with the name [item]. If there is more than one unique item with that name, they are all picked up.
If you are in a party (party join or party form), you will be able to message only your party. Even people standing right next to you can't hear it.
Gives you online help for the command or help topic specified.
hintmode (show|mark|hide)
hintmode show|mark|hide
Sets the hint mode to the given value: Throughout the game you can find hints that sometimes help you to solve a puzzle or manage a situation better than without. You can change the display of these hints with this command:
- show
Show the hints (the default mode).
- mark
Do not show the hints themselves, but notify you when a hint would have been available.
- hide
Hide all hints: You will not be able to tell wether there is a hint available or not.
Shows a list of the highest level players in the game.
ignore list
Lists all players that you currently ignore.
ignore <player> <tell|shout|all> [timeout]
This command ignores the specified messages (tell ignores tells, shout ignores chat and shout and all ignores everything from the given user).
The optional timeout (specified in hours) specifies then the ignore entry expires. The default is 24 (one day). The reason why all ignores expire after a day by default is that most troublemakers stop soon after they are being ignored.
To revoke an ignore, use the unignore command.
Lists all items in your inventory along with their locked/applied/wielded status. Example:
- arrow 0.1
- Knife * 2
- long sword (wielded) 15
This shows that you have one arrow which weighs 0.1kg and one Knife which you protected from dropping by locking it as well as a long sword which you are currently using to attack.
This command invites another player to where you are currently located. There are four levels of inviting that can be earned by doing quests. Quest descriptions can be found in a house in scorn.
- Level 1 can invite only into private rooms such as apartments.
- Level 2 can invite into private rooms and unique maps such as guilds.
- Level 3 can invite to anywhere in the world if there are no monsters on the map.
- Level 4 can invite any player to any map with or without monsters. This is a very dangerous skill and should be used wisely.
In any of these levels, the invited player is required to acknowledge and allow the transport.
One can never transport from nor to an unholy place. That means, one can not be saved out of jail using invite.
The invoke command is used to cast a spell immediately, or when it is necessary to give a parameter to the spell. Invoke will not set the range weapon.
invoke restoration
invoke magic rune of large fireball
invoke reincarnation of Iamdead
invoke create food of waybread
It is very helpful to bind healing spells to keys, for example go to your playerbook, tab spells, the press the right mosue button on the spell medium healing and choose bind invoke ... to a key
. It is recommended to bind a healing spell or potion to an easily-accessible-key, such as '1'.
killpets [name]
The killpets command is a quick and convenient way to get rid of all your pets when they are no longer useful or are getting in the way. Any equipment they had will be left behind, but you will get no experience for their death. However, it kills them instantaneously.
If a name is specified then only pets with that name will be killed, eg killpets bat will kill bats but not bees. If a number is specified, the pet corresponding to that number is killed.
listen <listen-level>
Listen sets the level of messages you will hear. Priorities are defined as follows:
0 - Nothing, not even "You punch kobold." or "You say: hi".
1 - Only messages that have to do with yourself.
2 - Emergency calls from other users
10 - General chatter with the 'chat' command.
11 - See what players kill what monster with what attack/spell. Very
verbose - only for the fanatics.
Shows some information about the map like this:
world_105_115 (/world/world_105_115) in scorn
Creator: Gnat the Gnu
Date: Sun Dec 16 20:53:13 2001
world_105_115: The map name /world/world_105_115: The relative map path scorn: Region the map is in
The rest is information the mapper may or may not provide. Often, this is the mapper's name, email and map creation date as this example shows.
maps <mapname>
Shows a list of maps matching the regex <mapname> that are currently being known to the server. The different fields are Pl, I, Svd, Reset and Path:
- Pl: the number of players on that map currently.
- I: In memory, Swapped out or Loading.
The server keeps maps in memory only for a short time (by default about 40 seconds). After that time, it saves them to disk. As the server loads most maps in the background it is possible that you can see a map that is currently being loaded, but thats rare, as loading a map is fast.
- Svd: the amount of seconds the map was last saved (++ means >99).
