Gimp - Perl extension for writing Gimp Extensions/Plug-ins/Load & Save-Handlers
Well, scheme (which is used by script-fu), is IMnsHO the crappiest language ever (well, the crappiest language that one actually can use, so it's not _that_ bad). Scheme has the worst of all languages, no data types, but still using variables. Look at haskell to see how functional is done right.
I'd loved to write a haskell interface instead, but it was sooo much easier in perl (at least for me..), so here's the Gimp <-> Perl interface, mostly a direct libgimp interface. Needless to say, it was (is) very instructive, too.
use Gimp;
- :consts
Export useful constants, like RGB, RUN_NONINTERACTIVE etc..
- :procs
Export all functions (including all functions from the pdb).
There are no symbols exported by default. ':consts' will export useful constants, and ':all' does export ALL functions and constants by default (this is quite nice for small scripts).
Sorry, not much of a description yet. It took me exactly 9 hours to get to version 0.02, so don't expect it to be perfect.
Look at the sample plug-ins (well, _the_ sample plug-in) that comes with this module. If you write other plug-ins, send them to me! If you have question on use, you might as well ask me (although I'm a busy man, so be patient, or wait for the next version ;)
It might also prove useful to know how a plug-in is written in c, so have a look at some existing plug-ins in C!
Anyway, feedback is appreciated, otherwise, I won't publish future version.
Some noteworthy limitations (subject to be changed):
- - main() doesn't take arguments, but instead relies on the global variables origargc and origargv to do it's job.
- - callback procedures do not return anything to The Gimp, not even a status argument, which seems to be mandatory by the gimp protocol (which is nowhere standardized, though).
- - possible memory leaks everywhere... this is my first perl extension ;) Have a look, correct it, send me patches!
- - this extension may not be thread safe, but I think libgimp isn't either, so this is not much of a concern...
- - I wrote this extension with 5.004_57 (thread support), so watch out!
Gimp supports different data types like colors, regions, strings. In perl, these are represented as:
normal perl scalars. Anything except STRING will be mapped to a perl-double.
array refs containing scalars of the same type, i.e. [1, 2, 3, 4]. (not yet supported).
on input, either an array ref with 3 elements (i.e. [233,40,40]) or a X11-like string is accepted ("#rrggbb").
Not yet supported.
These will be mapped to opaque scalars. In reality these are small integers (like file descriptors).
Not yet supported.
Exported functions
- set_trace (traceflags)
Tracking down bugs in gimp scripts is difficult: no sensible error messages. If anything goes wrong, you only get an execution failure. This function is never exported.
traceflags is any number of the following flags or'ed together.
nothing is printed.
all pdb calls (and only podb calls!) are printed with arguments and return values.
the parameter types are printed additionally.
the parameter names are printed.
the parameter descriptions.
- gimp_main ()
Should be called immediately when perl is initialized. Arguments are not yet supported. Initializations can later be done in the init function.
Mostly same as gimp_install_procedure. The parameters and return values for the functions are specified as an array ref containing either integers or array-refs with three elements, [PARAM_TYPE, \"NAME\", \"DESCRIPTION\"].
- progress_init (message)
Initializes a progress bar.
- progress_update (percentage)
Updates the progress bar.
Most of following functions have an h2xs interface, but have not yet been converted to perlish-style.
Some functions that have a different calling convention than pdb functions with the same name are not visible in the perl module.
