DDC::Query - pure-perl wrapper for parsed DDC queries [DEPRECATED]
- DDC::Query
- DDC::Query::Root
- DDC::Query::Negatable
- DDC::Query::BinOp
- DDC::Query::And
- DDC::Query::Or
- DDC::Query::With
- DDC::Query::Atomic
- DDC::Query::Token
- DDC::Query::TokExact
- DDC::Query::TokExpand
- DDC::Query::TokPrefix
- DDC::Query::TokSuffix
- DDC::Query::TokInfix
- DDC::Query::TokRegex
- DDC::Query::Any
- DDC::Query::TokSet
- DDC::Query::TokSetExpand
- DDC::Query::TokSetExact
- DDC::Query::TokSetPrefix
- DDC::Query::TokSetSuffix
- DDC::Query::TokSetInfix
- DDC::Query::TokThes
- DDC::Query::TokMorph
- DDC::Query::TokLemma
- DDC::Query::TokChunk
- DDC::Query::TokAnchor
- DDC::Query::TokFile
- DDC::Query::Near
- DDC::Query::Phrase
- DDC::Query::Seq
use DDC::Query;
DDC::Query Synopsis
## Constructors etc.
$q = $CLASS_OR_OBJ->new(%args);
$q = $q->negate();
$bool = $q->negatable();
$bool = $q->negated();
@items = $q->expandItems();
@dtrs = $q->dtrs();
$str = $q->toString();
\@nodes = $q->dfs();
## Root: root queries (with filters)
$q = $CLASS_OR_OBJ->new(%args);
$str = $q->toString();
DDC::Query::Root Synopsis
## Negatable: negatable queries
$bool = $q->negatable();
$str = $q->negString($str);
DDC::Query::Negatable Synopsis
## BinOp
DDC::Query::BinOp Synopsis
## Q1 && Q2
DDC::Query::And Synopsis
## Q1 || Q2
DDC::Query::Or Synopsis
## Q1 with Q2
$bool = $q->negatable();
DDC::Query::With Synopsis
DDC::Query::Atomic Synopsis
## Token: single-token queries
$str = $q->indexString() ##-- uses $q->{index};
$str = $q->valueString() ##-- uses $q->{value};
$str = $q->expandString() ##-- uses $q->{expand};
DDC::Query::Token Synopsis
DDC::Query::TokExact Synopsis
DDC::Query::TokExpand Synopsis
DDC::Query::TokPrefix Synopsis
DDC::Query::TokSuffix Synopsis
DDC::Query::TokInfix Synopsis
DDC::Query::TokRegex Synopsis
## $INDEX=*
DDC::Query::Any Synopsis
## TokSet: $INDEX={W1,W2,...} : abstract
$str = $q->valueString() ##-- uses $q->{values};
DDC::Query::TokSet Synopsis
## TokSetExpand: $INDEX={W1,W2,...}
@items = $q->expandItems();
DDC::Query::TokSetExpand Synopsis
## TokSetExact: $INDEX=@{W1,W2,...}
DDC::Query::TokSetExact Synopsis
## TokSetPrefix: $INDEX={W1,W2,...}*
DDC::Query::TokSetPrefix Synopsis
## TokSetSuffix: $INDEX=*{W1,W2,...}
DDC::Query::TokSetSuffix Synopsis
## TokSetInfix: $INDEX=*{W1,W2,...}*
DDC::Query::TokSetInfix Synopsis
## TokThes: $INDEX={THES1:THES2:...}
DDC::Query::TokThes Synopsis
## TokMorph: $INDEX=[M1,M2,..]
DDC::Query::TokMorph Synopsis
## TokLemma: $INDEX=%LEMMA
DDC::Query::TokLemma Synopsis
## TokChunk: $INDEX=^CHUNK
DDC::Query::TokChunk Synopsis
DDC::Query::TokAnchor Synopsis
## <FILE
DDC::Query::TokFile Synopsis
## Near :
DDC::Query::Near Synopsis
## Phrase: "W1 #D1 W2 ... WN"
DDC::Query::Phrase Synopsis
(no documentation found for package DDC::Query::Phrase)
DDC::Query::Seq Synopsis
(no documentation found for package DDC::Query::Seq)
The DDC::Query hierarchy provides pure-perl wrapper classes for parsed DDC queries. Its use is deprecated in favor of the DDC::XS::CQuery class hierarchy providing direct access to the underlying C++ libraries.