The server by default tries to save each map at least every 20 seconds if it changed, so in case of a disastrous crash (one where the server cannot emergency save), at most 20 seconds of gameplay are lost.
- Reset: the minimum number of seconds the map will stay as is (will not reset).
Most maps will not reset as long as players are on it, and usually the reset counter only starts going down when all players left the map. Some maps will never reset in the common sense, these are usually marked with a very high number (sucha s
). - Path: the name that uniquely identifies the map, can be used for goto etc.
mark is used to mark items for items that apply other items. Examples of these are flint & steel marked for apply torches, a weapon marked for improve weapon scrolls.
mark without options shows your currently marked item.
Usage examples:
mark sword +3
mark three torches
mark sword
mark will look for best match first, and then look for matches based on shortened name, object name, archetype name. It prints the match it finds.
Shows the message of the day. It takes no arguments.
output-count [lines]
output-count sets after how many messages of the same type, they are then printed out. If the value was 10, then after killing ten orcs, the message '10 times you kill orc' would be printed out. The default value is 1 - this means that all messages get printed out as they are requested - buffering is disabled in this regard.
output-sync controls how often information is sent to the screen. Each buffer has its own time value, and will be flushed independantly. The default value is usually less than a second.
See also output-sync.
output-rate [bytes per second]
Show the current setting of the output-rate, or set it to the provided value. The server will try very hard not to send more than this many bytes per second to your client. If the rate is exceeded, the server tries to hold back less important information (such as new images) to increase responsiveness.
The server-side default is usually quite high, around 100000. If the server is running on a Linux kernel, it will adjust to the actual bandwidth available, and output-rate only sets an upper bound. That is, the server will automatically set an optimal send rate and adjusting your output-rate is not required.
output-sync [seconds]
output-sync controls how often information is sent to the screen. Each buffer has its own time value, and will be flushed independantly. The default value is usually less than a second.
output-count sets after how many messages of the same type, they are then printed out. If the value was 10, then after killing ten orcs, the message '10 times you kill orc' would be printed out. The default value is 1 - this means that all messages get printed out as they are requested - buffering is disabled in this regard.
See also output-count.
party join partyname Puts you in a party, prompts you for a passwd if there is one
party form partyname Forms a party and puts you as leader, 32 character max. At the moment, being party leader does nothing. May be used in the future.
party list Lists currently formed parties and their 'leader'
party passwd <password> Changes the passwd for the party you are in, 8 character max.
party who lists the members of the party you are in
party say <msg> sends messsage to party members
party leave takes you out of current party
TODO: rework for, intended future behaviour is to toggle peaceful mode with regards to npc and monsters only, not with regards to players (which will be controlled by priests).
The peaceful command will switch you between peaceful and hostile attack modes.
When peaceful is on you will not automatically attack other player when bumping into them and will do reduced damage against other players if you do attack them (friendly fire). Having peaceful mode on only lowers damage against other players, it has no effect on damage done to monsters or other NPCs, so it is generally advisable to remain in peaceful mode unless you are looking for trouble. It is still entirely possible to kill other players when in peaceful mode so you should still be careful when interacting with other players. Hostile mode (peaceful off) will enable melee combat when bumping into other players and does normal damage for other attacks as well.
Damage done by area effect attacks like cone spells, explosive detonations, fireballs, poisons, cloud or swarm attacks, runes or disease are not modified by peaceful/hostile mode.
petmode (normal|sad|defend|arena)
petmode controls how your pets (charmed monsters) will behave.
The options are:
- normal
As you would expect.
- sad (search and destroy)
Pets will roam and seek out things to attack.
- defend
Pets will try to stay close and defend you.
- arena
Like normal, except that pets will attack other players in the arena.
pickup changes how you pick up items when you step on them. to pickup an item manually, use the ',' key.
Mode 0: Don't pick up items.
Mode 1: Pick up one item
Mode 2: Pickup up one item and stop
Mode 3: Stop before picking up items
Mode 4: Pick up all items
Mode 5: Pick up all items and stop
Mode 6: Pick up all magical items
Mode 7: Pick up all coins and gems
Modes above 7: Pickup items with a value density greater than the pickup mode.