void gimp_quit (void);
void gimp_set_data (gchar * id,
gpointer data,
guint32 length);
void gimp_get_data (gchar * id,
gpointer data);
void gimp_query_database (char *name_regexp,
char *blurb_regexp,
char *help_regexp,
char *author_regexp,
char *copyright_regexp,
char *date_regexp,
char *proc_type_regexp,
int *nprocs,
char ***proc_names);
gint gimp_query_procedure (char *proc_name,
char **proc_blurb,
char **proc_help,
char **proc_author,
char **proc_copyright,
char **proc_date,
int *proc_type,
int *nparams,
int *nreturn_vals,
GParamDef **params,
GParamDef **return_vals);
gint32* gimp_query_images (int *nimages);
void gimp_install_temp_proc (char *name,
char *blurb,
char *help,
char *author,
char *copyright,
char *date,
char *menu_path,
char *image_types,
int type,
int nparams,
int nreturn_vals,
GParamDef *params,
GParamDef *return_vals,
GRunProc run_proc);
void gimp_uninstall_temp_proc (char *name);
void gimp_register_magic_load_handler (char *name,
char *extensions,
char *prefixes,
char *magics);
void gimp_register_load_handler (char *name,
char *extensions,
char *prefixes);
void gimp_register_save_handler (char *name,
char *extensions,
char *prefixes);
GParam* gimp_run_procedure (char *name,
int *nreturn_vals,
GParam* gimp_run_procedure2 (char *name,
int *nreturn_vals,
int nparams,
GParam *params);
void gimp_destroy_params (GParam *params,
int nparams);
gdouble gimp_gamma (void);
gint gimp_install_cmap (void);
gint gimp_use_xshm (void);
guchar* gimp_color_cube (void);
gchar* gimp_gtkrc (void);
gint32 gimp_image_new (guint width,
guint height,
GImageType type);
void gimp_image_delete (gint32 image_ID);
guint gimp_image_width (gint32 image_ID);
guint gimp_image_height (gint32 image_ID);
GImageType gimp_image_base_type (gint32 image_ID);
gint32 gimp_image_floating_selection (gint32 image_ID);
void gimp_image_add_channel (gint32 image_ID,
gint32 channel_ID,
gint position);
void gimp_image_add_layer (gint32 image_ID,
gint32 layer_ID,
gint position);
void gimp_image_add_layer_mask (gint32 image_ID,
gint32 layer_ID,
gint32 mask_ID);
void gimp_image_clean_all (gint32 image_ID);
void gimp_image_disable_undo (gint32 image_ID);
void gimp_image_enable_undo (gint32 image_ID);
void gimp_image_clean_all (gint32 image_ID);
void gimp_image_flatten (gint32 image_ID);
void gimp_image_lower_channel (gint32 image_ID,
gint32 channel_ID);
void gimp_image_lower_layer (gint32 image_ID,
gint32 layer_ID);
gint32 gimp_image_merge_visible_layers (gint32 image_ID,
gint merge_type);
gint32 gimp_image_pick_correlate_layer (gint32 image_ID,
gint x,
gint y);
void gimp_image_raise_channel (gint32 image_ID,
gint32 channel_ID);
void gimp_image_raise_layer (gint32 image_ID,
gint32 layer_ID);
void gimp_image_remove_channel (gint32 image_ID,
gint32 channel_ID);
void gimp_image_remove_layer (gint32 image_ID,
gint32 layer_ID);
void gimp_image_remove_layer_mask (gint32 image_ID,
gint32 layer_ID,
gint mode);
void gimp_image_resize (gint32 image_ID,
guint new_width,
guint new_height,
gint offset_x,
gint offset_y);
gint32 gimp_image_get_active_channel (gint32 image_ID);
gint32 gimp_image_get_active_layer (gint32 image_ID);
gint32* gimp_image_get_channels (gint32 image_ID,
gint *nchannels);
guchar* gimp_image_get_cmap (gint32 image_ID,
gint *ncolors);
gint gimp_image_get_component_active (gint32 image_ID,
gint component);
gint gimp_image_get_component_visible (gint32 image_ID,
gint component);
char* gimp_image_get_filename (gint32 image_ID);
gint32* gimp_image_get_layers (gint32 image_ID,
gint *nlayers);
gint32 gimp_image_get_selection (gint32 image_ID);
