XML::Hash::LX - Convert hash to xml and xml to hash using LibXML
Version 0.04
use XML::Hash::LX;
my $hash = xml2hash $xmlstring, attr => '.', text => '~';
my $hash = xml2hash $xmldoc;
my $xmlstr = hash2html $hash, attr => '+', text => '#text';
my $xmldoc = hash2html $hash, doc => 1, attr => '+';
# Usage with XML::LibXML
my $doc = XML::LibXML->new->parse_string($xml);
my $xp = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new($doc);
$xp->registerNs('rss', '');
# then process xpath
for ($xp->findnodes('//rss:item')) {
# and convert to hash concrete nodes
my $item = xml2hash($_);
print Dumper+$item
This module is a companion for XML::LibXML
. It operates with LibXML objects, could return or accept LibXML objects, and may be used for easy data transformations
It is faster in parsing then XML::Simple, XML::Hash, XML::Twig and of course much slower than XML::Bare ;)
It is faster in composing than XML::Hash, but slower than XML::Simple
Parse benchmark:
Rate Simple Hash Twig Hash::LX Bare
Simple 11.3/s -- -2% -16% -44% -97%
Hash 11.6/s 2% -- -14% -43% -97%
Twig 13.5/s 19% 16% -- -34% -96%
Hash::LX 20.3/s 79% 75% 51% -- -95%
Bare 370/s 3162% 3088% 2650% 1721% --
Compose benchmark:
Rate Hash Hash::LX Simple
Hash 49.2/s -- -18% -40%
Hash::LX 60.1/s 22% -- -26%
Simple 81.5/s 66% 36% --
Benchmark was done on
and hash2xml
are exported by default
Inject toHash method in the namespace of XML::LibXML::Node and allow to call it on any subclass of XML::LibXML::Node directly
By default is disabled
use XML::Hash::LX ':inject';
my $doc = XML::LibXML->new->parse_string($xml);
my $hash = $doc->toHash(%opts);
xml2hash $xml, [ OPTIONS ]
XML could be XML::LibXML::Document, XML::LibXML::DocumentPart or string
hash2xml $hash, [ doc => 1, ] [ OPTIONS ]
Id doc
option is true, then returned value is XML::LibXML::Document, not string
Every option could be passed as arguments to function or set as global variable in XML::Hash::LX
Options respecting convertations from xml to hash
- order [ = 0 ]
Strictly keep the output order. When enabled, structures become more complex, but xml could be completely reverted
- attr [ = '-' ]
Attribute prefix
<node attr="test" /> => { node => { -attr => "test" } }
- text [ = '#text' ]
Key name for storing text
<node>text<sub /></node> => { node => { sub => '', '#text' => "test" } }
- join [ = '' ]
Join separator for text nodes, splitted by subnodes
Ignored when
in effect# default: xml2hash( '<item>Test1<sub />Test2</item>' ) : { item => { sub => '', '~' => 'Test1Test2' } }; # global $XML::Hash::LX::X2H{join} = '+'; xml2hash( '<item>Test1<sub />Test2</item>' ) : { item => { sub => '', '~' => 'Test1+Test2' } }; # argument xml2hash( '<item>Test1<sub />Test2</item>', join => '+' ) : { item => { sub => '', '~' => 'Test1+Test2' } };
- trim [ = 1 ]
Trim leading and trailing whitespace from text nodes
- cdata [ = undef ]
When defined, CDATA sections will be stored under this key
# cdata = undef <node><![CDATA[ test ]]></node> => { node => 'test' } # cdata = '#' <node><![CDATA[ test ]]></node> => { node => { '#' => 'test' } }
- comm [ = undef ]
When defined, comments sections will be stored under this key
When undef, comments will be ignored
# comm = undef <node><!-- comm --><sub/></node> => { node => { sub => '' } } # comm = '/' <node><!-- comm --><sub/></node> => { node => { sub => '', '/' => 'comm' } }
$XML::Hash::LX::X2A [ = 0 ]
Global array casing
Ignored when X2H{order}
in effect
As option should be passed as
xml2hash $xml, array => 1;
# $X2A = 0
<node><sub/></node> => { node => { sub => '' } }
# $X2A = 1
<node><sub/></node> => { node => [ { sub => [ '' ] } ] }
By element array casing
Ignored when X2H{order}
in effect
As option should be passed as
xml2hash $xml, array => [ nodes list ];
# %X2A = ()
<node><sub/></node> => { node => { sub => '' } }
# %X2A = ( sub => 1 )
<node><sub/></node> => { node => { sub => [ '' ] } }
Options respecting convertations from hash to xml
- attr [ = '-' ]
Attribute prefix
{ node => { -attr => "test", sub => 'test' } } <node attr="test"><sub>test</sub></node>
- text [ = '#text' ]
Key name for storing text
{ node => { sub => '', '#text' => "test" } } <node>text<sub /></node> # or <node><sub />text</node> # order of keys is not predictable
- trim [ = 1 ]
Trim leading and trailing whitespace from text nodes
# trim = 1 { node => { sub => [ ' ', 'test' ], '#text' => "test" } } <node>test<sub>test</sub></node> # trim = 0 { node => { sub => [ ' ', 'test' ], '#text' => "test" } } <node>test<sub> test</sub></node>
- cdata [ = undef ]
When defined, such key elements will be saved as CDATA sections
# cdata = undef { node => { '#' => 'test' } } => <node><#>test</#></node> # it's bad ;) # cdata = '#' { node => { '#' => 'test' } } => <node><![CDATA[test]]></node>
- comm [ = undef ]
When defined, such key elements will be saved as comment sections
# comm = undef { node => { '/' => 'test' } } => <node></>test<//></node> # it's very bad! ;) # comm = '/' { node => { '/' => 'test' } } => <node><!-- test --></node>
None known
With default settings should produce the same output as this module. Settings are similar by effect
Mons Anderson, <mons at>
Copyright 2009 Mons Anderson, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.