Value density is value in gold/weight in kilograms.
The value in gold is what the item is worth if you sold it in the shop.
Goldcoins have a value density of 66,
Density 10 will pickup silver, gold, rings, wands, books, and scrolls. Artifacts are also picked up.
The same as cast. Usage:
prepare <spell>
Deletes your character from the server. If you want to quit the session without deleting your character, you must use a Bed to Reality. Find a bed (probably in a building close to where you entered the game), get on top of it, and apply it using Tab ro the apply command.
Your range weapon can be one of several weapons, a spell you cast, a bow-and-arrow, a rod, or a wand, to name a few.
Your range weapon is fired when you press SHIFT-direction, and will be fired in that direction.
ready_skill <name of skill>
Readies the given skill by putting it in your range slot. Some skills are used automatically when readied, some need to be actively used by "firing" them.
If you just want to invoke a skill once, leaving your range slot untouched, use use_skill instead.
Changes/removes the custom name of given item (or the marked one).
rename oldname to newname
rename "old item name" to "new item name"
If either of the names contain spaces, you have to use the "
-form, otherwise you can just write the name as-is. If you omit the old name, the marked item will be used instead.
If the new name is empty (i.e. ""
), then the original (unrenamed) name will be restored.
Note: maximum allowed name length is 127 characters.
This shows you the resistances you have to specific attack types. If you have for example "cold +20", it means you get 20% damage done by cold attacks. If you have "ghost hit -50", you will get 50% more damage by ghost hits.
If you are a dragon, you will also get your natural skin resistances appened to the list. These will never lower, only rise.
Switches between spell, skill and weapon. Example:
cast burning hands
ready_skill disarm traps
apply wand of medium fireball
rotateshoottype # Switches to the spell (burning hands)
rotateshoottype # Switches to the wand (of medium fireball)
rotateshoottype # Switches to the skill (disarm traps)
rotateshoottype # Disables the range slot (won't use anything)
rotateshoottype # Switches back to the spell.. and so on
Will tell all players on the same map as yourself a message.
Updates players status to disk. This can be useful for making backup copies if you fear the server is about to crash.
The server saves your character automatically in certain intervals, and also on clean shutdowns, so there is little practical use for this command.
WARNING - if you want to leave the game without destroying your player, you must find a Bed to Reality and hit Tab on the bed to apply it. Doing save and then quiting will still delete your character.
search-items <word>
Automatically picks up all items with <word> in their name. search-items rod will pick up all rods and heavy rods. search-items of Fire will pick up all bolts, arrows, swords, etc. of Fire.
seen <login>
Tells you when the player named <login> was last seen on the server (cf+ only).
shout <message>
Sends a message to all players on the server that have listen level 10 or higher. It is mainly useful for emergency messages ("I am trapped on xxx, can somebody help me?") and should not be used for general chat. Use chat instead.
showpets <number>
Shows a numbered list of the pets owned by the player. If a number is specified, instead shows a detailed printout about that pet.
Lists all skills you have along with the experience you have in those skills. Example:
literacy................................lvl: 4 (xp:9944/16000/25%)
one handed weapons......................lvl: 4 (xp:15059/16000/25%)
This shows you that you have two skills, literacy and one handed weapons. You are level 4 in both skills and in literacy, you have 9944 experience points. You need to reach 16000 to gain another level. The 25% at the end show you what percentage of your experience is permanent, which means you cannot lose it if you die.
If sort_inventory is set, items will be inserted into your inventory in order by type than alphabetical. This, all scrolls will be grouped together, but in alphabetical order. Same for all weapons. This only applies to new items you pick up - items that you are already holding will not be sorted.
If sort_inventory is not set (default), items will be inserted via type, subtype and magic. This, all axes will be grouped together in magic order, all daggers by magic order, etc. Unforunately, for scrolls and rings, new ones just get inserted last.