void gimp_image_set_active_channel (gint32 image_ID,
gint32 channel_ID);
void gimp_image_set_active_layer (gint32 image_ID,
gint32 layer_ID);
void gimp_image_set_cmap (gint32 image_ID,
guchar *cmap,
gint ncolors);
void gimp_image_set_component_active (gint32 image_ID,
gint component,
gint active);
void gimp_image_set_component_visible (gint32 image_ID,
gint component,
gint visible);
void gimp_image_set_filename (gint32 image_ID,
char *name);
gint32 gimp_display_new (gint32 image_ID);
void gimp_display_delete (gint32 display_ID);
void gimp_displays_flush (void);
gint32 gimp_layer_new (gint32 image_ID,
char *name,
guint width,
guint height,
GDrawableType type,
gdouble opacity,
GLayerMode mode);
gint32 gimp_layer_copy (gint32 layer_ID);
void gimp_layer_delete (gint32 layer_ID);
guint gimp_layer_width (gint32 layer_ID);
guint gimp_layer_height (gint32 layer_ID);
guint gimp_layer_bpp (gint32 layer_ID);
GDrawableType gimp_layer_type (gint32 layer_ID);
void gimp_layer_add_alpha (gint32 layer_ID);
gint32 gimp_layer_create_mask (gint32 layer_ID,
gint mask_type);
void gimp_layer_resize (gint32 layer_ID,
guint new_width,
guint new_height,
gint offset_x,
gint offset_y);
void gimp_layer_scale (gint32 layer_ID,
guint new_width,
guint new_height,
gint local_origin);
void gimp_layer_translate (gint32 layer_ID,
gint offset_x,
gint offset_y);
gint gimp_layer_is_floating_selection (gint32 layer_ID);
gint32 gimp_layer_get_image_id (gint32 layer_ID);
gint32 gimp_layer_get_mask_id (gint32 layer_ID);
gint gimp_layer_get_apply_mask (gint32 layer_ID);
gint gimp_layer_get_edit_mask (gint32 layer_ID);
GLayerMode gimp_layer_get_mode (gint32 layer_ID);
char* gimp_layer_get_name (gint32 layer_ID);
gdouble gimp_layer_get_opacity (gint32 layer_ID);
gint gimp_layer_get_preserve_transparency (gint32 layer_ID);
gint gimp_layer_get_show_mask (gint32 layer_ID);
gint gimp_layer_get_visible (gint32 layer_ID);
void gimp_layer_set_apply_mask (gint32 layer_ID,
gint apply_mask);
void gimp_layer_set_edit_mask (gint32 layer_ID,
gint edit_mask);
void gimp_layer_set_mode (gint32 layer_ID,
GLayerMode mode);
void gimp_layer_set_name (gint32 layer_ID,
char *name);
void gimp_layer_set_offsets (gint32 layer_ID,
gint offset_x,
gint offset_y);
void gimp_layer_set_opacity (gint32 layer_ID,
gdouble opacity);
void gimp_layer_set_preserve_transparency (gint32 layer_ID,
gint preserve_transparency);
void gimp_layer_set_show_mask (gint32 layer_ID,
gint show_mask);
void gimp_layer_set_visible (gint32 layer_ID,
gint visible);
gint32 gimp_channel_new (gint32 image_ID,
char *name,
guint width,
guint height,
gdouble opacity,
guchar *color);
gint32 gimp_channel_copy (gint32 channel_ID);
void gimp_channel_delete (gint32 channel_ID);
guint gimp_channel_width (gint32 channel_ID);
guint gimp_channel_height (gint32 channel_ID);
gint32 gimp_channel_get_image_id (gint32 channel_ID);
gint32 gimp_channel_get_layer_id (gint32 channel_ID);
void gimp_channel_get_color (gint32 channel_ID,
guchar *red,
guchar *green,
guchar *blue);
char* gimp_channel_get_name (gint32 channel_ID);
gdouble gimp_channel_get_opacity (gint32 channel_ID);
gint gimp_channel_get_show_masked (gint32 channel_ID);
gint gimp_channel_get_visible (gint32 channel_ID);
void gimp_channel_set_color (gint32 channel_ID,
guchar red,
guchar green,
guchar blue);
void gimp_channel_set_name (gint32 channel_ID,
char *name);
void gimp_channel_set_opacity (gint32 channel_ID,
gdouble opacity);
void gimp_channel_set_show_masked (gint32 channel_ID,
gint show_masked);
void gimp_channel_set_visible (gint32 channel_ID,
gint visible);
