GenOO::GeneCollection::Factory::GTF - Factory to create GeneCollection from a GTF file


Creates GenOO::GeneCollection containing genes from a GTF file Preferably use it through the generic GenOO::GeneCollection::Factory

my $factory = GenOO::GeneCollection::Factory->new('GTF',{
    file => 'sample.gtf'


An instance of this class is a concrete factory for the creation of a 
L<GenOO::GeneCollection> containing genes from a GTF file. It offers the method 
"read_collection" (as the consumed role requires) which returns the actual
L<GenOO::GeneCollection> object in the form of 
L<GenOO::RegionCollection::Type::DoubleHashArray>. The latter is the implementation
of the L<GenOO::RegionCollection> class based on the complex data structure


# Create a concrete factory
my $factory_implementation = GenOO::GeneCollection::Factory->new('GTF',{
    file => 'sample.gtf'

# Return the actual GenOO::GeneCollection object
my $collection = $factory_implementation->read_collection;
print ref($collection) # GenOO::GeneCollection::Type::DoubleHashArray