PDFLib::PPS -- PDFLib Personalization Server OO Interface


use PDFLib::PPS;

my $search_path = "$FindBin::Bin/../data";
my $template    = "boilerplate.pdf";

my %data = ("name"                      => "Victor Kraxi",
            "business.title"            => "Chief Paper Officer",
            "business.address.line1"    => "17, Aviation Road",
            ""     => "Paperfield",
            "business.telephone.voice"  => "phone +1 234 567-89",
            "business.telephone.fax"    => "fax +1 234 567-98",
            ""            => "victor\",
	      "business.homepage"         => ""

my $pdf = PDFLib::PPS->new(filename	    => "/tmp/business.pdf",
			     SearchPath	    => $search_path,
			     BlockContainer => $template,
			     BlockData	    => \%data);

$pdf->fill_in or die "unable to fill in the block container";


PDFLib::PPS is a convenience wrapper/OO interface around the PDFlib Personalization Service. See for info about the PPS.

The goal is to be able to associate some key/value pairs with a template (i.e., a "Block Container") and end up with a PDF.



The object creation is delegated to PDFLib; see the PDFLib perldoc for details. There are three additional parameters which might be useful: SearchPath (which is then set as the SearchPath parameter), BlockContainer (the PDF document with the named blocks defined within, maybe well thought of as a 'template'), and BlockData (a hashref of block-name => block-text pairs).


Shoves BlockData into the BlockContainer specified. Returns undef on error or the string "OK" upon success.

GET/SET Methods

search_path([new path])

Get/Set the SearchPath parameter.

block_data([data hashref])

Get/Set the BlockData.

block_datum(key, [new value])

Get/Set the named BlockData datum.

block_container([new block container])

Get/Set the BlockContainer.


NB: "Objects" here are whatever the PDFlib bindings require in PDF_* subroutines. I suspect that these are not actual objects, but it doesn't really matter.


Get/Set the current container "object"


Get/Set the current page "object"


Calls both PDF_being_page_ext and PDF_fit_pdi_page. The geometry will be adjusted to fit the imported block container.


Calls PDF_end_page_ext.


Sets the SearchPath and attempts to open BlockContainer with PDF_open_pdi_document. Returns undef on failure or the container "object" upon success. This "object" is suitable for sending to container(), above.


Calls PDF_close_pdi. Note these subroutines are not identically named.

open_pdi_page(page number)

Calls PDF_open_pdi_page. Returns undef on failure, and the page "object" upon success. This "object" is suitable for sending to current_page(), above.


Calls PDF_close_pdi_page.


Returns the number of pages in the container (which must have been set).


Returns the number of blocks on the container's current page. Both container and current_page must be set.


Returns a list of the block names on the container's current page. Both container and current_page must be set.

font_for_block(block name)

Returns the text string naming the font to be used for the specified block. Block name must exist, container and current_page must be set.

encoding_for_block(block name)

A wicked hack. Returns a string suitable for the last argument in PDF_fill_textblock, so long as the font for the named block is Helvetica or ZapfDingbats. For other fonts it's a crapshoot as yet.


No doubt, and only the text fillin method is supported as yet. I only have access to a couple of PDF BlockContainers and this code works reliably for those. Without Acrobat I'm unable to drum up more test cases.


Kevin Montuori <>
August 2007