Changes for version 1.53 - 2008-07-08
- only warn about pipe close failures in printdialog, do not die.
- do not try to handle filenames in unicode, instead, only convert at display time.
- kill any media players on destroy and not in the finaliser, as gtk+'s lazy finalisation and mplayers stubbornness to continue running without control socket and output window can be annoying.
- add recursive delete (lamely implemented using rm -rf).
- update progressbar after a timeout in addition to after enough work has done to ensure it is being displayed quickly for long jobs.
a fast gtk+ image viewer loosely modeled after XV
a window widget displaying an image or other media
a job queue mechanism for Gtk2::CV
plugin superclass and nonexistent documentation
a class for writing postscript files
the CV print dialog widget
a simple progress widget
a widget for displaying image collections
in lib/Gtk2/
in lib/Gtk2/CV/
in lib/Gtk2/CV/
in lib/Gtk2/CV/Plugin/
in lib/Gtk2/CV/Plugin/
in lib/Gtk2/CV/