Curses::UI::MenuListBox - Create and manipulate menulistbox widgets
use Curses::UI;
my $cui = new Curses::UI;
my $menulistbox = $cui->add(
'mymenulistbox', 'MenuListBox',
-values => [1, 2, 3],
-labels => { 1 => 'One',
2 => 'Two',
3 => 'Three' },
This class is a descendant of both the Curses::UI::Window and the Curses::UI::ListBox class. This means that it implements a listbox which can be added as a separate window to the Curses::UI root window. It has special bindings for behaving nicely within a menu system.
This class is internally used by the Curses::UI::MenuBar class. Normally you would not want to use this class directly.
-x and -y. These are the only standard options that Curses::UI::MenuBar uses. For an explanation of these standard options, see Curses::UI::Widget.
-is_topmenu < BOOLEAN >
This option determines if the widget should act as a topmenu or not. The bindings for a topmenu are a bit different from those of a submenu. The default for BOOLEAN is false.
-menu < ARRAYREF >
The menu items are defined by the ARRAYREF. Each item of the ARRAYREF contains the definition for a menu item. Each item is a reference to a hash. This hash always contains the key -label. The value of this key determines the label of the menu item. Next to this key, the hash should also contain one of the following keys:
* -callback
The value should be a CODE reference. If this menu item is selected, the CODE reference will be returned.
* -return
The value should be a SCALAR value. If this menu item is selected, the SCALAR value will be returned.
* -submenu
The value should be an array reference. This array reference has the same structure as the array reference for the B<-menu> option.
Example data structure:
my $submenu = [ { -label => 'option 1', -callback => \&callback1 }, { -label => 'option 2', -callback => \&callback2 }, { -label => 'option 3', -return => 'whatever' }, ]; my $menu = [ { -label => 'Do callback', -callback => \&first_callback }, { -label => 'Another callback', -callback => \&second_callback }, { -label => 'Simple returnvalue', -return => 'some returnvalue' }, { -label => 'Open submenu', -submenu => $submenu }, { -label => 'Exit', -return => sub { exit(0) }} ];
new ( OPTIONS )
layout ( )
draw ( BOOLEAN )
focus ( )
These are standard methods. See Curses::UI::Widget for an explanation of these.
The bindings for for this class are the same as those for the Curses::UI::ListBox, except for the following points:
Call the 'escape' routine. The widget will loose its focus and return the value 'ESCAPE' to the calling routine.
This key is in this class not bound to any routine.
<cursor-left>, <h>
Call the 'cursor-left' routine. This routine will return the value 'CURSOR_LEFT'. This will make the widget loose its focus and return 'CURSOR_LEFT' to the calling routine.
<cursor-right>, <l>
Call the 'cursor-right' routine. The exact action for this routine depends upon the fact if the current menuitem has a submenu or not:
The current menuitem has no submenu ===================================
If the current menuitem has no submenu and this widget is not a submenu (so -is_topmenu is set to a true value), this widget will loose focus and return the value 'CURSOR_RIGHT' to the calling routine. This value can be caught by the Curses::UI::MenuBar to select the next menu.
The current menuitem has a submenu ==================================
If the current menuitem points to a submenu, a new menulistbox instance will be created for this submenu. After that, this menulistbox will get the focus. The created menulistbox will return a value if it looses focus. After that the created menulistbox will be deleted.
This widget will act differently upon the value that was returned by the created menulistbox:
* The value 'CURSOR_LEFT'
This means that in the menulistbox that was created, the last called routine was 'cursor-left'. So all that is needed is this menulistbox instance to get focus (and since it already has focus, actually nothing is done at all).
* Any other SCALAR or CODEREF value
If a scalar or a coderef is returned by B<focus>, this widget will loose its focus and return the value to the calling routine.
<cursor-right, <l>, <enter>, <space>
Call the 'option-select' routine.
If the current menuitem has a submenu, this routine will invoke the 'cursor-right' routine.
If it has a -callback or a -return value, the widget will loose its focus and the value will be returned to the calling routine.
Curses::UI, Curses::UI::MenuBar, Curses::UI::ListBox
Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Maurice Makaay. All rights reserved.
This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as perl itself.