DDC::Query Description
Globals etc.
Constructors etc.
- new
$q = $CLASS_OR_OBJ->new(%args);
%args, %$q:
( class => $class, ##-- subclass dtrs => \@args, ##-- array of sub-queries (e.g. DDC::Query objects) #... )
- negate
$q = $q->negate();
- negatable
$bool = $q->negatable();
- negated
$bool = $q->negated();
- expandItems
@items = $q->expandItems();
returns list of source items to be expanded (e.g. by CAB); empty list for none
- dtrs
@dtrs = $q->dtrs();
- toString
$str = $q->toString();
stringification operator
- dfs
\@nodes = $q->dfs();
returns query nodes in depth-first search order
Root: root queries (with filters)
- Variable: @ISA
- new
$q = $CLASS_OR_OBJ->new(%args);
%args, %$q:
( root => $q, ##-- query root filters => \@filters, ##-- array of DDC::Query::Filter objects )
- dtrs
- toString
$str = $q->toString();
stringification operator
DDC::Query::Root Description
Negatable: negatable queries
- Variable: @ISA
- negatable
$bool = $q->negatable();
- negString
$str = $q->negString($str);
stringification operator
DDC::Query::Negatable Description
DDC::Query::BinOp Description
Q1 && Q2
DDC::Query::And Description
Q1 || Q2
DDC::Query::Or Description
Q1 with Q2
DDC::Query::With Description
Atomic: sequenceable queries
DDC::Query::Atomic Description
Token: single-token queries
- Variable: @ISA
- new
- toString
- indexString
$str = $q->indexString() ##-- uses $q->{index};
$str = $q->indexString($index)
- valueString
$str = $q->valueString() ##-- uses $q->{value};
$str = $q->valueString($val)
- expandString
$str = $q->expandString() ##-- uses $q->{expand};
$str = $q->expandString(\@expand)
DDC::Query::Token Description
DDC::Query::TokExact Description
DDC::Query::TokExpand Description
DDC::Query::TokPrefix Description
DDC::Query::TokSuffix Description
DDC::Query::TokInfix Description
DDC::Query::TokRegex Description
DDC::Query::Any Description
TokSet: $INDEX={W1,W2,...} : abstract
- Variable: @ISA
- new
- valueString
$str = $q->valueString() ##-- uses $q->{values};
$str = $q->valueString(\@values) returned string includes brackets
DDC::Query::TokSet Description
TokSetExpand: $INDEX={W1,W2,...}
- Variable: @ISA
- new
- expandItems
@items = $q->expandItems();
DDC::Query::TokSetExpand Description
TokSetExact: $INDEX=@{W1,W2,...}
DDC::Query::TokSetExact Description
TokSetPrefix: $INDEX={W1,W2,...}*
DDC::Query::TokSetPrefix Description
TokSetSuffix: $INDEX=*{W1,W2,...}
DDC::Query::TokSetSuffix Description
TokSetInfix: $INDEX=*{W1,W2,...}*
DDC::Query::TokSetInfix Description
TokThes: $INDEX={THES1:THES2:...}
DDC::Query::TokThes Description
TokMorph: $INDEX=[M1,M2,..]
DDC::Query::TokMorph Description
DDC::Query::TokLemma Description
DDC::Query::TokChunk Description
DDC::Query::TokAnchor Description
DDC::Query::TokFile Description
Near :
DDC::Query::Near Description
Phrase: "W1 #D1 W2 ... WN"
- Variable: @ISA
- Variable: @ISA
- new
- dtrs
- toString
DDC::Query::Phrase Description
(no documentation found for package DDC::Query::Phrase)
DDC::Query::Seq Description
(no documentation found for package DDC::Query::Seq)
perl by Larry Wall.
Bryan Jurish <>
Copyright (c) 2011-2015, Bryan Jurish. All rights reserved.
This package is free software. You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
perl(1), DDC::XS(3perl).