print out pod paths for the standard perl manpages
print out pod paths for the standard perl faqs
print out paths for the standard modules
grep out function definitions from perlfunc
show what files a perl program loads at compile time
show all installed versions and descs
show a module's man page
page through a module file
check that Perl is set up correctly for Perl modules
print out version and whatis description of perl modules
show a Perl class's methods
show a module's exports
cat out a function from a module
show the include path for modules (@INC)
find modules whose names match this pattern
show what files a given module loads at compile time
long list the module path
show full path to a perl module
print out a module's version
grep in pod sections only
print the path to the Pod
print out all pod paths
show outline of pods
print out the paths to the modules that this site added
print out the paths to the modules that came with Perl