If you have a lot of stuff that is not in alphabetical order but you would like it to be, the best method is to drop all of it and then pick it up.
Toggles between sound enabled and disabled. This has no relevance to the sound settings of the client, it only governs wether the server will send sound effect command to the client and is enabled if the client supports sound (i.e. always for cfplus).
This command displays the means to download the sourcecode (server code, maps and archetypes) used to implement this version of the game.
Every player has the right to download and modify the source code of the server, as required by both the GNU General Public License and the GNU Affero General Public license.
If you modify your version of the server, you will have to provide a means to download the modified sources (and resources) via this command. If you run an unmodified version of the server, the default will do.
statistics shows various useful information about your character. None of the information it shows is stuff that is not contained in the documentation.
As of now, it shows how much experience you need for your next level. It also shows natural, real, and maximum statistic values.
Your natural stat is the stat without any items/spells applied.
Real is what the current value is (same as in the stat window.)
Maximum is the maximum value for your natural stat.
Kills yourself. No, really.
This command might not look useful at first, but sometimes you can get yourself into a corner you can't escape anymore, either due to a map bug or your own stupidity. Killing oneself can be difficult and time consuming, thats why this command is provided. It is fast, painless, effective, humane.
The take commands take object(s) on the space the player is standing on, and inserts them into the players inventory.
If no parameter is given, take will get the top object that can be taken and put it in the players inventory. If no object can be taken, that will be stated.
A parameter can be given to take. In this case, all object that have names that match the parameter will be picked up. Thus, if there is a 'sword of WOE', and 'sword +1' and a 'sword -3' on the ground, 'take sword' will pick all of them up.
By default, take is bound to the comma key, with no parameters. To change this, look at the bind command.
tell <playername> <message>...
Sends a private message to the given player only.
Throws an unlocked item in your inventory, be it applied or not, into the direction you are looking. If you mark an item in your inventory, this item is thrown first. If there is more than one copy of an item, only one of it is thrown away. God-given items can not be thrown. You need the skill throwing for this to work.
Shows the Deliantra in-game time, not the server time. It looks like this:
It is 52 minutes past 8 o'clock am, on the Day of the Bull
The 2nd Day of the Month of the Frost Giant, Year 63
Time of Year: The Season of New Year
It is partially just for fun but it affects the darkness outside and the weather if weather is enabled in the server.
Players can change their title. For example you called yourself Gandalf and your race is elf, you can use the title command to change your name from "Gandalf the elf" to "Gandalf the white". Usage:
title <new title>
title clear # Sets your title back to your race.
Dragons cannot set their title because it changes during the game.
unignore <login>
Cancels all ignores set for the specified login. See ignore.
Tells you something about the time the server was started and how long ago that was.
use_skill <name of skill>
Uses the given skill immediately, once. See also ready_skill.
usekeys (inventory|keyrings|containers)
The usekeys option determines the behaviour of using keys.
Values are:
inventory: Only keys in the top level inventory are used (default)
keyrings: Only keys in active keyrings are used.
containers: Only keys in active containers are used.
Note that keyrings are just a specialized container, so the containers will also find keys in keyrings.
Only active containers are used - keys will not jump out of closed containers, but hints will be given if you have keys in such containers.
Shows what version of the software the server is running on and what people have contributed what to the game.
Gives you information about the current weather of outside areas, if the server has weather support (which is unlikely, as it is very broken).
The whereabouts command gives a summary about the regions in which players are currently staying.
Tells you some historical information on the region you are currently in.
Shows what players are playing in the world and where they are. It may also show their levels and race or title. (See the title command)
who optionally takes an argument that limits the players shown to the specified region, e.g. who brest will show all players playing somewhere in Brest.
The wimpy level is the amount of health points (hp) that may be left before you automatically run away. This may be useful in hand-to-hand combats but should not be used when the opponent attacks with spells.
Parts of this document were originally taken from the crossfire server help files with unknwon authors.
Adapted for use by deliantra, enhanced and corrected by Pippijn van Steenhoven and Marc A. Lehmann.