skill scroll
A skill scroll "readable/scrollr.base.111.png" in $ARCH is a special scroll that, when successfully read, teaches you the basics of a given Skill. Wether you successfully read and learn the skill depends on your intelligence.
range slot
Your character has different "weapon/item" slots, one of which is the ranged slot. It can contain a spell, a skill or a ranged weapon. It will be used whenever you invoke your ranged attack (usually Shift+direction).
primary statistics
These are the 7 main stats: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma.
secondary statistics
There are 6 secondary statistics: Weapon Class (Wc), Armor Class (Ac), Damage (Dam), Armor (Arm), Speed (Spd), and Weapon Speed (WSp).
A mapspace is a square part of the world, that is just large enough to hold your character or a small monster.