CLIPSeqTools::CompareApp::join_tables - Perform inner join on tab delimited table files. Can be used to prepare DESeq input file from counts tables.
clipseqtools-compare join_tables [options/parameters]
Perform inner join on tab delimited table files. Joins two or more tables together based on key columns. The output table will have the key columns used (must have the same name in all input tables) plus one value column (must also have the same name in all input tables) from each of the input tables. The value columns will be named based on the -name option in the same order as the -table option.
eg. Given files with the following column structure
FileA: key_1 key_2 valuecol_1 valuecol_2
FileB: key_1 key_2 valuecol_1 valuecol_2
FileC: key_1 key_2 valuecol_1 valuecol_2
if the following command is used
clipseqtools-compare join_tables \
--table FileA --table FileB --table FileC \
--key key_1 --key key_2 \
--value valuecol_1 \
--name FileA_values --name FileB_values --name FileC_values
the following output file is produced
key_1 key_2 FileA_values FileB_values FileC_values
--table <Str> tab delimited file. The first line must have the
column names. Use multiple times to specify
multiple input tables.
--key <Str> name of column that has unique identifiers for each
row. Use multiple times to create a composite key.
--value <Str> name of column with the values that will be joined
in the output table.
--name <name> name of the value column in the output. Must be
given as many times as the -table option.
--o_prefix <Str> output path prefix. Script will create and add
extension to path. [Default: ./]
Other options.
-v --verbose print progress lines and extra information.
-h -? --usage --help print help message