eval 'exec /usr/app/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0; # not running under some shell
# perl-ified by Seth Burgess <sjburges@gimp.org>
# Programatically, this script is about as dull as they come. The only
# exceptions are those of the neat util functions (that aren't all quite
# working btw). You can follow step by step with the website at
use Gimp qw(:auto __ N_);
N_"/Xtns/Render"; N_"/Xtns/Render/Logos"; # i18n workaround
$defaultcolor1 = [124,10,18];
$defaultcolor2 = [200,19,27];
$path = N_"<Toolbox>/Xtns/Render/Logos/Inner Bevel";
$shortdesc = "Perform an inner bevel on text";
$longdesc = "This uses tigert's inner bevel method on text, which can be found with his other excellent tutorials at http://tigert.gimp.org/";
$date = "1999-03-23";
$imgtypes = undef;
$author = "Seth Burgess <sjburges\@gimp.org>";
$path =~ m,/([^/]+)$,;
$regname = $1;
$regname =~ s/ /_/g;
$regname =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$author =~ m/^(.*) </;
$authorname = $1;
register $regname, $shortdesc, $longdesc, $authorname, $author, $date, $path, $imgtypes,
[PF_FONT, "font", "Font Name"],
[PF_STRING, "text", "Enter your text to be beveled", "INNERBEVEL"],
[PF_COLOR, "top_color", "Blend to this color", $defaultcolor2],
[PF_COLOR, "bot_color", "Blend from this color", $defaultcolor1],
[PF_SLIDER, "azimuth", "Direction of the shine", 132, [0,255,5]],
[PF_SLIDER, "shinyness", "How shiny the final image will be",30, [0,90,5]],
[PF_SLIDER, "depth_shape", "Determines the final shape", 34 , [0,64,32]],
[PF_RADIO, "map", "The type of Map to use", 2, [Linear => 0, Spherical => 1, Sinusoidal => 2] ],
], sub {
my ($font, $text, $color1, $color2, $azimuth, $elevation, $depth, $maptype) = @_;
# -- step 1 --
@dims = gimp_text_wh($text, $font);
$img = gimp_image_new($dims[0]+10, $dims[1]+10, RGB);
# none of the macro's did quite what I was looking for here.
# i.e. create a text layer on transparent only...
# -- step 2 --
$layertmp = $img->add_new_layer(0,TRANS_IMAGE_FILL);
$txtlayer = $img->text_fontname(-1, 10, 10, $text, 0, 1, xlfd_size($font), $font);
$dsp = gimp_display_new($img); # display the image early
$layer = $img->merge_visible_layers(EXPAND_AS_NECESSARY);
@pt1 = ($layer->width * 0.5 -1, 0);
@pt2 = ($layer->width * 0.5 +1, $layer->height);
# -- step 3 --
$layer->blend(FG_BG_RGB, 0, LINEAR, 100, 0, REPEAT_NONE, 0, 3, 0.20, @pt1, @pt2); # NORMAL isn't recognized
# -- step 4 --
$layer2 = $layer->copy(0); # Can you override these to have a default? (would be nice)
$img->add_layer($layer2, 0);
# -- step 5 --
# -- step 6 --
$layer2->gauss_rle(6,1,1); # Defaults would be cool here too :)
# -- step 7 --
$layer->plug_in_bump_map($layer2, $azimuth, $elevation, $depth, 0,0,0,0,1,0,$maptype);
# -- step 8 --
# -- step 9 --
$layer2->translate(2, 3);
# extra stuff
exit main; # <-- This lil' bugger caused me much grief. I suppose its very much required?