AnyEvent::Memcached - AnyEvent memcached client


Version 0.01_3


This is a developer release. Interface is subject to change.

If you want to rely on some features, please, notify me about them


use AnyEvent::Memcached;

my $memd = AnyEvent::Memcached->new(
    servers => [ "", "" ], # same as in Cache::Memcached
    debug   => 1,
    compress_threshold => 10000,
    namespace => 'my-namespace:',

    cv      => $cv, # AnyEvent->condvar: group callback

$memd->set_servers([ "", "" ]);

# Basic methods are like in Cache::Memcached, but with additional cb => sub { ... };
# first argument to cb is return value, second is the error(s)

$memd->set( key => $value, cb => sub {
    shift or warn "Set failed: @_"
} );

$memd->get( 'key', cb => sub {
    my ($value,$err) = shift;
    $err and return warn "Get failed: @_";
    warn "Value for key is $value";
} );

$memd->mget( [ 'key1', 'key2' ], cb => sub {
    my ($values,$err) = shift;
    $err and return warn "Get failed: @_";
    warn "Value for key1 is $values->{key1} and value for key2 is $values->{key2}"
} );

# Additionally there is rget (see memcachedb-1.2.1-beta)

$memd->rget( 'fromkey', 'tokey', cb => sub {
    my ($value,$err) = shift;
    $err and warn "Get failed: @_";
} );


new %args

Currently supported options:

servers =item namespace =item debug =item cv =item compress_threshold =item compress_enable


Setup server list


Establish connection to all servers and invoke event C<connected>, when ready

set( $key, $value, [cv => $cv], [ expire => $expire ], cb => $cb->( $rc, $err ) )

Unconditionally sets a key to a given value in the memcache.

$rc is


Successfully stored


Item was not stored


Error happens, see $err

add( $key, $value, [cv => $cv], [ expire => $expire ], cb => $cb->( $rc, $err ) )

Like set, but only stores in memcache if the key doesn't already exist.

replace( $key, $value, [cv => $cv], [ expire => $expire ], cb => $cb->( $rc, $err ) )

Like set, but only stores in memcache if the key already exists. The opposite of add.

append( $key, $value, [cv => $cv], [ expire => $expire ], cb => $cb->( $rc, $err ) )

Append the $value to the current value on the server under the $key.

append command first appeared in memcached 1.2.4.

prepend( $key, $value, [cv => $cv], [ expire => $expire ], cb => $cb->( $rc, $err ) )

Prepend the $value to the current value on the server under the $key.

prepend command first appeared in memcached 1.2.4.

get( $key, [cv => $cv], [ expire => $expire ], cb => $cb->( $rc, $err ) )

Retrieve the value for a $key. $key should be a scalar

mget( $keys : ARRAYREF, [cv => $cv], [ expire => $expire ], cb => $cb->( $rc, $err ) )


Retrieve the values for a $keys.

get_multi : Alias for mget.


gets( $keys : ARRAYREF, [cv => $cv], [ expire => $expire ], cb => $cb->( $rc, $err ) )

Retrieve the value and its CAS for a $key. $key should be a scalar.


delete( $key, [cv => $cv], [ noreply => 1 ], cb => $cb->( $rc, $err ) )

Delete $key and its value from the cache.

If noreply is true, cb doesn't required


Alias for "delete"


Alias for "delete"

incr( $key, $increment, [cv => $cv], [ noreply => 1 ], cb => $cb->( $rc, $err ) )

Increment the value for the $key by $delta. Starting with memcached 1.3.3 $key should be set to a number or the command will fail. Note that the server doesn't check for overflow.

If noreply is true, cb doesn't required, and if passed, simply called with rc = 1

Similar to DBI, zero is returned as "0E0", and evaluates to true in a boolean context.

decr( $key, $decrement, [cv => $cv], [ noreply => 1 ], cb => $cb->( $rc, $err ) )

Opposite to incr

rget( $from, $till, [ max => 100 ], [ '+left' => 1 ], [ '+right' => 1 ], [cv => $cv], cb => $cb->( $rc, $err ) )

Memcachedb 1.2.1-beta implements rget method, that allows to look through the whole storage


the starting key


finishing key


If true, then starting key will be included in results. true by default


If true, then finishing key will be included in results. true by default


Maximum number of results to fetch. 100 is the maximum and is the default


Since there is developer release, there may be a lot of bugs

Feature requests are welcome

Bug reports are welcome


Mons Anderson, <mons at>


Copyright 2009 Mons Anderson, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.