Changes for version v1.1.1 - 2015-12-01 (TRIAL RELEASE)

  • Bug fixes
    • PERL-571 Add -D_GNU_SOURCE to ccflags if needed.
    • PERL-597 Check findAndModify-type command results for writeConcernErrors (for MongoDB 3.2 only).
  • ~ Internal changes ~
    • Verify that server replies are less than maxMessageSizeBytes.

Changes for version v1.1.0 - 2015-11-18 (TRIAL RELEASE)

  • Additions
    • PERL-561 Add support for bypassDocumentValidation option to relevant CRUD methods.
    • PERL-564 Add support for readConcern (for MongoDB 3.2 only).
    • PERL-569 Add 'batch' method to QueryResult for retrieving a chunk of results instead of just one (via 'next') or all.
    • PERL-594 Add maxAwaitTimeMS option for tailable-await cursors on MongoDB 3.2 servers.
    • Add find_id method to MongoDB::Collection for easy retrieval of a single document by _id.
    • Added support for write concern find-and-modify-style methods (for MongoDB 3.2 only)
  • Bug fixes
    • PERL-493 Don't send writeConcern if it is not set; this allows the user to get the default write concern set on the server.
  • Changes
    • PERL-595 Change limit/batchSize behavior to match CRUD spec; most users won't notice the difference, but generally speaking, when there is both a limit and a batch size, under MongoDB 3.2, the batch size is respected if it is smaller than the limit. Previously, in some cases, the batch size was ignored and the limit used instead.
  • Documentation
    • PERL-570 Update MongoDB::Cursor::info documentation.
    • Replace term 'slave' with 'secondary' in docs.
  • Testing
    • Skip fsync test on inMemory storage engine.
  • ~ Internal changes ~
    • PERL-558 Implement fsyncUnlock as a command for MongoDB 3.2+.
    • PERL-563 Implement find/getMore/killCursors as commands.


The data types used with MongoDB
Some examples of MongoDB syntax
Getting started with MongoDB
Deprecations and behavior changes from the v0 driver


Official MongoDB Driver for Perl
Tools for serializing and deserializing data in BSON form
MongoDB binary type
Regular expression type
MongoDB bulk write interface
MongoDB bulk write result document
Bulk write operations against a query document
JavaScript Code
A MongoDB Collection
MongoDB generic command result document
A lazy cursor for Mongo query results
A MongoDB database reference
A MongoDB Database
MongoDB deletion result object
MongoDB Driver Error classes
A file storage utility
A Mongo GridFS file
Index management for a collection
MongoDB single insert result object
MongoDB single insert result object
A connection to a MongoDB server or multi-server deployment
A Mongo Object ID
An iterator for Mongo query results
An iterator for Mongo query results with client-side filtering
Encapsulate and validate a read concern
Encapsulate and validate read preferences
Replication timestamp
MongoDB unacknowledged result object
MongoDB update result object
Encapsulate and validate a write concern


in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/
in lib/MongoDB/