GDrawable* gimp_drawable_get (gint32 drawable_ID);
void gimp_drawable_detach (GDrawable *drawable);
void gimp_drawable_flush (GDrawable *drawable);
void gimp_drawable_delete (GDrawable *drawable);
void gimp_drawable_update (gint32 drawable_ID,
gint x,
gint y,
guint width,
guint height);
void gimp_drawable_merge_shadow (gint32 drawable_ID,
gint undoable);
gint32 gimp_drawable_image_id (gint32 drawable_ID);
char* gimp_drawable_name (gint32 drawable_ID);
guint gimp_drawable_width (gint32 drawable_ID);
guint gimp_drawable_height (gint32 drawable_ID);
guint gimp_drawable_bpp (gint32 drawable_ID);
GDrawableType gimp_drawable_type (gint32 drawable_ID);
gint gimp_drawable_visible (gint32 drawable_ID);
gint gimp_drawable_channel (gint32 drawable_ID);
gint gimp_drawable_color (gint32 drawable_ID);
gint gimp_drawable_gray (gint32 drawable_ID);
gint gimp_drawable_has_alpha (gint32 drawable_ID);
gint gimp_drawable_indexed (gint32 drawable_ID);
gint gimp_drawable_layer (gint32 drawable_ID);
gint gimp_drawable_layer_mask (gint32 drawable_ID);
gint gimp_drawable_mask_bounds (gint32 drawable_ID,
gint *x1,
gint *y1,
gint *x2,
gint *y2);
void gimp_drawable_offsets (gint32 drawable_ID,
gint *offset_x,
gint *offset_y);
void gimp_drawable_fill (gint32 drawable_ID,
gint fill_type);
void gimp_drawable_set_name (gint32 drawable_ID,
char *name);
void gimp_drawable_set_visible (gint32 drawable_ID,
gint visible);
GTile* gimp_drawable_get_tile (GDrawable *drawable,
gint shadow,
gint row,
gint col);
GTile* gimp_drawable_get_tile2 (GDrawable *drawable,
gint shadow,
gint x,
gint y);
void gimp_tile_ref (GTile *tile);
void gimp_tile_ref_zero (GTile *tile);
void gimp_tile_unref (GTile *tile,
int dirty);
void gimp_tile_flush (GTile *tile);
void gimp_tile_cache_size (gulong kilobytes);
void gimp_tile_cache_ntiles (gulong ntiles);
guint gimp_tile_width (void);
guint gimp_tile_height (void);
void gimp_pixel_rgn_init (GPixelRgn *pr,
GDrawable *drawable,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height,
int dirty,
int shadow);
void gimp_pixel_rgn_resize (GPixelRgn *pr,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height);
void gimp_pixel_rgn_get_pixel (GPixelRgn *pr,
guchar *buf,
int x,
int y);
void gimp_pixel_rgn_get_row (GPixelRgn *pr,
guchar *buf,
int x,
int y,
int width);
void gimp_pixel_rgn_get_col (GPixelRgn *pr,
guchar *buf,
int x,
int y,
int height);
void gimp_pixel_rgn_get_rect (GPixelRgn *pr,
guchar *buf,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height);
void gimp_pixel_rgn_set_pixel (GPixelRgn *pr,
guchar *buf,
int x,
int y);
void gimp_pixel_rgn_set_row (GPixelRgn *pr,
guchar *buf,
int x,
int y,
int width);
void gimp_pixel_rgn_set_col (GPixelRgn *pr,
guchar *buf,
int x,
int y,
int height);
void gimp_pixel_rgn_set_rect (GPixelRgn *pr,
guchar *buf,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height);
gpointer gimp_pixel_rgns_register (int nrgns,
gpointer gimp_pixel_rgns_process (gpointer pri_ptr);
void gimp_palette_get_background (guchar *red,
guchar *green,
guchar *blue);
void gimp_palette_get_foreground (guchar *red,
guchar *green,
guchar *blue);
void gimp_palette_set_background (guchar red,
guchar green,
guchar blue);
void gimp_palette_set_foreground (guchar red,
guchar green,
guchar blue);
char** gimp_gradients_get_list (gint *num_gradients);
char* gimp_gradients_get_active (void);
void gimp_gradients_set_active (char *name);
gdouble* gimp_gradients_sample_uniform (gint num_samples);
gdouble* gimp_gradients_sample_custom (gint num_samples,
gdouble *positions);
Marc Lehmann,
perl(1), gimp(1),