Changes for version 2.2 - 2008-04-16

  • lifted the log2 rounding restriction of max_depth and max_size.
  • make booleans mutable by creating a copy instead of handing out the same scalar (reported by pasha sadri).
  • added support for incremental json parsing (still EXPERIMENTAL).
  • implemented and added a json_xs command line utility that can convert from/to a number of serialisation formats - tell me if you need more.
  • implement allow_unknown/get_allow_unknown methods.
  • fixed documentation of max_depth w.r.t. higher and equal.
  • moved down =encoding directive a bit, too much breaks if its the first pod directive :/.
  • removed documentation section on other modules, it became somewhat outdated and is nowadays mostly of historical interest.


JSON::XS commandline utility


JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast
dummy module providing JSON::XS::Boolean

