EV - perl interface to libev, a high performance full-featured event loop


use EV;


my $w = EV::timer 2, 0, sub {
   warn "is called after 2s";

my $w = EV::timer 2, 1, sub {
   warn "is called roughly every 2s (repeat = 1)";

undef $w; # destroy event watcher again

my $w = EV::periodic 0, 60, sub {
   warn "is called every minute, on the minute, exactly";

# IO

my $w = EV::io *STDIN, EV::READ, sub {
   my ($w, $revents) = @_; # all callbacks get the watcher object and event mask
   warn "stdin is readable, you entered: ", <STDIN>;


my $w = EV::signal 'QUIT', sub {
   warn "sigquit received\n";

my $w = EV::signal 3, sub {
   warn "sigquit received (this is GNU/Linux, right?)\n";


my $w = EV::child 666, sub {
   my ($w, $revents, $status) = @_;

EV::loop;                   # loop until EV::loop_done is called
EV::loop EV::LOOP_ONESHOT;  # block until at least one event could be handled
EV::loop EV::LOOP_NONBLOCK; # try to handle same events, but do not block


This module provides an interface to libev (



Must contain a reference to a function that is called when a callback throws an exception (with $@ containing thr error). The default prints an informative message and continues.

If this callback throws an exception it will be silently ignored.

$time = EV::time

Returns the current time in (fractional) seconds since the epoch.

$time = EV::now

Returns the time the last event loop iteration has been started. This is the time that (relative) timers are based on, and refering to it is usually faster then calling EV::time.

$method = EV::ev_method

Returns an integer describing the backend used by libev (EV::METHOD_SELECT or EV::METHOD_EPOLL).

EV::loop [$flags]

Begin checking for events and calling callbacks. It returns when a callback calls EV::loop_done.

The $flags argument can be one of the following:

0                  as above
EV::LOOP_ONESHOT   block at most once (wait, but do not loop)
EV::LOOP_NONBLOCK  do not block at all (fetch/handle events but do not wait)
EV::loop_done [$how]

When called with no arguments or an argument of 1, makes the innermost call to EV::loop return.

When called with an agrument of 2, all calls to EV::loop will return as fast as possible.


A watcher is an object that gets created to record your interest in some event. For instance, if you want to wait for STDIN to become readable, you would create an EV::io watcher for that:

my $watcher = EV::io *STDIN, EV::READ, sub {
   my ($watcher, $revents) = @_;
   warn "yeah, STDIN should not be readable without blocking!\n"

All watchers can be active (waiting for events) or inactive (paused). Only active watchers will have their callbacks invoked. All callbacks will be called with at least two arguments: the watcher and a bitmask of received events.

Each watcher type has its associated bit in revents, so you can use the same callback for multiple watchers. The event mask is named after the type, i..e. EV::child sets EV::CHILD, EV::prepare sets EV::PREPARE, EV::periodic sets EV::PERIODIC and so on, with the exception of IO events (which can set both EV::READ and EV::WRITE bits), and EV::timer (which uses EV::TIMEOUT).

In the rare case where one wants to create a watcher but not start it at the same time, each constructor has a variant with a trailing _ns in its name, e.g. EV::io has a non-starting variant EV::io_ns and so on.

Please note that a watcher will automatically be stopped when the watcher object is returned, so you need to keep the watcher objects returned by the constructors.


Now lets move to the existing watcher types and asociated methods.

The following methods are available for all watchers. Then followes a description of each watcher constructor (EV::io, EV::timer, EV::periodic, EV::signal, EV::child, EV::idle, EV::prepare and EV::check), followed by any type-specific methods (if any).


Starts a watcher if it isn't active already. Does nothing to an already active watcher. By default, all watchers start out in the active state (see the description of the _ns variants if you need stopped watchers).


Stop a watcher if it is active. Also clear any pending events (events that have been received but that didn't yet result in a callback invocation), regardless of wether the watcher was active or not.

$bool = $w->is_active

Returns true if the watcher is active, false otherwise.

$current_cb = $w->cb
$old_cb = $w->cb ($new_cb)

Queries the callback on the watcher and optionally changes it. You cna do this at any time.

$w->trigger ($revents)

Call the callback *now* with the given event mask.

$w = EV::io $fileno_or_fh, $eventmask, $callback
$w = EV::io_ns $fileno_or_fh, $eventmask, $callback

As long as the returned watcher object is alive, call the $callback when the events specified in $eventmask.

The $eventmask can be one or more of these constants ORed together:

EV::READ     wait until read() wouldn't block anymore
EV::WRITE    wait until write() wouldn't block anymore

The io_ns variant doesn't start (activate) the newly created watcher.

$w->set ($fileno_or_fh, $eventmask)

Reconfigures the watcher, see the constructor above for details. Can be called at any time.

$current_fh = $w->fh
$old_fh = $w->fh ($new_fh)

Returns the previously set filehandle and optionally set a new one.

$current_eventmask = $w->events
$old_eventmask = $w->events ($new_eventmask)

Returns the previously set event mask and optionally set a new one.

$w = EV::timer $after, $repeat, $callback
$w = EV::timer_ns $after, $repeat, $callback

Calls the callback after $after seconds. If $repeat is non-zero, the timer will be restarted (with the $repeat value as $after) after the callback returns.

