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# POD documentation - main docs before the code
=head1 NAME
GenOO::RegionCollection::Factory::GTF - Factory for creating a TranscriptCollection with transcripts from a GTF file
# Creates GenOO::TranscriptnCollection containing transcripts from a GTF file
# Preferably use it through the generic GenOO::TranscriptCollection::Factory
my $factory = GenOO::TranscriptCollection::Factory->new('GTF',
file => 'sample.gtf'
An instance of this class is a concrete factory for the creation of a
L<GenOO::TranscriptCollection> containing transcripts from a GTF file. It offers the method
"read_collection" (as the consumed role requires) which returns the actual
L<GenOO::TranscriptCollection> object in the form of
L<GenOO::RegionCollection::Type::DoubleHashArray>. The latter is the implementation
of the L<GenOO::RegionCollection> class based on the complex data structure
# Create a concrete factory
my $factory_implementation = GenOO::TranscriptCollection::Factory->new('GTF',
file => 'sample.gtf'
# Return the actual GenOO::RegionCollection object
my $collection = $factory_implementation->read_collection;
print ref($collection) # GenOO::RegionCollection::Type::DoubleHashArray
# Let the code begin...
use Moose;
has 'file' => (is => 'Str', is => 'ro');
######################## Interface Methods ########################
sub read_collection {
my ($self) = @_;
my @transcripts = $self->_read_gtf_with_transcripts($self->file);
return GenOO::RegionCollection::Factory->create('RegionArray',
array => \@transcripts
######################### Private methods ##########################
sub _read_gtf_with_transcripts {
my ($self, $file)=@_;
my %transcripts;
my %transcript_splice_starts;
my %transcript_splice_stops;
my $FH;
if ($file =~ /\.gz$/) {
$FH = IO::Zlib->new($file, 'rb') or die "Cannot open file $file\n";
else {
open ($FH, '<', $file);
while (my $line = $FH->getline){
if (($line !~ /^#/) and ($line ne '') and ($line !~ /^\s*$/)) {
my ($chr, $genome, $type, $start, $stop, $score, $strand, undef, $nameinfo) = split(/\t/, $line);
if (($strand ne "+") and ($strand ne "-")){warn "Skipping transcript $nameinfo: strand $strand not accepted\n"; next;}
$start = $start-1; #GTF is one based closed => convert to 0-based closed.
$stop = $stop-1;
$nameinfo =~ /transcript_id\s+\"(.+)\"/;
my $transcript_id = $1;
# Get transcript with id or create a new one. Update coordinates if required
my $transcript = $transcripts{$transcript_id};
if (not defined $transcript) {
$transcript = GenOO::Transcript->new(
id => $transcript_id,
chromosome => $chr,
strand => $strand,
start => $start,
stop => $stop,
splice_starts => [$start], # will be re-written later
splice_stops => [$stop], # will be re-written later
$transcripts{$transcript_id} = $transcript;
$transcript_splice_starts{$transcript_id} = [];
$transcript_splice_stops{$transcript_id} = [];
else {
if ($start < $transcript->start) {
if ($stop > $transcript->stop) {
if ($type eq 'exon') {
push @{$transcript_splice_starts{$transcript_id}}, $start;
push @{$transcript_splice_stops{$transcript_id}}, $stop;
elsif ($type eq 'start_codon') {
if ($strand eq '+') {
elsif ($strand eq '-') {
elsif ($type eq 'stop_codon') {
if ($strand eq '+') {
elsif ($strand eq '-') {
close $FH;
foreach my $transcript_id (keys %transcripts) {
$transcripts{$transcript_id}->set_splice_starts_and_stops($transcript_splice_starts{$transcript_id}, $transcript_splice_stops{$transcript_id});
return values %transcripts;