Changes for version v0.704.0.0 - 2014-05-27
- !!! Incompatible Changes !!!
- PERL-108 removed previously-deprecated AUTOLOAD functions
- *** Deprecations ***
- PERL-320 low-level protocol functions in are deprecated
- Additions
- PERL-221 added MongoDB::Regex class to represent stored regexes
- PERL-251 implemented support for aggregation command cursors
- PERL-252 added 'max_time_ms' method to cursors
- PERL-258 added support for '$out' aggregation pipeline operator
- PERL-262 read preference implementation
- PERL-278 added explain support for aggregation queries
- PERL-298 implement parallel_scan method for collections
- PERL-299 implemented new bulk write API
- Added nolock support to eval in MongoDB::Database (Ashley Willis)
- Bug Fixes
- PERL-233 Fix find_and_modify error handling
- PERL-260 ensure_index no longer ignores weights, default_language, and language_override options
- PERL-267 memory leak fixes (Casey Rojas)
- PERL-307 fix drop_dups option for ensure_index
- PERL-315 require DateTime 0.78 or later
- PERL-318 fix compiler warnings
- PERL-319 fix compilation failures on some platforms
- PERL-322 change return value and document low-level recv
- PERL-323 fixed possible socket leaks on communication errors
- PERL-336 fixed index creation legacy fallback against older mongos
- Cached client constructor arguments for replica set connections
- Cleaned Moose class namespaces of imported methods
- Ensured internal run_command exceptions include correct error string
- Fixed a bug that would serialize an index direction as a string on some older Perls
- Fixed clock race in OID unit test
- Fixed exception handling for internal run_command calls
- Fixed fatal error in DESTROY with find_master and down server
- Fixed gridfs test for unique keys
- Fixed hint tests for MongoDB >= 2.5.4
- Fixed index creation and drop on MongoDB 2.6
- Fixed memory corruption error on Perl 5.19.1+
- Fixed several compiler warnings on Perl 5.8
- Fixed use of re::regexp_pattern for 5.10.0
- Made t/dbref.t use fresh test database
- Prevented GridFS MD5 calculation when 'safe' is not set (mapbuh)
- Provided backwards compatible HeUTF8 macro for Perl v5.10 and v5.8.8 and earlier
- Removed hard-coded compiler flags for Darwin
- Updated ppport.h to version 3.22
- Documentation
- PERL-217 improved documentation of GridFS::get
- PERL-287 updated "j" and "fsync" option docs for MongoDB 2.6
- PERL-311 fix legacy docs authentication link
- PERL-317 Clarified support for threads
- PERL-341 Added install documentation including use of non-standard C library paths
- Added abstract to MongoDB::BSON::Regexp documentation
- Revised main MongoDB module and MongoDB::MongoClient docs
- Updated Changes file with changes since 0.701
- Prerequisites
- Added namespace::clean
- Added Test::Deep
- Added Test::Fatal
- Added Throwable
- Added Syntax::Keyword::Junction
- Changed Test::More requirement to 0.96
- Removed Devel::Size
- ~ Internal changes ~
- PERL-261 use setVersion field in isMaster for replica set discovery (David Storch)
- PERL-264 test for closing connection when MongoClient object leaves scope. (Ashley Willis)
- PERL-269 test libraries for replica set and sharded cluster testing
- PERL-285 added wire protocol check
- PERL-296 implemented new index creation command for MongoDB 2.6
- PERL-312 default GridFS chunk size changed from 1mb -> 255kb
- Switched BSON implementation to libbson and bundled patched libbson 0.6.4 to avoid external library dependency
- ~ Known Issues ~
- PERL-233 SSL certificate validation not yet implemented
- PERL-349 changes to the testing framework revealed a bug when threads are used with 'find_master' on the client; the offending test is marked TODO and the bug will be addressed in the next stable release.
- Some platforms may not compile, including Windows and some Solaris and OpenBSD systems; these issues will be addressed in a future release
Changes for version 0.703_2 (TRIAL RELEASE)
Changes for version v0.703.5 - 2014-05-23 (TRIAL RELEASE)
Changes for version v0.703.4 - 2014-04-07 (TRIAL RELEASE)
Changes for version v0.703.3 - 2014-04-01 (TRIAL RELEASE)
The data types used with MongoDB
Some examples of MongoDB syntax
Indexing collections
Getting started with MongoDB
Official MongoDB Driver for Perl
Tools for serializing and deserializing data in BSON form
Binary type
Regular expression type
MongoDB bulk write interface
Bulk write operations against a query document
JavaScript Code
A MongoDB Collection
MongoDB generic command result document
A connection to a MongoDB server (DEPRECATED)
A cursor/iterator for Mongo query results
Native DBRef support
A MongoDB Database
MongoDB Driver Error classes
A file storage utility
A Mongo GridFS file
A connection to a MongoDB server
A Mongo Object ID
Replication timestamp
MongoDB write result document
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/