This means that the callback would be called roughly after $after seconds, and then every $repeat seconds. "Roughly" because the time of callback processing is not taken into account, so the timer will slowly drift. If that isn't acceptable, look at EV::periodic.

The timer is based on a monotonic clock, that is if somebody is sitting in front of the machine while the timer is running and changes the system clock, the timer will nevertheless run (roughly) the same time.

The timer_ns variant doesn't start (activate) the newly created watcher.

$w->set ($after, $repeat)

Reconfigures the watcher, see the constructor above for details. Can be at any time.


Similar to the start method, but has special semantics for repeating timers:

If the timer is active and repeating, reset the timeout to occur $repeat seconds after now.

If the timer is active and non-repeating, it will be stopped.

If the timer is in active and repeating, start it.

Otherwise do nothing.

This behaviour is useful when you have a timeout for some IO operation. You create a timer object with the same value for $after and $repeat, and then, in the read/write watcher, run the again method on the timeout.

$w = EV::periodic $at, $interval, $callback
$w = EV::periodic_ns $at, $interval, $callback

Similar to EV::timer, but the time is given as an absolute point in time ($at), plus an optional $interval.

If the $interval is zero, then the callback will be called at the time $at if that is in the future, or as soon as possible if it is in the past. It will not automatically repeat.

If the $interval is nonzero, then the watcher will always be scheduled to time out at the next $at + N * $interval time.

This can be used to schedule a callback to run at very regular intervals, as long as the processing time is less then the interval (otherwise obviously events will be skipped).

Another way to think about it (for the mathematically inclined) is that EV::periodic will try to run the callback at the next possible time where $time = $at (mod $interval), regardless of any time jumps.

This periodic timer is based on "wallclock time", that is, if the clock changes (ntp, date -s etc.), then the timer will nevertheless run at the specified time. This means it will never drift (it might jitter, but it will not drift).

The periodic_ns variant doesn't start (activate) the newly created watcher.

$w->set ($at, $interval)

Reconfigures the watcher, see the constructor above for details. Can be at any time.

$w = EV::signal $signal, $callback
$w = EV::signal_ns $signal, $callback

Call the callback when $signal is received (the signal can be specified by number or by name, just as with kill or %SIG).

EV will grab the signal for the process (the kernel only allows one component to receive a signal at a time) when you start a signal watcher, and removes it again when you stop it. Perl does the same when you add/remove callbacks to %SIG, so watch out.

You can have as many signal watchers per signal as you want.

The signal_ns variant doesn't start (activate) the newly created watcher.

$w->set ($signal)

Reconfigures the watcher, see the constructor above for details. Can be at any time.

$w = EV::child $pid, $callback
$w = EV::child_ns $pid, $callback

Call the callback when a status change for pid $pid (or any pid if $pid is 0) has been received. More precisely: when the process receives a SIGCHLD, EV will fetch the outstanding exit/wait status for all changed/zombie children and call the callback.

Unlike all other callbacks, this callback will be called with an additional third argument which is the exit status. See the waitpid function for details.

You can have as many pid watchers per pid as you want.

The child_ns variant doesn't start (activate) the newly created watcher.

$w->set ($pid)

Reconfigures the watcher, see the constructor above for details. Can be at any time.

$w = EV::idle $callback
$w = EV::idle_ns $callback

Call the callback when there are no pending io, timer/periodic, signal or child events, i.e. when the process is idle.

The process will not block as long as any idle watchers are active, and they will be called repeatedly until stopped.

The idle_ns variant doesn't start (activate) the newly created watcher.

$w = EV::prepare $callback
$w = EV::prepare_ns $callback

Call the callback just before the process would block. You can still create/modify any watchers at this point.

See the EV::check watcher, below, for explanations and an example.

The prepare_ns variant doesn't start (activate) the newly created watcher.

$w = EV::check $callback
$w = EV::check_ns $callback

Call the callback just after the process wakes up again (after it has gathered events), but before any other callbacks have been invoked.

This is used to integrate other event-based software into the EV mainloop: You register a prepare callback and in there, you create io and timer watchers as required by the other software. Here is a real-world example of integrating Net::SNMP (with some details left out):

our @snmp_watcher;

our $snmp_prepare = EV::prepare sub {
   # do nothing unless active
      or return;

   # make the dispatcher handle any outstanding stuff

   # create an IO watcher for each and every socket
   @snmp_watcher = (
      (map { EV::io $_, EV::READ, sub { } }
          keys %{ $dispatcher->{_descriptors} }),

   # if there are any timeouts, also create a timer
   push @snmp_watcher, EV::timer $event->[Net::SNMP::Dispatcher::_TIME] - EV::now, 0, sub { }
      if $event->[Net::SNMP::Dispatcher::_ACTIVE];

The callbacks are irrelevant, the only purpose of those watchers is to wake up the process as soon as one of those events occurs (socket readable, or timer timed out). The corresponding EV::check watcher will then clean up:

our $snmp_check = EV::check sub {
   # destroy all watchers
   @snmp_watcher = ();

   # make the dispatcher handle any new stuff

The callbacks of the created watchers will not be called as the watchers are destroyed before this cna happen (remember EV::check gets called first).

The check_ns variant doesn't start (activate) the newly created watcher.


Threads are not supported by this in any way. Perl pseudo-threads is evil stuff and must die.


L<EV::DNS>, L<EV::AnyEvent>.


Marc Lehmann <>