Changes for version v0.708.1.0 - 2015-04-29

  • Bug fixes
    • PERL-479 retrieving a GridFS file now throws an error if no chunks exist instead of returning an empty string
  • Removals
    • PERL-496 The $MongoDB::BSON::use_boolean never worked; BSON boolean values were always deserialized as objects. Rather than "fix" this and break people's code, the option has been removed and documented as such.


The data types used with MongoDB
Some examples of MongoDB syntax
Indexing collections
Getting started with MongoDB


Official MongoDB Driver for Perl
Tools for serializing and deserializing data in BSON form
Binary type
Regular expression type
MongoDB bulk write interface
Bulk write operations against a query document
JavaScript Code
A MongoDB Collection
MongoDB generic command result document
A connection to a MongoDB server (DEPRECATED)
A cursor/iterator for Mongo query results
Native DBRef support
A MongoDB Database
MongoDB Driver Error classes
A file storage utility
A Mongo GridFS file
A connection to a MongoDB server
A Mongo Object ID
Replication timestamp
MongoDB write result document


in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/